Week 1 - Cancer Flashcards
Carcinoma is cancer in what tissue?
the epithelium - the lining of organs and body surfaces
Sarcoma is cancer of ____________ or _____________ tissue, such as bone, cartilage, muscle, membranes, blood vessels, adipose or fibrous tissue.
connective or supportive
Myeloma is cancer of the ______ cells.
___________ is the cancer of lymphocytes in lymph nodes or organs.
What kind of cancer is located in the bone marrow, WBCs, RBCs or lymphocytes?
the 4 guidelines to follow for cancer prevention?
- maintain a healthy weight
- exercise/ active lifestyle
- healthy diet (plant sources)
- limit alcohol consumption/ smoking cessation
Tumor _______ is looking at how abnormal the cells are compared to normal cells (corelates w/ aggressiveness)
Tumor staging assesses the _____, ________ and how the cancer has _______. (0-IV)
size, location, spread
What are the 2 ways cancer spreads from the originating location?
-lymph nodes
what test or procedure is done for early detection of breast cancer?
Mammography/ Mammogram
**annual screenings starting at age 45
T- Tumor (0-3)
N - Nodes (0-2)
M - Metastasis (0-2)
This is the tumor staging TNM system
what test or procedure is done for early detection of cervical cancer?
PAP smear and HPV DNA test
**every 3 years
What tests are done for early detection of colorectal cancer?
-gFOBT + FIT (annual)
-MT-sDNA (every 3 years)
-flexible sigmoidoscopy FSIG (Q5 years)
-colonoscopy (Q10 years)
-CT colonography (Q5 years)
When should women start being screened for endometrial cancer, and informed to look out for unexpected bleeding or spotting?
Low dose CT (LDCT) is done annually to screen for what kind of cancer?
Lung Cancer
**current and former smokers
What 2 tests are done to screen for prostate cancer in men?
DRE and PSA test
-digital rectal exam
-Prostate specific antigen
Cancer related checkups should begin in men and women at the age of ____. For a physical exam and education on risk factors and exposures.
Gliomas are the most common type of brain tumor, they infiltrate any part of the brain including the eyes and ears. What are the 5 different types of gliomas?
AGOEM - Andy Got Obliterated Eating Margaritas
Meningioma’s originate in the __________ of the brain?
Neuroma’s are tumors in the brain that affect the ________ _________.
cranial nerves
Which type of tumors affect the pituitary gland and often lead to hormonal imbalances?
Pituitary adenoma’s
Angioma’s, AKA _________, are when the blood vessels are involved with the tumor.
These tumors originate from developmental remnants, what does this mean?
it means these tumors develop from leftover cells or tissues during the early stages of development before birth
What is it called when you have tumor(s) in the brain that spread from other tumors in another part of the body?
these are called metastatic lesions
______ tumors are not cancer YET + grow slow
________ tumors ARE cancer and they grow quickly
What kind of cognitive and neurological disturbances may
brain tumors cause?
-increased ICP
-personality changes
-seizure activity
-speech dysfunction
-gait disturbances
-altered vision
-poor nutrition
-sexual disturbance’s
-grief/ fear/ anxiety
Cat scan
PET scan
Computer-assisted stereotactic (three-dimensional biopsy)
Chemotherapy & Hormonal treatment
These are used in the __________ of a brain tumor?
If the spinal cord becomes compressed due to a brain tumor, what is the treatment plan for this oncological emergency?
-ABC’s (RR)
-IV dexamethasone (steroids)
-Bladder scan to assess for neurogenic bladder
- surgery, radiation, chemo.
If a patient is put on seizure precautions due to brain metastasis, what 2 meds will they be on?
-phenytoin for precaution
-benzodiazepines for a seizure
What is the most common type of eye cancer?
What are the 5 different types of eye cancer?
MNRMR - Maya and Nick Read Many Research-papers
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Rhabdomyosarcoma (eye muscle)
Where are the 3 places a tumor can form on the ear?
-outer skin
-inner ear
-middle ear
true or false?
even though most ear tumors are benign, they may cause hearing loss.
What are some clinical manifestations that would suggest getting examined by a ENT doctor to diagnose or rule out a tumor?
-ear infections
-hearing loss
What is included in the treatment of ear cancer?
-Mohs surgery
What is the surgery called that involves cutting away thin layers of the skin to assess each layer for cancer cells until none are found?
Mohs Surgery
What are the risk factors for developing mouth cancer? (4)
-alcohol use
-poor dental hygiene + nutrition
-auto immune diseases
What are some clinical manifestations that would support a mouth cancer diagnoses?
-mouth sores
-thickened tissue
How often do you need to be getting dental exams/ check ups?
every 6 months
What kind of oral cancer is seen with HIV/AIDS?
Kaposi Sarcoma
_______ Sarcoma is found in mucous membranes and the skin, including the entire GI tract from mouth to anus, including the stomach and intestines.
How would you describe Kaposi sarcoma tumors?
-purple patches or nodules
what are the 2 ways thyroid cancer cells classified?
it is based on how similar they look to normal thyroid cells and the type of cell they developed from
what are the 4 types of thyroid cancer?
What are the clinical manifestations to look out for with thyroid cancer?
-palpation of a tumor
-hoarse voice
-sore throat/ neck
-trouble swallowing
-wheezing/ cough
Pre and post-op removal of a pituitary tumor, make sure to assess and monitor for calcium disruption. What 2 signs can we assess for?
Trousseaus and Chvostek’s sign
For a pituitary tumor what laboratory tests need to be monitored?
-T4 and T3