Week 10: Mass Spectroscopy Flashcards
What is the fundamental principle behind mass spectrometry?
Define the term “mass-to-charge ratio” (m/z).
Explain the difference between electron ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI).
What is the purpose of a mass analyzer in a mass spectrometer?
Describe the function of a detector in mass spectrometry.
How is the molecular ion peak identified in a mass spectrum?
What information can be obtained from the fragmentation pattern in a mass spectrum?
Explain the concept of isotope peaks and how they can be used to determine the elemental composition of a molecule.
How can the relative abundance of peaks in a mass spectrum be interpreted?
Given a simple mass spectrum, identify the molecular ion peak and two possible fragment ions.
Describe how mass spectrometry is used in the field of proteomics.
Explain the role of mass spectrometry in drug discovery and development.
How is mass spectrometry used in environmental analysis?
Discuss the application of mass spectrometry in forensic science.
What are some emerging applications of mass spectrometry in research?
Explain the concept of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).
Describe the difference between quadrupole and time-of-flight mass analyzers.
How does electrospray ionization (ESI) work, and why is it suitable for analyzing biomolecules?
Explain the concept of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI).
Discuss the challenges and limitations of mass spectrometry.
Given a molecular formula and a fragmentation pattern, propose a possible structure for the molecule.
Interpret a mass spectrum of a mixture of two compounds.
Design a mass spectrometry experiment to analyze a specific type of sample.
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different ionization techniques for a particular application.
Analyze a research article that utilizes mass spectrometry and discuss the findings.
Explain the role of vacuum in mass spectrometry.
Describe the difference between positive and negative ion mode in mass spectrometry.
How can mass spectrometry be used to determine the purity of a compound?
Discuss the ethical considerations associated with the use of mass spectrometry in certain applications.
Research a recent advancement in mass spectrometry technology and explain its significance.