EDUCATION Flashcards
- Nursery, a nursery teacher
primary school
šolsko leto
school year
konec šole
- School breaks up for the summer
sekundarna izobrazba
- Secondary education, secondary school
fantje in punce v istem razredu
- Co-educational: boys and girls study together in the same class.
obvezna izobrazba
- Compulsory education
a levels
Advanced level qualifications (known as A levels) are subject-based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, training, or work.
General Certificate of Secondary Education. They are highly valued by schools, colleges and employers. The qualification mainly involves studying the theory of a subject, together with some investigative work, while some subjects also involve practical work.
javna šola
- State school or public school
privatna šola
- Private school
- To graduate, graduation
- Degree (diploma): the qualification when you complete a university course successfully
- Tutorials (vaje): an individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students
- Seminar: a class or students discussing a subject with a teacher
- Lecture (predavanje): when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students
privatno učenje
- Private study
- Grant (posojilo): by the government to help pay their tuition fees and living expenses
- Scholarship (štipendija): earned by merit
- Tuition fees (šolnina): the charge or fee for instruction, as at a private school or a college or university
- Boarding school
vpisani v šolo
- Enroll or enter university
narediti izpit
pass examinations
imeti mesto na univerzi
o get or obtain a place at university
- Course (študij): a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification
bachelor of Arts
bachelor of Science
doctoral degree
pisati vs pripraviti izpit
- to sit an exam (students) ≠ to set an exam (examiner prepares)
pisati izpit vs ga narediti
- to take an exam (to do an exam) ≠ to pass an exam (sucessfully do an exam)
obvezna in prostovoljna izobrazba
- compulsory (obvezna) ≠ voluntary (prostovoljna) izobrazba
učiti in vzgajati otroke
- to educate (teacher) and to bring up (parents) they go hand in hand, corelated
učenec in dijak
- a pupil (primary school) and a student (secondary school and higher)
- absent (odsoten): not present in a place, at an occasion, or as part of something.
“most pupils were absent from school at least once”
namestnik ravnatelja
- deputy head (namestnik ravnatelja): A senior member of school staff whose role is normally to act as second in command to the head teacher, and to stand in for them in their absence.
form teacher
- praise (pohvaliti): express warm approval or admiration of.
“we can’t praise Chris enough—he did a brilliant job”
- continuous assessment (stalno ovrednotenje): the evaluation of a pupil’s progress throughout a course of study, as distinct from by examination.
“continuous assessment is used to decide whether or not children have attained their reading targets”
- science lab: a special facility where experiments are done and typically contains equipment, beakers, burners and other tools necessary to complete experiments
- detention (pripor): the punishment of being kept in school after hours.
“teachers were divided as to the effectiveness of detention”
- take a year out, or a gap year (absolvent): a year-long break before or after college/university during which students engage in various educational and developmental activities, such as travel or some type of regular work.
- Essay (esej): a short piece of writing on a particular subject.
Can you please revise this essay?
- Form (razred): an educational stage, class, or grouping of pupils in a school.
neopravičeno izostati od pouka
- Suspend play truant/bunk off (neopravičeno izostati od pouka): to miss school without permission.
She was getting into trouble over playing truant from school.
- School (šola): an institution for educating children.
“Ryder’s children did not go to school at all”
vpisati se
- Register (vpisati se): the process of signing up or enrolling in something.
Colleges make students go through registration to sign up for new classes.
- Cheat (goljufati): when a student attempts to get academic credit in a way that is dishonest, disrespectful, irresponsible, untrustworthy or unfair.
- Canteen (menza): a restaurant provided by an organization such as a college, factory, or company for its students or staff.
- Staff room (zbornica): a common room for teachers in a school or college.
The college also has a large administration area and staffroom.
- Graduate (diplomirati): successfully complete an academic degree, course of training, or (in North America) high school.
- Break (odmor): students have a mid morning snack and play before having lunch after a few more lessons.
poročilo o navzočnosti
- Attend report (poročilo o navzočnosti): a record of how often someone has been present somewhere
good/poor attendance record
izpisati se iz šole
- Drop out (izpisati se iz šole): abandon a course of study.
“she had dropped out of college”
obnašati se
- Behave (obnašati se): Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner.
- Gym (telovadnica): a large room with equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength, or space for playing sports, especially in a school
- Absent-minded (raztresen, zamišljen): Someone who is absent-minded forgets things or does not pay attention to what they are doing, often because they are thinking about something else.
neprimerno se obnašati
- Misbehave (nepriemerno se obnašati): If someone, especially a child, misbehaves, they behave in a way that is not acceptable to other people.
- Playground (igrišče): A playground is a piece of land, at school or in a public area, where children can play.
- Breach (kršitev): an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
šolski dnevnik
register book
- To crib (plonkati): copy (another person’s work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.
mark book
sodelovati pri pouku
to participate in class
Bullying in secondary schools is worse in the UK than the rest of Europe. In the UK each week around 450,000 students are being bullied at school, a further 500,000 are being bullied outside school, and 20 young people every year commit suicide as a result of being bullied.
home schooling
In England education is compulsory for children aged 5 to 16, but schooling is not. Between 45,000 and 150,000 children are thought to be educated at home. Reasons for home schooling include fear of knife crime, drugs, bullying, or dissatisfaction with the quality of education.
kazen učiteljev
One in five teachers wishes for the return of corporal punishment, because they struggle every day with outrageous behaviour.
pisati z desno vs z levo roko
Left-handed children perform worse at school tests than right-handers.
succeed in getting
narediti nered
making a mess
jadrati skozi izpite
to sail through exams
nekaj je stresno
- To find something stressful
prevzeti odgovornost
- Take more responsibility
razmisliti o delu
- Think over you work
blok ura
stvari za pouk
- Teaching material (stvari za pouk zvezek, puščica, učbenik, itd.)
fifth form
- Fifth form: fifth year of secondary school in Britain
učni načrt
- Curriculum
- head teacher (ravnatelj): the teacher in charge of a school, the Head, Principal, Headmaster
Headmaster creates a positive and appropriate learning environment through the management of a school.
- Expel (izključiti): officially make (someone) leave a school or other organization.
elective subjects
An elective subject (also referred to as an ‘optional subject’) is not compulsory (unlike core subjects)
masters degree