Week 105: GORD Flashcards
How does GORD present?
⇒ Indigestion
- Burning sensation
- Mainly when lying down
- Throwing up in mouth
⇒ Vomiting
What are the risk factors for GORD?
- Obesity
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Diet
- Caffeine
- NSAID use
- Family history
- Pregnancy
What is dyspepsia?
- Post pharyngeal fullness
- Epigastric pain
- Burning sensation
Where is referred pain likely to occur?
Diaphragm to shoulder
What is odynophagia?
Painful swallowing
What is dysphagia?
Difficulty swallowing
What is water brash?
Heartburn with regurgitation into the mouth of sour fluid or saliva
What is GORD?
Retrograde flow of gastric content into oesophagus
What are the investigations for GORD?
- Generally none, mainly based on history
- Contrast radiology
- Endoscopy - for Barrett’s oesophagus
What are red flag symptoms of GORD?
⇒ Dysphagia
⇒ Unintended weight loss
⇒ Blood anywhere
What is Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome?
Gastrin secreting tumour of the pancreas
What would you treat Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome with?
High dose H2 receptor antagonists
⇒ Randitidine
What is gastritis?
Inflammation of the stomach lining
- Can’t produce intrinsic factor as layer of cells goes
- Can’t absorb B12
- Goes into stool
- End up with pernicious anaemia
What can gastritis be caused by?
- H. pylori
- Infection
- Autoimmune
How would you treat an H. pylori infection?
Amoxicillin with a PPI
What are anatomical factors of GORD?
- Lower oesophageal sphincter being too relaxed- Decreased oesophageal muscle tone
- Pyloris sternosis - harder for stomach content to get out of stomach so goes up
- Barrett’s Oesophagus