Wee 6 L11 Anx. Flashcards
Internalizing Spectrum
Cluster of interrelated problems anxiety disorders
mood disorders
cross-sectional and lifetime comorbidity extremely high
Developmental psychopathology framework
Remember that we evaluate what is abnormal in the context of
what is typical for children of that age
fear and sadness are important emotions
“normal” fears come and GO over development
Shift of focus from externalizimg is orders to
Anx disorders, and epidemiology today.
Anxiety Disorders are:
Though we often discount or forget about them…
Associated with significant impairment
Social impairment
Excluded, unliked
Academic impairment
Service Utilization for anx,
Good help from psych, what they are probably best at, but?
Anxiety problems often go untreated
Most youth with mental health problems do not receive treatment
This gap is very pronounced for anxiety
National Comorbidity Survey – Adolescent (Merikangas et al.)
10, 123 adolescents aged 13 to 18 years
Nationally representative (US) sample
Interviewed about psychiatric diagnoses
Asked whether they had ever received services for each disorder
depression was just 50% only 14% to 30 %
Percentage of Adolescents Who Report Using Mental Health Services
Depression 39% 41%
Look at table again!
Who is more likely to receive services for anxiety?
Older youth
Reason no treat anx.
1) Some Fear and Anxiety is Normal
Nearly all 1-year-olds become distressed when separated from Mom
Most children have very short lived specific fears About half of children aged 6 to 12 have 7 or more fears
Is it causing disability, distress, or risk?
Only 5% of children report excessive fear in response to a given fear stimulus (e.g., needles, dogs)
Reason no treat anx.
2) Some Anxiety is Adaptive
Stranger anxiety in young children
Test anxiety
Excessive checking of homework
Reason not treat anx.
3) It may not be as upsetting to adults
Remember that children and adolescents do not generally refer themselves for treatment
Anxiety may not be causing disruption
May be associated with favourable characteristics
Less aggression
But saw videos of impairing anx,
Core Features of anx
Focus on threat or danger
Anxiety is future oriented
“anxious apprehension”
Note that this differs from fear, which is present-oriented
Strong negative emotion or tension, displayed as: cognitive shifts, keeps worrying.
Behavioural pattern, phobia (avoid object)
physical sensations
Focus on threat or danger
Anxiety is future oriented “anxious apprehension”
Note that this differs from fear, which is present-oriented
Strong negative emotion or tension, displayed as: physical sensations
Cognitive shifts
behavioral patterns
Avoidance Crying
Diagnoses of anx
Many specific diagnoses
vary on content of threat
vary on balance of symptoms (e.g., worry versus physical)
Specific phobia
(Content of anx disorder)
Specific situations or things
Needles, dogs, water
Separation anxiety
Not limited to children, can see in adults.
Separation from or harm coming to loved ones
Do not want to be separated from parents
Worrying about events that might separate them from paren
Social anxiety
Fear of negative evaluation by others
Fear of social situations in which person will be evaluated
For children, must occur in peer settings (not just with adults)
Generalized anxiety disorder
Worry about multiple threats
School, friends, sports, bad things happening
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Fear of trauma cues