Week 10 - Training for Specific Populations (Females + Diabetics) Flashcards
What are key concerns/important factors for female athletes involved in vigorous training?
- Exercise and the menstrual cycle.
- Eating disorders.
- Bone mineral density.
- Exercise during pregnancy.
What is “athletic” amenorrhea?
cessation of menstruation due to modified release of hormones from hypothalamus
How common is amenorrhea in female athletes compared to the general population?
12-69% of female athletes versus 3% in general population
What are the causes of amenorrhea?
- Amount of training (overtraining)
- Increase psychological stress (e.g. catecholamines)
- Low energy availability (increased EE and/or restricted nutrient intake)
What is dysmenorrhea?
It’s the painful menstruation due to prostaglandins and it may limit training due to discomfort.
What is anorexia nervosa?
Type of eating disorder where extreme steps are taken to reduce body weight. This includes starvation, excessive exercise and laxative use.
What are the effects of anorexia nervosa?
- Excessive weight loss
- Amenorrhea
- Death
What are treatments for anorexia nervosa?
- Psychological weight loss
- Nutritional guidance
Warning signs for anorexia nervosa.
rapid weight loss
mood swings
excessive exercise
wearing baggy clothes
avoiding food-related activities
What is bulimia?
a type of eating disorder which includes pattern of overeating (binding) followed by vomiting (purging)
What are the effects of bulimia and how is bulimia treated?
Damage to teeth and esophagus due to vomiting of stomach acids and it requires professional support.
Warning signs of bulimia.
noticeable weight loss
depressive moods
strict dieting followed by eating binges
bathroom visits after meals
What is osteoporosis?
the loss of bone mineral content
What are the two major causes of osteoporosis?
- Estrogen deficiency due to amenorrhea.
- Inadequate calcium intake due to eating disorders.
What is the “Female Athlete Triad” or now commonly referred to as Relatively Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)?
It’s a medical problem commonly observed in physically active young girls and women.
Involves 3 components:
1) Eating disorders/low energy availability
2) Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)
3) Low bone mineral density
What health consequences is the Female Athlete Triad/ Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) associated with?
amenorrhea and osteoporosis
What is the cause of the Female Athlete Triad/ RED-S?
low energy intake - leads to health problems due to lack of energy required for maintaining cellular homeostasis
Female athletes are at higher risk of knee injuries compared to male athletes. They are 3.5x higher risk of non-contact ACL injury. What are the possible reasons for this?
Fluctuation in hormones during menstrual cycle.
* May compromise ACL strength and/or proprioceptor
Sex differences in knee anatomy.
* May be due to greater joint laxity
(loose joint) in women.
Dynamic neuromuscular
* Imbalanced strength,
proprioception, and landing biomechanics.
What must type 1 diabetes avoid when exercising? How can they avoid this?
Hypoglycemia (low blood-glucose)
This can be avoided via the combination of exercise, diet manipulation or through insulin injections/pumps for optimal blood glucose control. Having a carbohydrate snack or drink during exercise is also important in the event of hypoglycemia.
Where should you inject insulin?
away from working muscles to prevent increase rate of uptake and hypoglycemia
People with type 1 diabetes should _______________ the dose of insulin they inject on strenuous training days to avoid hypoglycemia.