Week 114: Pregnancy Flashcards
What is cardiotocography (CTG)?
Continuous electronic monitoring of the fetal heart and uterine activity
How is fetal heart rate monitored?
Using Doppler ultrasound
Where is the transducer placed when monitoring the fetal heart?
Over the anterior shoulder
What is a foetus’ heart rate controlled by
- Sympathetic system increases heart rate
- Parasympathetic decreases heart rate
- Maturity increases heart rate
- Also controlled by chemoreceptors and baroreceptors in the aortic arch
What is a normal fetal heart rate?
What is the normal beat to beat variability in fetal heart rate?
What checks occur post delivery?
- Apgar score
- Birthweight
- Body temperature
- Head circumference
- Pass of urine/meconium within 24 hours
What does the full neonatal exam consist of?
- Colour, breathing, behaviour, activity, posture, tone
- Head circumference
- Check fontanelles, palate, nose, ears, symmetry of head and facial features, assess eyes (red reflex)
- Limbs: proportions, symmetry, no. digits, congenital dislocation of hip
- CVS: HR, murmurs, arrhythmias
- Chest: auscultation, symmetry, signs of respiratory distress, respiratory rate
- Abdomen: assess or organomegaly, check umbilical cord insertion site
- Genitalia: exclude undescended testes in males
- Anus: exclude imperforate anus
- Spine: exclude spina bifida
- Note any birthmarks
What is labour?
Regular painful contractions in the presence of cervical change
What is the initial assessment of a woman in labour?
- Check temperature, pulse, BP, urinalysis
- Enquire regarding SROM (spontaneous rupture of membranes)
- Monitor contractions, check fetal heart rate
- Abdomen: presentation, lie, engagement
- Offer vaginal exam
What is a partogram?
Graphical record of the maternal and fetal observations over time
- Maternal vital signs
- Uterine activity
- Analgesia
- Medications
- Fluid balance
- Fetal heart rate
- Cervical dilatation
- Fetal presentation and position
- Station of presenting part
- Presence of liquor and colour
What is the attitude of the foetus?
The degree of flexion or extension of the head
What is the suboccipitobregmatic diameter?
What is optimal attitude?
So the suboccipitobregmatic diameter is presenting at the pelvic inlet
What is the lie?
The long axis of the foetus relative to the long axis of the uterus
- Longitudinal
- Transverse
- Oblique
What is presentation?
- Cephalic: longitudinal, occiput first
- Breech: feet first
What is the position?
- Left occiput-anterior -> Most common
- Left occiput-transverse
- Left occiput-posterior
- Right occiput-anterior
- Right occiput-transverse
- Right occiput-posterior
What is the station?
The leading bony edge of the presenting part relative to the ischial spines of the maternal pelvis
- If equal then 0
- Lower = +1/2/3…
- Above spines = -1/2/3…
Engaged at 0 and lower
When is the foetus engaged?
At 0 and lower
How many stages of labour are there?