week 10 - stess and wellbeing Flashcards
what are three stressor responses
- Emotional / affective response
- Nervous system activity
• Transient or Sustained - Changes in information processing
• Where performance may or may not degrade
what are psychological costs of stress
- Emotional / affective response
- Emotional / affective response
• Anxiety • Depression • Burnout: • Emotional exhaustion (EE) • De-personalisation (DP) • Low personal achievement (PA)
What is a measure to assess burnout
Maslach Burnout Inventory (1996) • 22-item questionnaire • Three subscales (EE, DP, PA) • 7-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (‘never’ experienced) to 6 (experienced ‘every day’)
what are the physiological costs of stress
2. Nervous system activity • Adaptive responses to acute (short & sudden) stress • Fight or flight reaction 1. Flee! 2. Fight! 3. Freeze
General adaption syndrome and stress ( 3 stages)
- Alarm reaction stage – Fight or flight, stress
hormones released - Resistance stage – Cope with the original source of
stress - Exhaustion stage – Resistance drops, long term
Stress induced hormonal changes can lead to
• Ulcers, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis,
arthritis, kidney disease,and allergic reactions
- Decreased immune functioning
• Increased risk of heart disease
• Psychosomatic diseases:
Stomach acidity, migraines,back problems
Chronic stress is detrimental to cognition - give exmamples
- changes in information processing • Memory • Suggested link with age-related cognitive decline • Sustained attention • Judgement biases
Explain arousal theory
- Level of activity (e.g. in behavioural state or in subjective experience)
Measured: Heart rate, Pupil diameter, or the output
of catecholamines - Arousal increases when you work harder/expend more
what are the positive ways to manage stress
- probem solving
- seek social support
what are the negative ways to manage stress
- withdrawal
- presenteesim
- reduced performance
- using substances
- violent behaviour
psychological responses to managing stress
Defence Mechanisms:
• Attempts to reduce anxiety by rationalizing, blaming
others, compensate, etc.…
Emotional responses:
• Irritability, anger, insomnia, depression
Lazarus and Folkman’s (1987) Coping theory
Emotion-focused Coping:
• Positive type: Maintain optimism, accept the situation,
reframe the situation
• Negative type: Deny the problem, quit, blame someone
else or oneself, ruminate
Problem-focused Coping
- Managing or altering the stressor (can work when you have control over the stressor)
- E.g., seek help, plan and take action, remove obstacles
what type of probelm solving works best?
- problem focused methods in relation to health outcomes
- emotion focused methods in situations beyond the individuals control to remove the source of stress