Week 2: Cultural evolution and development Flashcards
What is the evidence of culture in different species?
Bottlenose dolphins use sponges as foraging tools.
Different populations of killer whales speak different dialects.
Even guppies and octopus show cultural learning.
Why does the way that humans learn culture stand out?
- we are faster
- the imitation is targeted as we only imitate the best available prototype, while animals would not distinguish between these-> saves the cost of individual learning and increases frequency and intimacy
What is important to remember about imitation and prestige?
Very similar to natural selection, there exist cultural selection processes that favor certain types of cultural transmission over others.
Cultural selection favors improved learning efficiencies, like coping the best protoype
Cultural selection favors behaviors in the learner that lead to better learning environments, such as better intimacy
What is imitative learning?
A type of social learning in which the learner internalizes aspects of the model’s goals and behavioral strategies. Learners copy precisely what they think the model is trying to do. So it is less effective and more precise
What is emulative learning?
a type of social learning focused on the environmental events involved with a model’s behavior, such as how the use of one object could potentially affect changes in the state of the environment. It is more effective and less precise
What is the difference between the two?
Emulative learning does not care about the model’s intentions, and they will try to figure things out for themselves. The different types of social learning have implications for the accumulation of cultural information.
How did cultural learning become possible?
Theory of Mind (ToM): allows for imitative learning because we can understand others’ intentions
Language: allows for more sophisticated ways of communicating our ideas and intentions, but also to coordinate with others
What is the Ratchet effect?
Once an initial idea has been learned from others, it can then be modified and improved by other individuals. The cultural information thus grows in complexity and utility over time. So we need very precise imitation and innovation otherwise cultural knowledge would disappear
What facilitates cultural learning?
Our Our encephalization quotient (the ratio of our brain size to our body size) is bigger than any other mammal. Our brain is so big that we need 16% of our metabolism (our general energy) for its functioning. It provided an evolutionary advantage so that we could function in our communications and in social groups
What are the implications of having a large brain?
- weaker muscles
- shorter guts as we cook our food so most of digestion happens outside of our body
What is the social brain hypothesis?
Most of the primate brain expansion happens in the neocortex (high neocortex ratio linked to social variables like group size and complexity of social mating). This is where social computational processes take place (voluntary inhibitory control resulting in social harmony). Sub-cortical structures are where more ecological processing takes place like cognitive mapping
Where does culture come form?
Cultural norms are adaptive responses to features of the ecology. Proximal causes are those that have direct and immediate relations with their effects like technology. Distal causes are initial differences that lead to effects over long periods through indirect relations like geography/climate.
How did geography and climate permit for innovation?
- greater exchange of ideas permitted by the denser population in Europe so more inventions
- greater expansion and growth through food producers, diseases led to immunity
- certain crops cannot be transported due to climate obstacles
What is evoked culture?
Agues that cultural norms are a direct response to ecological factors (everyone has biologically encoded behavioural repertoires that are accessible to them, these can be engaged in the appropriate conditions.
What is transmitted culture?
Cultural norms are learned from other individuals, so learn through social learning or modelling others who live near them
Why can more culture be explained by transmission?
Transmitted culture can travel with people when they move to new environments
Transmitted culture is always involved in maintaining and spreading cultural norms, even when evoked cultural responses are also present.
But why is a distinction between them not that straightforward?
A behavioural script may be triggered by ecology, then passed on via social interaction, to become a cultural norm.
How do cultural ideas spread?
Information is shared and retained, and when picked up can become norms. Characteristics of successful ideas:
Usefulness: sharing useful information -> show cooperation -> valuable as relationship partner & increased chance to be helped in the future
Communicability: easy to summarize & socially desirable; norms in regular communicators; p more likely to communicate personally relevant info
Minimally counterintuitive: violating expectations -> more memorable; but ideas should be intuitive/ plausible
Emotionality: sharing (strong) emotional reaction connect with others
How do cultures change?
- globalization as cultures more interconnected through internet, transport, social media leading to cultural homogeneity globally. Glocalization is the adaptation of international products for particularities of a local culture
- more individualistic than in older generations, more socially isolating and work commitments
- increase in IQ (Flynn effect) but cannot be explained by nuitrition as these differences do not map onto IQ decreases
How do cultures persist?
- cultural innovations are constrained by pre-existing structures so early ecological factors have disproportionate influence on cultural evolution such as slave trade resulted in low economic development
- pluralistic ignorance: a situation in which a majority of group members privately rejects a norm, but incorrectly assumes that most others accept it, and therefore goes along with it like alcohol prohibition in the US
How are we hard-wired to learn culture?
Humans are prepared the adjust and seize meaning from the environment, so the human brain is preprogrammed to learn cultural meaning systems. Other species have instinctual knowledge that can help them survive. Evidence for preprogrammed: there is a sensitive period for acquiring culture (enculturation).
What is the sensitive period?
a developmental window that allows for the relatively easy and fast acquisition of a set of skills (acquisition – specialization – exploitation of skills as three developmental transitions that indicate the existence of sensitive periods). Cultural psychologists look at language (easier to operationalize)
What was found about the categorization of phonemes?
From birth there is a universal predisposition to attend to human speech, universal ability to discriminate phonemes. Within 1 year, there is increased ability to discriminate phonemes from our own language and decreased ability to discriminate phonemes in other languages. It becomes whittled down during the critical window of language development
What are Shibboleths?
Accent: for immigrant children the older ones keep the accent and younger ones don’t. Shibboleths: sound or custom that a person is unable to pronounce or perform correctly. It is used to identify foreigners or those who do not belong to a particular class or group of people
How does learning another language change which areas are used?
When learning a 2nd language later, then different brain regions were activated when hearing that language but were both Broca. The same region is activated when the languages are learned at the same time which is before the sensitive window has closed. When it closes, then brain regions are structured, cannot be remodelled and so a new area is occupied instead.
What was found about cases of neglect?
Genie: learned some words, but never learned grammar, syntax); Victor (the wild boy of Aveyron found at age 12) learned “milk” and “ohmygod”. But these are single cases, no experimental control. Romanian orphans are also another example, leading to child abandonment as well.
What did Minoura find about the acculturation of Japanese immigrant children in US?
The age of entry is important for acquisition of new culture, there is a sensitive period before 9-10 years. Alternative explanation: the longer you are exposed to culture, the more you adopt and identify with the host culture, and a longitudinal design should have been used.
What is acculturation and what are the levels?
refers to the process of cultural change when you interact with another culture (second-culture learning). Involves:
1. cognitive: knowledge of cultural norms & practices (recognizing differences in interpersonal behaviour)
2. behavioral: mastering behaviour & practising the cultural norm
3. affective: showing appropriate emotional reaction when cultural norm is violated.
describes the process of first-culture learning
What was found about acculturation of Chinese immigrant children in Canada?
Found that it wasn’t the amount of exposure, but the age of entry before the end of the sensitive period predicts identification with the 2nd culture. Sensitive period around 15, but later experiments did not replicate this finding when using a larger sample
What is developmental niche theory?
The composite of 2 interacting sub-systems:
1) Physical and social settings – who is there, what affordances are provided by the physical space
2) Customs and practices of child rearing – inherited and adapted ways of nurturing, entertaining, educating, and protecting the child
3) The psychology of the caretakers, particularly parental ethnotheories of child development and parenting, which play a directive role in actual practices.
Shows that context is important when comparing cultures
What is the cultural variation in Early Developmental Experiences?
Personal space
Parenting style
Attachment style
Noun bias
All these differences in early developmental experiences lead to profound differences later in life
What is an example of the early developmental differences? (do not need to memorize)
African babies excel at development of motor skills like holding head up and sitting and walking faster. Seen as premature (ethnocentrism as white development seen as norm). There are differences in child reading practices to develop motor skills like bodily contact, baby massage and baby carried on back.
What was found about personal space?
More bodily contact was highest for Cameroonian children, and lowest for German and Greek. But the there was more face to face contact for German and Greek infants (could have an effect on the development of individuality)
What was found about co-sleeping
Americans had a preference for children sleeping separately while Indians had an equal preference, which reflect the ideals for the sacred couple and autonomy (US and protection of vulnerable, female chastity anxiety and respect for hierarchy (India). Co-sleeping was common in Asian, African and Latin American countries while not for European and North American rarely did. Worry about the separation btw parents and the child while Europeans worried about a lack of privacy.
What are the arguments for and against co-sleeping?
For: can save the baby’s life, promote bonding, parents can get more sleep and facilitate breastfeeding. Older babies can breastfeed during the night without waking their mother, reduced stress hormones.
Where is Authoritarian parenting more common?
East Asia, Egypt, Turkey, Latin-America. Authoritarian parenting has better outcomes in certain cultures than others. However, a parenting style that is too authoritarian relates to maladjustment across cultures and less happiness in children (despite family cohesion and better grades)
What are measurement issues?
Developmental stage: in many Asian cultures infants and toddlers are shown a great deal of indulgence and later on parents become stricter.
Expression of warmth: what may look like cold behavior in West may be perceived as concern and interest in East.
Jiao xun: have children adhere to socially desirable behaviors by providing explicit examples of proper behavior, it entails devotion and sacrifice on the part of the parents
What is the explanation for authoritarian parenting?
Training is a form of nurturing for Chinese parents as provides parental involvement and support but does not have overt demonstrations of affection for the child which is emphasized by Western cultures
Differences between authoritative parenting style and authoritarian?
Authoritative: values autonomy, self-reliance and has perceived parental warmth
Authoritarian: values respect for hierarchy, involves perceived parental warmth, academic performance, family cohesion, less happy
Should not be viewed as distinct categories but instead as a continuum
Attachment style
Japan: highest secure attachment styles
Germany: highest avoidant
Israel: highest anxious
What is noun bias?
There is cultural variation in the first words that children learn (the prevalence of nouns relative to verbs in vocabulary). Linguistic explanation is that nouns or verbs can appear on salient positions depending on language/pronouns can be dropped. Cultural explanation is that children learn to communicate about objects differently across cultures.
Differences in noun bias West vs East?
West: Description of objects in terms of their characteristics and object-focused communication which results in analytic reasoning
East: Description of objects in terms of their relations with other objects, action-focused communication resulting in holistic reasoning
What is theory of mind?
the ability to understand that others have minds that are different from one’s own, and thus that they have their own distinct perspectives and intentions.
What is an experiment that looked at emulative vs imitative learning?
Children and chimpanzees are shown a model using a tool to get a desired object in 1 of 2 ways:
1) Most effective: the tool is turned upside down which provides a better dragging tool.
2) Ineffective: the tool is used with the teeth down, which is not the most effective way.
Children used imitative learning, which resulted in less effective use in the second condition. Chimpanzees showed emulative learning, using the tool in the most effective way both times. Emulative learning can be a clever and creative form of learning, which might be more adaptive/efficient in some situations. But, it doesn’t allow for the accumulation of cultural information.
What is needed for cultural evolution?
Cultural evolution requires creative invention and high-fidelity social transmission so that new information is repeated enough. This in turn requires precise imitative learning (theory of mind) and sophisticated communication (language).
How can population size affect cultural evolution?
The more population size and interconnection increases, the more cultural accumulation is maintained and increased because the higher the likelihood of having and encountering a successful model to copy and build on.
Losses in cultural information can occur if the size of a population of interconnected minds
shrinks, leaving learners with less skilled models to copy from (mathematical model of Henrich).
What was found about the neocortex?
Comparisons of the neocortex ratio across primates shows that those living in larger social groups tended to have larger neocortex ratios.
Which task do humans have an advantage over compared to primates?
Social learning tasks
What is the social learning task?
Children and primates were given a social problem-solving task in which they observed a model solve a problem and subsequently had to solve it themselves. They could only do this by performing the same behaviors as the model. Children were far more likely to do precisely what the model did compared to other primates.
What is the proximal cause of Spaniards conquering the Incans?
The Spaniards had steel swords, guns, and ships, while the Incans had stone clubs, slingshots, and
quilt armor. Also, Spanish explorers spread a smallpox epidemic.
What were the distal causes of the conquering?
- Domesticated plant species: Eurasia’s land had a variety of plant species especially suitable for
domestication, which led to agriculture -> sedentary lifestyle -> development of tools and
technology. - Domesticated animal species: Eurasia also had domesticated animal species, which led to the
development of diseases -> resistance to them in the course of time (immunity). - Geographical position: a denser population in Eurasia and a major continental axis running from
east to west (instead of north to south) permitted a greater exchange of ideas, which allowed for inventions and wide-spread immunity.
What is evoked culture?
the notion that all people have certain biologically based behavioral repertoires that are accessible to them, which are engaged when appropriate situational conditions arise. Thus, norms will arise when
certain behaviors are engaged often in the environment. People from around the world prefer mates who are more physically attractive, however, in environments with higher parasite prevalence this preference is most important (because it is an index of health).
How can ecology impact cultural norms?
The environment in which people live (climate) can influence cultural norms. Harsher environments
and scarcer resources result in more masculinity values.
Why can the majority of cultural differences be explained by transmitted culture?
- Travel with people: it can travel with people when they move to new environments.
- Involvement in cultural norms: it is always involved in maintaining and spreading cultural norms,
even when evoked culture is also present. - Transmitted culture is often of more importance than evoked culture, which can also be seen by
the fact that people inhabiting the same regions can still have different cultures.
What is natural selection?
the evolutionary process that occurs when (1) individual variability exists among members of species on certain traits, (2) these traits are associated with different reproductive rates, and (3) these
traits have a hereditary basis. The proportion of advantageous traits will increase over time.
What is cultural evolution?
the process by which some cultural ideas are more likely to attract followers than others, thereby
becoming more common in a population (just as in natural selection). However, these ideas are not tied to genes so they can be passed to more people than just offspring and they do not have to be adaptive.
Why are communicable, useful, emotional and unexpected ideas more likely to spread?
- more likely to be talked about
- sharing useful info shows cooperation which increases the likelihood of being helped in the future
- sharing emotional ideas connects people with others
- minimally counterintuitive so more likely to be remember
What are minimally counterintuitive ideas?
ideas that violate our expectations enough to be considered
surprising and unusual, but not too bizarre (still largely intuitive
What is dynamic social impact theory?
a theory that states that individuals influence each other through interacting, ultimately leading to
cultures: norms develop between those that communicate regularly.
Why has individualism increased?
Increasing financial and time pressures, suburbanization, electronic entertainment or increased social economic status are contributing to this.
Why is there the flynn effect?
- Nutrition: adequate nutrition is necessary for a fully functioning mind. However: evidence for improved nutrition does not parallel higher IQ scores.
- Education: the amount of education needed to get a good job is increasing. However: IQ scores are also rising among those who do not improve their educational level.
Pop culture: pop culture (video games) has become progressively more complex and challenging. However: it could also be that pop culture has become more complex because humans
became more intelligent and thus, could make more complex things.
What is Raven’s Matrices?
a problem-solving IQ test that doesn’t require any specific cultural knowledge or language skills,
making it supposedly culture-free. This IQ test shows the largest increase in IQ outcome across time, with cultures of recent decades scoring higher than past decades: it is by no means ‘culture-free’.
What was found about the economic development of sub-Saharan Africa?
There were slave trades so were afraid of being captured so people acquired weapons to defend themselves, but were easily acquired from Europeans in exchange for slaves so there was a gun-slave cycle. There was a deep mistrust of those around them, led to low economic development.
What was the alcohol prohibition case study?
Very few people were willing to publicy argue in favour of keeping alcohol legal (supposedly because it was a socially undesirable attitude) but the anti-prohibition feelings were measured after.
What is found about phoneme discrimination?
Native English-speaking babies of different months old are
tested in their ability to distinguish between 2 sounds from the Hindi language. The older they get, the lower the
percentage of infants able to discriminate the Hindi sounds. We are biologically prepared to attend to human speech
as soon as we come into this world. The ability to discriminate all sounds shrinks down to
the ability to perceive and categorize only the phonemes
heard during the critical window of language development
What is acculturation?
the process of cultural change when one interacts with another culture = second culture learning.
Immigrants who move to a new culture after the sensitive window has closed have a difficult time
adjusting to their new culture.
Female chastity anxiety
the value that unmarried post-pubescent women should be protected from engaging in any sexual activity that would be viewed as shameful
How do parenting styles change depending on the stage of development?
In many Asian cultures, infants and toddlers are shown a great deal of indulgence and few
demands placed on them until they reach school age and parents become much stricter.
What are the terrible twos?
a developmental transition characterized by obstinacy and stubbornness that is seen as a period in which a young toddler begins to establish his/her individuality. This period is most pronounced in Western toddlers and not that pronounced in cultures were the focus is less on independence and more on interdependence (Japan).
What is adolescence?
a developmental transition often characterized by symptoms of rebellion and antisocial behavior in the West. It is a universal developmental phase, but rebellion and antisocial behavior are more prevalent in individualistic societies because there are more life choices available, which results in
delayed commitment (an extended period of adolescence) and thereby increased stress and confusion
What is taxonomic categorization?
the ability to categorize items together based on what they have in common. It is reflective of one’s ability to reason analytically, instead of holistically (which focusses on the relationships among items). From these items, which one does not belong?: saw, hammer, log, hatchet. The correct answer based on taxonomic categorization would be the log, but people without education (using holistic reasoning)
could provide all sorts of answers, such as: “The hammer, because the saw and the hatchet could be used to cut the wood and the hammer cannot.”
What is logical reasoning?
the ability to apply a rule on the basis of logical principles rather than on personal experience. It is reflective of abstract thinking rather than concrete thinking. One is presented the following syllogism: Based on logical reasoning the answers should be white, but people without education could say something along the lines of “You should ask people who live there and have seen them”.
Why do US schools perform worse on math compared to East Asian schools?
- Math teaching: in East Asian schools a greater % of class time is devoted to math, more
homework is assigned etc. - Educational values: Asian parents view education as more central in their children’s lives.
- Expectations: American mothers report being far more satisfied with their children’s performance
and they also set lower standards with rising age, while Asian mothers set higher standards. - Language differences: numbers are harder to learn in English than in Japanese, Korean, or
Chinese, because there are more irregular number words in English.
What is rice theory?
A history of rice farming makes cultures more interdependent and holistically-thinking, whereas wheat farming makes cultures more independent and analytically-thinking.
Modernization hypothesis
as societies become wealthier, more educated, and capitalistic, they become more individualistic and analytical. But it is difficult to explain why Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong are persistently collectivistic despite their per-capita gross domestic products being higher than that of the EU.
What is pathogen prevalence theory?
a high prevalence of communicable diseases in some countries made it more dangerous to deal with strangers, making those cultures more collectivistic. But pathogens are strongly correlated with heat, so they might confound with rice growing
What was the method testing rice theory?
It would be flawed to directly compare rice areas (East Asia) and wheat areas (the West), because they also differ on many other factors (religion, politics).Therefore, China (which farms rice in some areas and
wheat in other areas) was used to test rice theory.
What did the results find?
The modernization hypothesis and pathogen prevalence theory were not consistent with the data. Rice theory was the only model that fit the data: rice-growing southern China was indeed found to be more interdependent and holistically thinking than the wheat-growing north.
What was found about norm violations and power?
Cultures high and low on collectivism and tightness were
shown stories of someone violating or adhering to the
norm and had to indicate how much power they perceived
that person to have.
Low collectivistic cultures showed a positive relationship between norm violation and power
perception, while high collectivistic cultures showed a
negative relationship.
What was found about leadership imagery?
Cultures varying on the value of tightness were shown a
group of people and had to indicate who they thought were
in charge of the group. The greater the cultural tightness,
the more likely one was to think of the leader being in the
back of the group rather than in the front.