week 12 - emotions and attitudes Flashcards
define job satisfaction
Positive attitude or emotional state resulting from appraisal of one’s job
job satisfaction brief history
Found both job-related & individual difference variables might influence job satisfaction
what is the hawthorne effect
Change in behavior or attitudes that was the simple result of increased attention
two types of satisfaction measurement
1- overall satisfaction
2- facet satisfaction
explain overall satisfaction
Results either from mathematically combining scores based on satisfaction or a single overall evaluative rating of the job
explain facet satisfaction
Information related to specific elements of job satisfaction
what are the types of satisfaction questionnaires?
1- Job Descriptive Index (JDI): Assesses satisfaction with work itself, supervision, people, pay, & promotion
Heavily researched but tends to be lengthy
1- Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)
Calculates “extrinsic” & “intrinsic” satisfaction scores
define the concept of commitment
Psychological & emotional attachment an individual feels to a relationship, organization, goal, or occupation
what are the 3 components to organizational commitment
(1) acceptance and belief in an organization’s values
(2) a willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization to help meet the goals of that organization
(3) a strong desire to remain in the organization
what are the three forms of organizational commitment
1- Affective commitment Emotional attachment to an organization 2- Continuance commitment Perceived cost of leaving the organization 3- Normative commitment Obligation to remain in the organization
explain Organizational identification (OID)
- Process whereby individuals derive a feeling of pride and esteem from their association with an organization.
- Individuals may also take pains to distance themselves from the organization for which they work—this would be called organizational disidentification.
explain employee engagment
- Positive work-related state of mind that includes high levels of energy, enthusiasm, and identification with one’s work
- Overlaps positively with job sat., org. commitment, and job involvement
- But is distinct from these constructs and has important organizational implications (i.e., increased engagement on the part of workers is related to increased task and contextual performance)
define mood
Generalized feeling not identified with a particular stimulus & not sufficiently intense to interrupt ongoing thought processes
define emotion
Normally associated with specific events or occurrences that are intense enough to disrupt thought processes
what are the three types of emotions
1- Process emotions
Result from consideration of tasks one is currently doing
2- Prospective emotions
Result from consideration of tasks one anticipates doing
3- Retrospective emotions
Result from consideration of tasks one has already completed
define negative affectivity
- Often referred to as neuroticism
- Individuals prone to experience diverse array of negative mood states
define positive affectivity
- Often referred to as extraversion
- Individuals prone to describe themselves as cheerful, enthusiastic, confident, active, & energetic
define work withdrawal
Attempt to withdraw from work but maintain ties to organization & work role (includes lateness & absenteeism)
define job withdrawal
Willingness to sever ties to organization & work role (includes intentions to quit or retire)
what is a psychological contract
- Beliefs that people hold regarding the terms of an exchange agreement between them and an organization.
- When psychological contracts are broken, lower work attitudes and job performance are likely.
Psychological contracts are receiving a lot of attention in the 21st Century workplace where long-term employment in 1 organization is increasingly rare.