Week 10: Nature as Health Promotion Flashcards
How many people globally live in urban environments?
How many people in Canada live urban?
In 1910, this was 20%
What are the benefits of living urban?
Access to amenities
Good access to food
Better drinking water and sanitation - public amenities
Urban tree cover trends
Number of street and park trees increasing
Amount of natural cover is decreasing
Nature relatedness survey
Indirect interaction with nature
Experiencing nature while not being physically present in it
ie. viewing in a picture
Incidental interaction with nature
Experiencing nature as a by-product of another activity
ie. walking to work
Intentional interaction with nature
Experiencing or being in nature through direct intention
Indoor setting
Inside a building
Foliage plants
Urban setting
Landscape dominated by urban form
Public or private green-space, roadside vegetation
Fringe setting
Area immediately surrounding a town/city
Peri-urban nature reserves
Production landscape setting
Agriculture lands
Paddocks, fields, countryside
Wilderness landscape setting
Area where human influence is low
Beaches, ocean, river, water, mountain, forests, woodlands, national parks
Specific species setting
Cases where object of the interaction is defined with no particular setting
Marine animals, avian, domestic pets
Psychological well being benefits of nature
Positive effects on mental processes
Increased self-esteem, improved mood, reduced anger/frustration, psychological well being, reduced anxiety, improved behaviour