To raise a child → to care for and look after a child
mama od doma
Stay at home mum → A mother whose job is to stay in the house to take care of the children
biti vzgajan
To be brought up → To be raised and taken care of by a certain person.
biti kot
To take after → To resemble or have similar characteristics of one of your parents.
razvajati otroka
To spoil a child → To give a child everything he wants, which results in the child being ungrateful and demanding
izbruh jeze
To throw a temper tantrum/fit → An outburst of anger and yelling that kids do to get their way: they stam their feet; izbruh jeze
podpirati otroke
To support children
jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa
The apple never falls far from the tree
razvajen otrok
Rotten/spoilt child or spoilt bread
dajati otrokom
To nurture children → provide food, shelter, education, love
grdo obnašanje, neupoštevanje, šeškanje
Misbehave (grdo obnašanje), disobey(neupoštevanje), punish, ground, spank(šeškanje)
dati čas za razmislek
To give time outs
ljubeča mama
Affectionate mother → sacrificial, loving
Disciplinarian → person who gives discipline
starši ki jih vse zanima
Inquisitive parents →asking to many questions
Parenthood; starševstvo
šibek otrok
Weedy child → thin and phisically weak
strog vs prizanesljiv
Strict vs. lenient
Overbearing → trying to control other people
postaviti meje
To set boundaries and limits and test them
lepi spomini
Fond memories=lovely memories
upirati se
To rebel → fighting against rules;
podobnost je zakoreninjena
Resemblance is deeply rooted
‘ne se ozirati in jih upoštevati
To walk over the parents
parenting styles
- Authorative → expecting absolute control, parents word is a law
- Democratic → set limits and enforce family rules, listening to requests of children
- Permissive → being a friend rather than a parent, non-controlling, non-demanding