svet se vrti zaradi…
- To make the world go round money is very important nowdays
živeti dostojno življenje
- To live a decent life
plačevati račune
to pay bills
dva načina plačevanja
- To pay in cash
- To pay by a bank card
mesečno plačilo
monthly instalments (payments)
how to earn money
by working hard
to inherit, inheritance
samodejno trga denar
spososditi in posoditi denar
- To borrow money from somebody
- To lend money to somebody
to make profit
potrošiti denar
to spend money on something
nekaj stane nekaj
something costs money
privoščiti si nekaj
to afford something
zadeti denar
- To win money in the lottery
prišparati denar za težke čase
- To save some money for a rainy day
where can you have your money
at home
a bank
- To get a certain percentage of interest
priti čez mesec
make ends meet
what a central bank does
to issue and print money
proti ponarajevanju
secure againts forgery
bančni račun
- You can open and close a bank account you can put money into it
lahko dvignemo denar
to withdraw it out of your account
a current account
is for money that can be withdrawn at any time but the interest is lower, sometimes this is an interest-free account.
savings or deposit account
- If you want to save money, you will open a savings account or a deposit account, you will deposit your money at your bank and gain interest, but you can’t withdraw it at anytime.
interest, the rate of interest may vary
zamenjava denarja
- At the local bank you can buy sell or exchange foreign currency you can pay a certain commission charge
- A standing order is a direct debit (trajnik) bills will be paid automatically
če imaš račun
- If you run account holder, your bank will send you a bank statement so that you can check the balance of your accounts.
bančni izpisek
bank statement
- If you need money, you don’t have any, your bank will give you a loan or allow an overdraft on the current account for when you are in the red.
- A cash dispenser, a cashpoint, ATM
ko hočeš dvigniti denar
- If you want to withdraw money from a cash dispenser your bank will give you a special card and the secret number (pin number, code)
- A dispenser will also give you your balance statement, you can pay certain bills or even transfer money from one account to another.
advantage of atm
you can withdraw the money at anytime because they are open 24 hours per day.
e banking
- You can have most of the services done for you through the system called e-banking.
multi milijonar
podedovati denar
inherit millions (an oil-heiress)
dobiti bogastvo
to won a fortune
ima več denarja kot smisla
got more money than sense
narejeni iz denarja
made of money
bogat poslovnež
wealthy businessman
dobro ji gre
extremly well-off
bogata družba
affluent society
bogat 3 sinonimi
denar ne kupi sreče vendar pomaga
- Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it helps.
sem malo v dolgu
- I’m a bit hard up at the moment, actually
biti brez denarja
to be broke