Week 2: Intro to Cytogenetics Flashcards
It refers to the study of the laws of hereditary transmission in living organisms. It began with Mendel’s study of inheritance in garden peas.
Classical genetics
The study of genes in populations of animals, plants, and microbes provides information on past migrations, evolutionary relationships and extents of mixing among different varieties and species, and methods of adaptation to the environment.
Population genetics
Branch of genetics that studies the structure of the DNA within the cell nucleus. It studies the number and morphology of the chromosomes.
The study of the molecular structure of DNA, its cellular activities (including its replication), and its influence in determining the overall makeup of an organism.
Molecular genetics
He proposed that “humors” served as bearers of traits.
Meaning of humors?
body fluids
He proposed the theory of epigenesis.
William Harvey
This theory states that organisms came from a fertilized egg which then undergoes developmental changes to become an individual.
theory of epigenesis
It states that the fertilized egg contains a complete miniature adult called a homunculus.
Preformationism states that the fertilized egg contains a complete miniature adult called a?
It refers to the creation of living organisms from non-living organisms.
Spontaneous Generation
He proposed that existing species arose by descent with modification from ancestral species.
Charles Darwin
He formulated the theory of Evolution and Natural Selection.
Charles Darwin
Natural selection states that?
individuals with heritable traits that allow them to adapt to their environment are better able to survive and reproduce than those with less adaptive traits
He published a paper describing how traits are passed from one generation to the other, utilizing pea plants as models.
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel published a paper describing how traits are passed from one generation to the other, utilizing ________ as models.
pea plants
He proposed that traits are passed from parents to offspring in a predictable manner.
Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel further concluded that each trait in pea plants is controlled by a pair of factors (which we now call _________ ) and that members of a gene pair separate from each other during gamete formation (the formation of egg cells and sperm).
Heredity is dependent on the genes contained in the structures called ___________. The chromosomes were contributed to the individual by the gametes.
The characteristic number of chromosomes a eukaryote has in most of its cells.
Diploid number (2n)
Chromosomes in diploid cells exist in pairs called?
homologous chromosomes
Chromosomes behave differently during the two forms of cell division, namely?
mitosis and meiosis
In ________, the chromosomes are copied and distributed to each daughter cell. Both cells obtain a diploid set of chromosomes.
In ________, the cells receive only one chromosome from each chromosome pair, and the resulting number of chromosome is called the haploid number (n).
In meiosis, the cells receive only one chromosome from each chromosome pair, and the resulting number of chromosome is called the _______________.
haploid number (n)
The chromosomal theory of inheritance states that “inherited traits are controlled by _______ residing on _______ faithfully transmitted through _______, maintaining genetic continuity from generation to generation.
genes; chromosomes; gametes
The major chemical component of chromosomes were?
DNA and proteins
It is a long, ladder-like macromolecule that twists to form a double helix.
Who won the Nobel prize for discovering DNA?
James Watson, Francis Crick
Each strand of the DNA molecule is made up of?
The four types of nucleotides found in DNA are?
A (adenine), G (guanine),
C (cytosine), T (thymine)
The DNA ladder are exact __________ of each other, so that the double helix consist of A=T and G=C base pairs.
It is a single-stranded molecule that contains uracil (U) in place of thymine.
The genetic information in the DNA is expressed to form a functional gene product, which in most cases, a?
In eukaryotic cells, the gene expression process begins in the nucleus with?
The mRNA produced from transcription then moves to the cytoplasm and migrates to the?
The synthesis of protein under the direction of the mRNA is called?
Information encoded in mRNA (the genetic code) consists of linear series of nucleotide triplets called?
Each codon is ____________ to the information stored in DNA and specifies the insertion of a specific amino acid into a protein.
Protein assemble is accomplished with the aid of __________.
_______, the largest category of proteins, serve as biological catalysts.
Protein that carries and transports oxygen.
Proteins that regulate body processes.
protein hormones, e.g. insulin
Proteins that take part in muscle?
actin and myosin
Proteins in connective tissue?
A protein’s shape and chemical behavior are determined by its _________ of amino acids.
linear sequence
Once a protein is made, its biochemical or structural properties play a role in producing a?
When __________ alters a gene, it may modify or even eliminate the encoded protein’s usual function and cause an altered phenotype.
Researchers discovered _____________ that could be used to cut any organism’s DNA at specific nucleotide sequences, therefore producing a reproducible set of DNA fragments.
restriction enzymes
Soon researchers discovered ways on how to insert the DNA fragments into carrier DNA molecules through __________ to form recombinant DNA molecules.
The recombinant DNA will be transferred into bacterial cells to produce thousand of copies, or?
The cloned DNA fragments can be isolated from the?
bacterial host cells
Function of cloned DNA fragments?
- to isolate genes
- study their organization and expression
- study their nucleotide sequence and evolution
The use of recombinant DNA technology and other molecular techniques to make products is called?
Application of biotechnology?
- Agriculture - use of recombinant DNA technology to genetically modify crop plants.
- Changed the way human proteins for medical use are produced.
- Biotechnology-derived genetic testing is now available to perform prenatal diagnosis of heritable disorders and to test parents for their status as heterozygous carriers of more than 100 inherited disorders.
The study of genome. It studies the structure, function, and evolution of genes and genomes.
It identifies the set of proteins present in a cell under a given set of conditions, and studies their functions and interactions.
A subfield of information technology used to store, retrieve and analyze the massive amount of data generated by genomics and proteomics.
Geneticists gradually came to focus attention on small number of organisms, including the _____ and _____.
fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and the mouse (Mus musculus)
Scientific name of fruit fly?
Drosophila melanogaster
Scientific name of mouse?
Mus musculus
Reasons for using small number of organism?
(1) genetic mechanisms were the same in most organisms
(2) these organisms had characteristics that made them especially suitable for genetic research (They were easy to grow, had relatively short life cycles, produced many offspring, and their genetic analysis was fairly straightforward.)
Organisms used to study the principles of inheritance were called?
model organisms