Week 10 - Important Concepts Flashcards
Complex pattern of characteristics, largely outside of the person’s awareness
An enduring pattern of deviant (i.e. differing from _______ expectations) inner experiences and behaviour
Personality disorder
cultural expectations
How are personality disorders often picked up?
Not typically the thing that patients will go to in-patient settings for. Personality disorders often get picked up when they seek care.
Personality disorders are _______ and ________ (across a broad range of situations), and ______ (over time)
pervasive, inflexible
What are the core components of adaptive/maladaptive functioning?
Self control Identity integration Relational capacities responsibility Social concordance (disruption in the above being the criteria for maladaptive functioning)
An issue in this, would mean that the client didn’t find themselves in adolescence/early adulthood
identity integration
What are the 3 main groupings of PDs?
Cluster A - odd-eccentric
Cluster B - dramatic-emotional
Cluster C - anxious-fearfulness
What are the Cluster A PDs?
What are the Cluster B PDs?
Borderline PD
Histrionic PD
Narcissistic PD
What are the Cluster C PDs?
Avoidant PD
Dependent PD
Obsessive-compulsive PD
Paranoid PD:
- Features?
- found in ___-____ of the general population
Although the etiology is unclear, there is a _______ predisposition
persistent ideas of self-importance
Nursing considerations for Paranoid PD:
- The PD is not usually the reason for ______ ______
- can be difficult to establish this
- changing thought patterns takes time, but sometimes change _____ take place
seeking care
NC relationship
Schizoid PD
- Features (main)
- introverted and reclusive
- minimum introspection and self-awareness
- symptoms sometimes mimic schizophrenia
Rarely diagnosed in clinical settings
Etiology unknown
Unlike other disorders, we know what can help schizoid PD patients, however, it often doesn;t help. Why?
What time of interventions do help?
Don’t present to the healthcare system in the first place
Cannot establish NC relationship
Social skill training and encouragement of social interactions helps
Schizotypal PD
- Describe the features
Eccentric end of cluster A
Resembles schizophrenia greatly during psychotic episodes
Social deficits - hard to establish NC relationship
0.6-1.5% prevalence
unknown etiology
Nursing considerations schizotypal PD
- one of the main considerations?
- care similar to that of?
may not be able to help this person
care similar to that of schizophrenics
Pervasive patterns of instability, marked impulsivity that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts
Borderline PD
These individuals live from crisis to crisis, but appear more competent than they are.
Borderline PD
What are some problem areas for pts of MPD?
- Regulating moods, impulsivity/destructive tendency
- Developing identity
- Maintaining interpersonal relationships
- Connection to reality
A key component of MPD patients is the idea of unstable interpersonal relationships. Describe.
Fear of abandonment Attachment problems (unstable, insecure) Over-idealize relationships - e.g. greatest relationship, worst breakup
Clinical course of MPD includes the concept of painful incoherence, or?
internal disharmony
What are some cognitive dysfunctions associated with MPD?
Dichotomous thinking - all or nothing
Dissociation - detached from self; outside looking in
Many ______ and ______ show symptoms similar to those with BPD.
Symptoms of BPD being in _________.
Children and adolescents - may be due to tumultuous times
Symptoms begin in adolescence
Epidemiology of MPD:
- ___-____% prevalence in general population
- In clinical populations, is it the _______ frequently diagnosed PD
- Mean age of diagnosis is _____
- Coexistence of PD with mood, substance abuse, eating, dissociative, and anxiety disorders
most frequently
What are some risk factors for BPD?
Childhood physical/sexual abuse
Parental loss/separation
This theory is prominent in the explanation of BPD.
Psychoanalytic theory
Range of medications used to treat BPD.
Psychotherapy of choice for BPD.
Mood stabilizers, antidepressants and at times anxiolytics
Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) - psychotherapy of choice
Describe DBT.
Similar to CBT, but more structured with mindfulness component
4 stages/tiers - individual, group-skills training, telephone connection, debriefing (therapy for therapist)
Pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence.
Antisocial PD
Interpersoanlly engaging, but apathetic.
Lack empathy, compassion and remorse.
Antisocial PD
ASPD Epidemiology: - _-_% of the population - No diagnosis before \_\_\_ - Need a Hx of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_ prior to \_\_\_
Risk factors:
- ____ more often diagnosed
- Present in all ______
- Comorbid with ______ and ______ abuse
conduct disorder prior to 15
Men more often diagnosed
Present in all cultures
Comorbid with alcohol and drug abuse
- Biologic:
- ______ component - ____ times more common in first-degree relatives
- Psychological
- ________ attachments
- _________ temperament
- Social
- ______ families
- Abuse
5 times more likely in first-degree relatives
insecure attachments
difficulty (aggressive, inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive)
chaotic families
Grandiose sense of self-importance
inexhaustible need for attention
lack empathy
everything about suiting the narcissist’s needs
Narcissistic PD
Narcissistic PD
- _% of the population
Not as many obsessions and compulsions, but rigidity, perfectionism, and control.
Submissive pattern
cling to others to be taken care of
Desire for social life but avoid interpersonal contacts and social situations
perceive themselves as socially inept
Avoidant PD
Cluster C disorder that is prevalent in clinical samples
dependent PD
Not just needy, but very submissive person, unable to look after themselves and external focus on someone else having to do things for them
Odd + magical beliefs, behaviours, not paranoid
Dramatic, seductive, but not chaotic
Unemotional, cold, indifferent
Suspicious, jealous, but not psychotic or unlawlful
Aggressive, unlawful, impulsive
Unstable chaotic, impulsive, not aggressive or unlawful
Needs relationships, indecisive, fears abandonment
Needs people but fears relationships
Self-centered, entitled, lacks empathy but not unlawful or chaotic
Perfectionists, need structure, highly organized
Cross referenced to ASPD.
conduct disorders