Five major advantages of being a celebrity
- Celebrities get special treatment wherever they go
- Being famous generally means being richer
- Celebrities are recognized everywhere they go
- Celebrities and famous people have fans
- Many opportunities arise when people become famous
five major disadvanatges of being famous
- Famous people can’t do things that the average person can
- Being famous or celebrity can attract stalkers
- A celebrity status can attract too many fake friends
- People constantly judge celebrities
- Celebrities have no privacy
common perception
the way that you think about it or the impression you have of it
grass is always greener on the other side
other people’s lives or situations always seem better than your own
povprečna oseba
your average Joe
average person
povprečen dan
regular day
a mob
a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.
spoprijateljiti se z nekom
to befriend someone
ustaviti nekaj za nekaj časa
- To put something on the pedestal (to stop it for some time)
to judge someone
to express a bad opinion of someone’s behaviour, often because you think you are better than them
a token of appreciation
a small act of kindness that shows gratitude
to perceive
become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand
decide for yourself
that a person is the only one who can make a decision about something that directly affects him or her
special treatment
Someone or something that is special is better or more important than other people
something that requires or involves little or no mental effort.
preferential treatment
Treatment of one individual or group of individuals in a manner that is likely to lead to greater benefits, access, rights, opportunities or status than those of another individual or group of individuals
preferred customers
a purchaser (buying organization) who receives better treatment than other customers from a supplier, in terms of product quality and availability, support in the sourcing process, delivery or/and prices.
a large amount of money or assets
materialistic pleasures
excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values
to convert
not openly acknowledged or displayed, to change your beliefs
a convert
change the form, character, or function of something; usually religious beliefs
ego boost
something such as praise, success, etc, that makes one feel better about oneself or raises one’s morale
large and heavy or solid
a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part
to boast to
talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities
a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.
oboževati (2)
an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship
respect and warm approval.
providing or showing creative or spiritual inspiration.
cause (someone) to feel less important or proud
to arise in life
to be stirred up, to be awake and to prepare for action
a promotor
a person or company that finances or organizes a sporting event, concert, or theatrical production.
the doors remained shut
to make it impossible for something to happen, especially a plan or a solution to a problem
crowd round (someone) or into (a place) in an unruly way. (mob)
harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly. (hound)
a signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an admirer
(of a place) not seen or visited by many people; sheltered and private.
indulging in
allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
nasty cases
unpleasant, offensive, or repugnant
feeling or looking strained as a result of having too many demands made on one.
to cross the line
do something that is outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour
the state of being obsessed with someone or something.
a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
physical harm
The absence of struggle or physical harm may suggest that the incident was routine.
wannabe friends
a person who wants or aspires to be someone or something else or who tries to look or act like someone else.
genuine person
honest, truthful, and sincere in the way they live and in their relationships with other people.
personal gain
a benefit or advantage that relates to a particular person rather than to a business, group or organization.
nerve wracking experience
difficult to do and causing a lot of worry or anxiety
examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
being on-guard
to be careful to avoid being tricked or getting into a dangerous situation
causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others, humiliating, degrading
showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject, laik
uncompromisingly direct and honest, especially in revealing unpalatable facts
(of a person or situation) sordid, corrupt, or immoral, unpleasant
to be splashed
print (a story or photograph, especially a sensational one) in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine.
lack of privacy
an insufficiency, shortage, or absence of something required or desired.
a boyfriend or male admirer