before the wedding
: propose/proposal, a hen party, the fiancée, the fiancé, a stag party, a computer dating agency
the day od the wedding
a wedding, a registry office, a church, the aisle, vicar, the bride, the bridegroom, the best man, old tin cans, the bridesmaids, the ring, in-laws, the reception, the organist, the choir, a bouquet, the weeding march, a spouse, the wedding guests, the bride’s father, a train
after the wedding
the honeymoon
to go out with someone
: to have a romantic relationship with someone
to be married
to get a legal paper of conformation that you are married
- to be infatuated with
possessed with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone, head over heels in love, infatuation or smitten with somebody-zaljubljen
to fall in love
to like someone, have butterflies, love at first sight
to cohabit
live together and have a sexual relationship without being married
to shack up with somebody
to sleep or live together as unmarried sexual partners
to get a divorce
to end one’s marriage; to legally split-up with one’s wife or husband
to split up
an ending of a relationship or partnership; a separation.
an arranged marriage
a marriage planned and agreed by the families or guardians of the couple concerned.
a shotgun wedding
a marriage planned and agreed by the families or guardians of the couple concerned.
a marriage for love
A love marriage is a marriage of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment and attraction.
a marriage of convinience
a marriage that is arranged for practical, financial, or political reasons
be married to/with
a marriage that is arranged for practical, financial, or political reasons.
She married to someone … or She married with someone … We use to, not with, after get married + direct object and be married + direct object: She got married to someone she met at college. She’s married to someone she met at college.
to have a crush
marriage is an outdated concept
where can you get married
get married either in a church or registry office (a local government building civil wedding).
places to get married
in a house a park a hotel or a wedding Chapel as well as in the church.
traditional wedding
white dress
woman who gets married
long white dress
bouquet of flowers
superstitions for the bride
. She also wears something old, something new, something blue, and something borrowed to bring her luck
the groom or
He wears a suit, or sometimes a tuxedo in the US, or a morning suit in UK (also a Penguin suit which is a long-tailed jacket, and a top hat).
female friends of the bride plus priča
maid of honour or the chief bridesmaid
priča moškemu
the best man
bad luck
if the groom sees the bride before the ceremony (morning)
where the bridegroom waits
The bridegroom arrives first at the church and waits at the altar (the front part of the church) with the best man.
what is the best man responsible for
for bringing the ring, jokes about losing it
how the bride comes to the church
The bride arrives at the church in the car with her father. The car is often an expensive one that has been hired for the day and decorated with ribbons and flowers.
what if someone gets scared of getting married expression
to have second thoughts
to get cold feet
the father gives the bride away
(walk to the front of the church with her and formally give permission for her to marry).
the aisle
the central passage of the church between the rows
to be at the alter with the priest
begging of the wedding service
what the priest does before starting the ceremony
He or she greets everyone and then asks if there is anyone present who knows of any legal reason why the couple should not get married (speak now or forever hold your peace).
what the bride and the groom exchange
the traditional vows
after vows
gold rings
they sign the register (a book that is the official record of their marriage)
after the ceremony
confetti (small pieces of coloured paper) or rice
wedding photographs
the reception takes place there
during the meal
the bride and groom cut the cake together
they feed eachother or mess eachother faces with the cake
speeches by
bride’s father
the best man
befor ethe reception ends
they usually drive away to another hotel to spend their wedding night, before beginning their honeymoon (holiday taken by people who have just got married newlyweds).
the bouquet
Before she leaves, the bride throws her bouquet to her friends. According to custom, the one who catches it will be the next one to get married.
a traditional weeding
- A traditional wedding in Britain is called a white wedding
The groom shouldn’t see the bride before the ceremony (superstition, bad luck)
reading of the banns (week before the weeding, oznanila)
the bride walks down the aisle with her father to the altar to the groom with his best man
wedding march (the song)
Bride: wedding dress, a vail, a train, she unveils her face
the minister leads the ceremony (pastor, vicar)
they exchange the vows and rings, they kiss
they throw rice, confetti, rose petals at the newlyweds
Reception eat, dance, get drunk, to give speeches
Reception eat, dance, get drunk, to give speeches
* Proposal, to get engaged, engagement rings, to pop the question
- To attend the wedding, to be invited to a wedding
to secretely get married
to stay elope