Week 2: Language, Reference & Meaning Flashcards
definition of language (3)
1) a mode of communication based on symbolic reference
2) involving combinatorial rules
3) has a system for representing logical relationships among symbols
two core components of language
Word meaning/symbolic references
Syntax: rules for combining words to sentences.
types of non-symbolic references
References: one thing (a sign) ‘brings to mind’ another thing
laughter, facial expressions, gestures, alarm calls….
Peirce’s three modes of reference is … …
Peirce’s three modes of reference defined by … …
1) nature of the relationship between the sign and
2) that which is signified.
Iconic references definition
1) has a physical similarity between the sign and what it signifies
2) underpins how we ‘re-cognise’ similarity between the current input and previous experiences
Iconic references:
Basis for
basic perceptual recognition processes
perceptual forms of mental representation
Indexical Reference is based on
a physical/temporal contiguity (correlation, co-occurrence) between a sign and what it signifies
when words point directly to their meaning, they are _____ references
eg: here, there, nouns.
**language usually start @ this level
Symbolic reference definition
Symbolic reference is based on some formal or agreed upon link
Symbolic reference holds irrespective of:
1) similarity in physical characteristics betw sign or object (iconic)
2) physical or temporal contiguity between sign and object (index)
References properties. Of the 3 forms of relatuonship
1) 3 forms are not mutually exclusive forms of reference.
2) has a hierarchical representational structure
3) symbolic lvl depends on establishment of the iconic and indexical lvls. (S grounded in the lower lvls)
Role of Iconic relationship in symbolic learning
Iconic relationships between one instance of a word and another is important for reliable word recognition
Role of Indexical relationship in symbolic learning
Establishing the link between a word and its referent
as the occurrence of the word is is initially associated with the presence of the object
symbolic meaning is a function of … .
of the relationship that a symbol has to other symbols within a symbolic system
Higher-order correlations between words within a grammar > co-occurrence of a word and its referent in time/space
reasons that made symbolic meaning hard:
1) Words with similar meanings are often used alternatively, not together
2) Words with different meanings tend to be adjacent to one another.
3) The frequency with which specific word combinations are repeated is extremely low.
they are considered unreliable relationships would be easily extinguished.
Details of Sue Savage-Rumbaugh’s study with chimpanzees
RQ: Does a chimp know that a symbol can stand for an object that may be absent?
system used: lexigrams
Details of Sherman and Austin:
3 steps to acquire symbolic learning
1) comprehension not production and symbolic reference rather than syntax.
(request task: show banana, choose lexigrams, give banana)
indexical rs
2) Gradually de-coupled the name from the presence of the object (decontextualized)
(fading technique: distinction between naming and requesting) unlearning of indexical
3) learn communicating symbolically with each other about an object that was not visible
(hiding task: signal whats in the box)
the 1st experiment for to show that Sherman and Austin communicating (Theory of Mind.)
1) informer
2) responder
communicating what is in the box with lexigrams
the 2nd experiment for to show that Sherman and Austin communicating with lexigrams (with food and tools)
Sherman and Austin in different rooms. (tools or food)
“Requester” -> tool
“Responder” -> identify tool and then pass it through.
They then were able to share the food.