Week 2 - Philosophy and principle of palliative care Flashcards
why are people dying differently than many years ago
- increased life expectancy
- more chronic illness
- life saving interventions
- tech
WHO definition of Palliative care
- approach that improves a QOL of patients and their families facing problems associated with life-limiting illness.
- through the prevention and relief of suffering using early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical psychological, and spiritual
Goal of palliative care
improve QOL of those who are suffering from severe diseases
theoretical principles of palliative care
Structure (3)
- multidisciplinary team
- 24/7 service
- network: cross setting
- patient population
- timing
- family/relatives
control of symptoms
comprehensive care
knowledge skills and attitudes
prevention and relief of suffering
improvement in Q of L
previous beliefs of palliative care
active treatment, palliative, death
very demarcated
ended when pt died
evolving model of PC
diagnosis- death
-a curative approach aimed at treating the disease or prolonging life
-palliative care is focused on symptom control and quality of life
- ## combination of curative and palliative therapies
another model
included psychosocial and spiritual support
disease-focused care
comfort-focused care
follow up
term living well used to
honor the belief that persons are simultaneously living and dying
bow tie model of 21st century
disease management PC
cure rehab
control PC unit or hospice
Symptom management
_____________________________________> EOL care
survivorship and bereavement added to PC side
palliative care has an aim to
alleviate suffering (physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual) rather than curing
principles of hospice and PC can be
integrated into care early in the dying process