Week 11: Ice marginal sedimentation and landforms (moraines) Flashcards
How are moraines classified?
Moraine classification; environment of deposition
- Terrestrial (deposited on earth’s surface)
- Subaqueous
- Supraglacial
Moraine classification; plan form
- Linear/orientated (i.e. ice flow // or transverse)
2. Non-orientated/chaotic
Moraine classification; relationship to glacier activity
- Advance
- Recession
e. g. +ve mass balance = advance = push moraine
Ice marginal moraines - push/squeeze moraines = (characteristics)
proglacially constructed ridges <10m characterised by:
- <25% glacitectonised structures
- saw-tooth plan form (pectin in snout)
- seasonal deposition of active ice = annual push moraines
- stable glacier margins = large moraine complexes where stacked on top of one another
Model processes for push/squeeze moraine formation
Push/squeeze moraine formation: deformation/bulldozing (+reference)
Shaw 1984
Sediment bulldozed as glacier pushes forwards
Orientation of clasts related to emplacement due to ice moving over sediment
- till fabrics record variety of processes e.g. folding/overriding/debris flow/ice slope colluvium
Push/squeeze moraine formation: squeezing (+reference)
Price 1970
= extrusion of saturated sub-marginal till due to weight of overlying ice
Summer process in poorly drained areas around snout
Glaciers can’t go through poorly drained material = poorly drained material goes through them!!!
Evidence for squeezing as a formation model for push/squeeze moraines
- Random to vertically inclined till fabrics
2. Saw-tooth form (b/c till squeezes up into marginal longitudinal crevasses)
Push/squeeze moraine formation: slab melt out (+reference)
Kruger 1993, Matthews et al 1995
Then further investigated by Evans and Hiemstra 2005
Seasonal cycle of:
1) winter freeze-on, detachment and transport of till slab
2) summer melt-out of freeze slab
N.B. Kruger more realistic
In temperate mid-latitude locations
Evidence for slab melt out as a formation model for push/squeeze moraines
Multiple till slabs
Strong till fabrics with no evidence of microscale shearing (fine grained sediment gets moved around instead)
Abundance evidence of microscale porewater escape
Main types of glacitectonic landform
Composite ridges
Hill-hole pair
Cupola hill
Glacitectonic landform characteristics
Proglacially fold and thrust structures
Much larger in scale than push moraines
High % pre-existing sediment formed by thrust
Till carapace = smooths over
How do glacitectonic landforms form?
Low strength proglacial sediment + high glacier stresses = proglacial compression/thrusting/folding
Glacitectonic landforms; gravity spreading model
= translation of glacier weight into lateral stresses
Glacitectonic stress =
lateral stress due to lateral displacement of subglacial materials in response to:
- Normal stress (ice load)
- Basal shear stress (glaciodynamic stress)
Glacitectonic landforms; when does failure occur?
FAILURE when glacitectonic stress > shearing resistance
Small cohesion
High Pw
- Pw approaches Pi = total glacitectonic stress approaches 0
= movement along thrust planes/elevation of thrust blocks by compression
Models of proglacial thrusting
Croot 1988 = composite ridge construction by surging glacier, Iceland
Mulugeta and Kooi 1987 = squeeze box
- fold dip increases back towards ice
Latero-frontal moraines =
ice-contact ridges marking lateral and frontal snout margins
Highly susceptible to melt-out collapse and paraglacial reworking
Ice contact fans/ramps =
asymmetrical, coalescent debris flow fans
- shallow distal slope and steep proximal/ice contact slope
Processes in latero-frontal moraines
Latero-frontal moraines; dumping
Supraglacial debris transfer - slide, roll, flow, fall
Latero-frontal moraines; increasing component of subglacial debris down valley
- Debris septa rises to glacier surface
2. Valley floor sediments reworked
Latero-frontal moraines; glacier recession
= inset moraines, kame terraces and colluvial
Sedimentary deposits in latero-frontal moraines
Boulton and Eyles 1979 = “supraglacial morainic till”
1) mass flow diamictons
2) outwash and glacilacustrine deposits (due to ponding between moraine/snout)
Processes in ice-contact fans/ramps
Debris flow fans prograde out from debris-charged snout onto valley floors
Sedimentary deposits in ice-contact fans/ramps
Debris flow diamictons and intermittent incision by meltwater streams
= interbedded:
1) diamictons
2) coarse stratified outwash
Relationship of debris and ice supply to moraine form
Benn et al 2003
Is this case for laters-frontal moraines and ice-contact fans/ramps
= within-valley asymmetry of lateral moraines
What is within-valley asymmetry?
Larger lateral moraines found on valley sides with larger free face areas
Equation for moraine asymmetry (+reference)
Benn 1989
IM = Ms/Mf
Ms = mean cross sectional area of moraines on debris mantle-dominated slopes
Mf = mean cross sectional area of moraines on free face dominated slopes
Types of supra glacial moraines
Medial moraines
Hummocky moraine
Controlled moraine
Medial moraine =
linear ridges at boundaries of ice masses
Hummocky moraine =
chaotic hummocks
Controlled moraine =
controlled by debris in ice
Models of medial moraine processes (+reference)
Eyles and Rogerson 1978
- Ablation-dominant type
- Ice stream interaction type
- Avalanche type
Ablation-dominant type medial moraines
Melt out of englacial debris septa in ablation zone
Ice stream interaction type medial moraines
Lateral moraines merging at confluence of different glaciers
Avalanche type medial moraines
Rockfall onto glacier = discontinuous medial moraine
Hummocky moraine processes
Differential ablation in hummocky moraine
Due to uneven sediment cover e.g. concentration debris (dirt cone)
Graphs (diagram) show that max. ablation occurs with 0.5-1cm thick debris layer
Gravitational/meltwater reworking in hummocky moraine
Repeated topographic reverses
Processes in controlled moraine
Inheritance of pattern of englacial debris septa i.e. linear mounds
Flow bands bring ice towards surface
Where are controlled moraines often found?
Downwasting sub-polar and polar snouts and in permafrost terrains i.e. glacier not entirely removed
Are controlled moraines really moraines?
Often glacier ice looks like it has melted out but is actually below the surface
If it has melted out completely they wouldn’t be preserved
Sedimentary deposits in medial moraines
Thin, linear boulder spread
Sometimes associated with glacifluvial features but low preservation potential
Sedimentary deposits in hummocky moraines
Interbedded rubbly diamictons and contorted glacifluvial sediment
Often associated with kame and kettle topography
Does the concept of equifinality apply to hummocky moraine?
Sedimentary deposits in controlled moraine
Chains of linear hummocks
- low amplitude ridges to undulatory rubble veneer
Problem with preservation potential of controlled moraine
Most are ice-cored
Subaqueous moraines and depo-centres =
ice-contact accumulations of stratified sediment
Subaqueous moraines and depo-centres, types:
Subaqueous fans
Grounding line fans
N.B. in ice contact deltas = at water level
Morainal banks
Ice shelf moraines
Depocentre =
Where particular sediment has maximum thickness
Processes in subaqueous moraines and depo-centres
Hyperconcentrated flow
Grain flows
Debris flows
How can sediment be reworked in subaqueous moraines and depo-centres?
- Glacier oscillation (glacitectonic deformation)
- Iceberg scouring and dumping
- Mass movements
Sedimentary deposits in ice-contact depo-centres
e.g. ice-contact subaqueous fan –> delta continuum
Coalescent sand and gravel interbeds
Fining distally
= rippled sands, locally cut and filled by active channels and slumps
Sedimentary deposits in subaqueous moraines
e.g. morainal banks or grounding zone wedges (GZW)
= interdigitation of subglacial till and subaqueous outwash at a stable grounding line
Glacitectonic disturbance is ubiquitous
Interdigitation =
Ubiquitous =
found everywhere
Deposits in ice shelf moraine
Freeze-on and onshore pushing of glacimarine/glacilacustrine sediments by floating glacier margin
= horizontal moraine