Week 10 Flashcards
Two components of sin
- produces guilt (eternal)
2. results in punishment (temporary)
Types of punishment
- purgatory (before going to paradise)
2. compensation by grace/indulgence (pardoner)
How pardoner grants grace through indulgence
God and saints’ deaths create grace –> at church’s disposal –> power of the keys
plenary pardon/indulgence
by pope, like to people who fought in crusades
partial pardon/indulgence
by bishops
Pardoner actions
- sells indulgences (‘bulls’) (keeps some of the profits)
- sells relics, quack medicines and fake ‘bulls’
- claims he can absolve/pardon sins (ABUSE OF POWER, he can only absolve punishment, not the sins themselves)
How to alleviate guilt
repentance, through confession of sins to a priest who then gives absolution
relies on logic
methods of Scholasticism
- Dialectical reasoning (arguing for and against, books = summae)
- Division and subdivision (ex. 7 deadly sins)
Division and subdivision: love
caritas (creative love/charity)
amor (procreative love/physical love)
cupiditas (anti-creative love/greed)
division and subdivision (statue)
material cause (marble) formal cause (shape, warrior) efficient cause (tool/artist) final cause (purpose)
Chaucer’s pardoner
- epitome of cupiditas
- admits to tricking ppl and selling fake relics
- abuse of authority
- self-comparison to dove (Holy Ghost)
Chaucer’s denouncement of pardoners
- with the help of the host
- theological slips in pardoner’s sermon (Adam and Eve were damned because of pride, not gluttony and Atilla was a historical mistake
- another method of instruction
- exemplification treats facts or events as examples which demonstrate some general truth
- history is ‘magistra vitae’
- first state theme, then illustrate w/ exemplum
- can be full story OR reference to known story