Week 11: Physical Activity Guidelines & Special Populations 1 Flashcards
What is lacking in the ACSM and WHO guidelines
*doesn’t explain why balancing exercises are needed
* does’t specify what type of balancing exercises
is low intensity exercise beneficial? who is it most appripriaote for?
- Starting off with low aerobic capacity, low intensity exercise will produce benefits and improvements in vo2 max
- Better improvements if doing higher intensity exercise
- Lower intensity values most applicable for quite unfit individuals
Are short bouts of exercise beneficial?
*yes; Short bouts of exercise, not getting HR to recovery, provides benefits too
Should HITT be considered for adult populations?
* 1-4 bouts of traditional HIIT is reccomended
* increased fitness and glucose control, endocrine function and BP for COPD, CVD and T2D patients
What are the PA guidelines for T2D patients?
F: 3-7 days a week
I: 40-60% VO2 R or 60-76% HR max
T: at least 210 minutes/wk
T: aerobic
F: 1-2 days a week
I: 70-80% 1RM, 8-10 reps
T:2-4 sets
T: resistance
- focus on large musce groups, dynamic exercises, machine or free weight
- minimize sustained gripping and isometric contractions –> prevent decrease in BP
What are the key PA guidelines you should be aware of?
Governing Bodies
- The Australian Government PA guidelines 🇦🇺 💅
- American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) 🇺🇸
- World Health Organisatoin (WHO) 🌎
What are the key considerations for prescribing PA for patients with osteoporosis?
- increase resistance training is best for this population → increasing bone density for full body and maintain it
Strengths and Weaknesses of WHO PA guidelines?
* The guidelines are presented in a user-friendly format, making them accessible to the general public –> promotes better understanding and compliance
* mentions risks of SB
* recommendaiotns of staying within moderate intensity for reccomended range –> health benefits eventually plateus out at increased duration of PA
* Limited Cultural Considerations: Cultural variations in physical activity preferences and patterns might not be fully addressed in a one-size-fits-all approach
Strengths and Weaknesses of AU Gov PA guidelines?
* The guidelines are presented in a user-friendly format, making them accessible to the general public –> promotes better understanding and compliance.
* range of populations covered
* not a lot of detail provided
Strengths and Weaknesses of ACSM PA guidelines?
* specificies and defines intensity of moderate and vigorous PA/exercise
* muscle strengthening guidelines push down to the bottom : (
What are the similarities across all three PA guidelines for adults?
- Aerobic Activity:All three sets of guidelines emphasize the importance of aerobic activities, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, for various health benefits. There is a consensus that adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week.
- Muscle-Strengthening Activities: Both the Australian and ACSM guidelines highlight the significance of muscle-strengthening activities on at least two days per week. WHO also recommends muscle-strengthening activities at moderate or greater intensity on two or more days per week.
- While the Australian guidelines briefly mention muscle-strengthening activities, both ACSM and WHO explicitly include flexibility and balance exercises as part of a comprehensive approach to physical activity.
- Gradual Progression:All three guidelines suggest starting with smaller amounts of physical activity if an individual is not currently active and gradually increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration over time.
What are the differences across all three PA guidelines for adults?
- Additional Health Benefits:ACSM provides more specific information on additional health benefits gained with increased levels of physical activity, including extensive details on risk reduction for various health conditions.
WHO and the Australian guidelines mention additional benefits but do not go into as much detail. - Intensity: ACSM provides a more detailed breakdown of intensity levels, categorizing activities as moderate or vigorous and providing a general rule of thumb for equivalent minutes.
WHO and the Australian guidelines focus on recommending total minutes of moderate or vigorous activity per week without specific details on equivalent intensity. - Frequency Recommendations:The Australian guidelines suggest adults should be active most days, preferably every day, while ACSM recommends physical activity on at least 3 days per week.
WHO suggests spreading physical activity throughout the week, but there is no specific mention of the number of days
What are the general benefits of PA
- improve aerobic capacity
- increase amount of power we can produce –> enhances our ability to participate in more activities
- inreased CO and SV early on –> however, huge increase in SV post training –> more blood to more muscles = better capillary density to pump blood around the body
- decreases risk of range of diseases (CHD, stroke, cognitive decline, cancers, T2D)
What are the PA benefits for patients with diabetes?
- combination of diet and PA(150 mins/week) = 58% reduction in incident diabetes and improved CVD risk factors (US Diabetes Prevetion Program, 2002)
PA Guidelines for people with obesity
F:most day/wk
I: 40-60% VO2R (60-76% HRMax)
* decreased VO2 R to watch that risk values –> lower intensity will still produce benefits
T: less than 300 min/week
T: aeorbic
What are the Warm Up and Cool Down Components for Adult populations?
- 5-10 mins
- large muscel groups –> walking, stretching
- lighting intensity: less than 40% of VO2 reserve –> Reality: 5-10 mins to get from rest to exercise zone
- decrease ECG problems (ST depression)
- augment blood floow
- elevate body temp
- stretch muscles
- reduce injury susceptibility
what are the differences and similarities between the exercise/PA guidelines for adults and older adults?
* promoting increase of PA and reducing SB
* completing 2.5-5 hrs or 2.5-5hrs/week moderate intensity exercise, 1.25-2.5hrs of vigorosus intensity/week or a combo of the two
* exercising all major muscle gruops using resistance trainng for a min of 2 days per week
* ‘multicomponent’ PA –> balance, strength and aerobic
* improvin balance, reaction time and reducing risk of falls is more prioritised in elderly population –> promoting independence and agency –> mitigate risk of going to the hospital –> enhance quality of life
Examples of PA for Older Adults
* walking or hiking
* dancing
* swimming
* water aerobic
* jogging or running
* toga
* aerobic exercise clases
* bicycle riding
* yard work
* sport like tennis or basketball
* walking as part of golf
muscle strengthening:
* exercise bands, weight machines or hand held weights for strengthening exercise
* BW exercise: push up, pull ups, etc.
* gardening –> digging, lifting, carrying
* carrying gorceries
* yoga
* tai chi
general benefits of PA for older adults
- facilitating and promoting prolonged and enhanced quality life –> normal and successful ageing
- improving bone health and strength + muscle stregnth –> keeping active, mobile, posture and core strength = reduce risk of falls + independence and self-efficacy