Wednesday Flashcards
Nice to meet you
- What can I do for you?
- How do you do?
- Glad to meet you.
We are looking for someone.
Jane: We are looking for someone. (Estamos procurando por alguém)
Paul: Who are you looking for?
Paul: Which one of you is taller, you or your brother? (Qual de vocês é o mais alto…)
She lives with my brother.
Paul: I just want to know. Now I know who you mean (quer dizer). Your brother looks like (parece-se com) you. He lives on the fifth floor.
Jane: I want to know who she is. I wonder (pergunto-me) who she is.
What does she look like?
Jane: What does the girl look like
Is she tall or short? Is she fair (claro) or dark?
Maybe he is just busy
Jane: He has not answered my emails for many weeks. I think I know the reason why (Acho que sei o porquê).
Jane: I think it is because he is in love with this (apaixonado por essa) girl.
Jane: Why do I say that? (Por que eu digo isso?)
Jane: We used to (nós costumávamos) write each other (um ao outro) all the time. We sent emails to each other every week. He stopped writing me.
Paul: So what? (E daí?) He probably has other things to do.
Jane: Now I never hear from him (Agora eu nunca mais ouço falar dele). He no longer (Não mais) writes to me.
She is the reason
Jane: Like what (como o que), for example?
Jane: That is no reason. At least (ao menos), it is not a good reason.
Help me
Jane: I am interested in knowing what is going on (acontecendo).
Jane: Why not? This is very important for me, as you will find out. (Como você descobrirá)
She is beautiful
Jane: I think there is more to it than that. (Mais do que isso)
Paul: Maybe she just shares (compartilhar) in the rent and is not his girlfriend.
Paul: Yes, in fact she is very pretty (muito bonita). I would even say she is beautiful (linda)
It is her apartment
Jane: Roughly (aproximadamente) when was it? I need to know.
Jane: Are you sure? (Tem certeza?)
Jane: It is the girl’s apartment?
What a surprise! (Que surpresa)
Paul: Yes. I remember when she moved in. It was November. It was snowing that day.
Jane: Why did you notice (percebeu) him?
Paul: He made a lot of noise. He had friends who helped him move. They all made a lot of noise.
He stopped writing emails
Jane: Do you mean (você quer dizer) they have lived together for half a year? They must be boyfriend and girlfriend.
Jane: That is true, I guess. He wrote me regularly until (até) a few weeks ago. So why did he stop then?
Paul: Well, let’s try to figure out what happened (Vamos tentar descobrir o que aconteceu). How often did he email you?
Jane: I would always try to answer him as soon as possible (assim que)
Jane: Yes, we kept in touch by email (mantivemos contato por e-mail). I did not need to know where he lived.
Paul: Why did you not try to Jane: I was busy. Besides (Além disso), I thought he was still away at school (na).
Where do you live?
- I live in my parents’ house in another town. The house where I live belongs to my parents (pais)
- By the way (A propósito), where did you park your car?
- I parked around the corner (na esquina). There was no place to park nearer here.
- Did you park beside (ao lado) the large truck?
Five hundred dollars
- OK, but I am busy. You had better hurry (É melhor você se apressar).
- I cannot spend the whole (inteiro) day just answering your questions.
- I do not care (não me importo) if I get a parking ticket. I want you to help me. What if it were your brother? You would be (estaria) in the same situation as me.
- Well, get to the point (vamos ao ponto). What do you want to know?
- What if I gave you one hundred dollars? Would you help me find out more about what my brother and his roommate (colega de quarto) are doing?
- You want me to spy on your brother? No, I will not do that. It is not fair (justo) to your brother.
- That is a different story. Of course (claro), I really should not do it, but for 500 dollars, I might be willing to do it (Talvez eu esteja disposto a fazer isso).
- Good! Now I know the kind of person I am dealing with (… que eu estou lidando).
Write me a check
- But you must give me the 500 dollars right now (agora mesmo).
- OK. Write me a check, and I will do what you say. Which bank is the check written on (Qual banco o cheque será escrito)?
- You know, I have thought it over again (Sabe, eu pensei nisso novamente). On second thought (Pensandobem), I do not want to do what you ask (pedindo).
- But you just said you would a little earlier (Mas você acabou de dizer que faria isso um pouco antes.).
- But you agreed at first (no início).
- Even though I said I would (Embora eu tenha dito que o faria), I have now changed my mind.
An honest person
- Never mind (Não importa).
- Which is it? Stop pretending (fingir) that you are so honest.
- I mean (quero dizer), you were ready to help me for 500 dollars cash (em dinheiro), after all (afinal de contas).
- There is no way I am going to help you (Não há como eu ajudá-lo). You might as well give up and leave (Émelhor você desistir e sair). I am busy.
- I doubt that anything you say will make a difference. Whatever (não importa) you say will not make me change my mind.
The truth
- My brother has just received a lot of money from a relative (parente) who died.
- What has that got to do with me? (O que isso tem a ver comigo?)
- I want to make sure (quero ter certeza)that he is not married or living in a relationship with this girl.
- I do not want the girl to get any (nada) of this money. Therefore (portanto), I need your help.
- Even if (mesmo que) they are living together. I do not think that this gives her the right to share in the money. (Não creio que isso lhe dê o direito de compartilhar o dinheiro.)
- Yes, I am. I want to find a way to make my brother leave (deixar) this girl before he gets the money.
- That is not very nice of you (Isso não é legal da sua parte). Why are you so interested in what happens to your brother?
- That way (Dessa maneira) I get more of the money for myself.
- Now I see. I am glad (contente) I do not have a sister like you.
- This smells like trouble to me (Isso me cheia a problema).
His phone number
- You will get your money in any case (todo caso).
- Maybe your brother is not in love with her l (apaixonado por ela), maybe he will be happy to get rid (livrar-se) her.
- I hope so (eu espero que sim). That would certainly make things a lot easier (Isso certamente deixaria as coisas mais fáceis).
- First of all (Antes de tudo), give me his phone number.
- I can’t do that. Why do you want his phone number? You can email him (enviar email para ele) and ask him yourself.
- Now I see what you are up to (está fazendo). You are a real trouble maker (causador de problemas).
- I think it will upset (chatear) her. But here is the big favour I need from you. I want you to let Sally into their apartment when they are both away (quando ambos estiverem fora).
Hard to Explain
- Are you serious? You must be joking (você deve está brincando)!
- No, I am serious (Estou falando sério). I want to embarrass (envergonhar) my brother.
- I hope she decides to leave him so that I can keep more of the money. (Espero que ela decida deixá-lo para que eu possa ficar com a maior parte do dinheiro.)
Paul: That much I understand (isso eu entendo). You are not a very nice sister.
Jane: Never mind. Just do what I say, and you will get the money
Leave it to me
- Hey. I just thought of something (Acabei de pensar em algo). Is anyone home right now (Agora mesmo)?
- Don’t worry. Just leave it to me. (Deixe isso comigo) Everything will be all right.
Paul: I know what you are thinking, and I don’t like it one bit (e não gosto nem um pouco disso). Just wait a minute
Show me the money
- No! Let’s act quickly (rapidamente). Let’s get Sally into the apartment right away (imediatamente).
- Sure you can (Claro que você pode ). You will get your money right away.
- The elevator is right over there (bem ali). Let’s go, Sally. Come on, and show us the way, and you will get your money. I promise.
- Just press the top (superior) button. There are only five floors in this building.
- OK. Let’s get in and go up (vamos entrar e subir).
- Gee, I am not sure this is worth it (Puxa, não sei se vale a pena). It may cost me my job.
Let’s hurry up (vamos nos apressar)
- It is the second door on the left, the one with the green door (É a segunda porta à esquerda, a que tem a porta verde.). It is down that way (é por ali)
- quickly let us in (nos deixe entrar rapidamente)
- Sally, get into your pyjamas and get into bed. (Sally, vista seu pijama e vá para a cama.)
- Oh boy, this is going to be bad. (Isso vai ser ruim)
- i hear someone coming down the hall (Estou ouvindo alguém vindo pelo corredor)
- i am not staying around here (não vou ficar por aqui)
- i do not care what happens (Não me importo com o que vai acontecer)
Who let you in?
- Who let you in? (Quem deixou você entrar)
- you do not have to get upset (você não precisa ficar chateado)
- After all (afinal de contas)
- Why is Sally wearing pyjamas and lying in bed?
- He did? (Ele fez isso?)
- What right does he have to let you in here? (Que direito ele tem de deixá-lo entrar aqui?)
The secret
- Since when can people just go and sleep in someone’s bed when they are tired? (Desde quando as pessoas podem simplesmente ir dormir na cama de alguém quando estão cansadas?)
- there was nobody here to ask (não havia ninguém aqui para perguntar)
- why does it bother you so much? (Por que isso o incomoda tanto?)
- Is that why? (É por isso?)
- you can’t fool me (você não pode me enganar)
- I mean it (Estou falando sério)
- well i am or rather i was (Bem, eu sou, ou melhor, eu era)
- He helped you that much? (Ele o ajudou tanto assim?)
I do not understand
- I don’t get it (Não entendo)
- i was too afraid to make mistakes (Eu tinha muito medo de cometer erros)
- i was too worried about being embarrassed (Eu estava muito preocupado em ficar envergonhado)
- That is when I started to enjoy the language (Foi então que comecei a gostar do idioma)
- Just by not thinking of grammar you actually started to speak better? (Jane: Só por não pensar em gramática, você começou a falar melhor?)
- I had to forget what I had been taught at school for so many years (Tive que esquecer o que me foi ensinado na escola por tantos anos)
I want him to leave
- I cannot remember much of what I learned at school either (Também não consigo me lembrar muito do que aprendi na escola)
- In my case there is not too much to forget. (No meu caso, não há muito o que esquecer)
- I am sure that is true for many people. (Tenho certeza de que isso é verdade para muitas pessoas.)
- People have to stop resisting the language and take it in naturally (As pessoas precisam parar de resistir ao idioma e aceitá-lo naturalmente)
- well i guess it really worked for you (Bem, acho que realmente funcionou para você)
- so you did not resist george either? (Então você também não resistiu a George?)
- besides, he is getting on my nerves (Além disso, ele está me irritando)
- he is so messy (Ele é tão bagunçado)
- he does not clean up after himself (ele não limpa o que faz)
- he leaves dirty clothes lying around (ele deixa roupas sujas espalhadas)
You enjoy learning
- i am not sure what to say (Não tenho certeza do que dizer)
- you have a lot of nerve (você tem muita coragem)
- But I am always happy to help people by telling them about LingQ (Mas sempre fico feliz em ajudar as pessoas, contando-lhes sobre o LingQ)
- no, that is not how you helped me (não, não foi assim que você me ajudou)
- You have helped me for another reason that has to do with George (Você me ajudou por outro motivo que tem a ver com o George)
- you would do very well (você se sairia muito bem)
- boy, you sure are keen on lingq (rapaz, você está muito interessado no lingq)
- You will find learning a language an exciting and rewarding adventure (Você descobrirá que aprender um idioma é uma aventura empolgante e gratificante)