Weber & Class Inequality Flashcards
What is class?
Personal wealth and the skills are individuals can bring to the market place
What does class depend on?
your market place - as people compete for scarce resources
= same market positions as you = same class
What does class change and what is it characterised by?
Life chances and life style eg. Access to uni
Accent, locality, educations, intrests
What are the major class divisions?
between property owners and propertyless ;
market position of propertyless have different skills to offer
what does Weber say social stratification is?
A result from the limited resources in society -
economic resources prestige
Political party
What is growth of class down to?
Different qualifications and the power they have on workers in the market place when applying for jobs
What are webers 4 different classes?
- Dominate property owning
- White collar intelligentsia
- Petty bourgeoisie- small business owners
- Manual working class
What is status?
Your social position given to you by your prestige
What is status formed out of?
Judgement; we value some characteristics and despises others
- when we judge people we are referring them as their social status
- members of status groups are usually aware of their common status position
EG. Share the same lifestyle and restrict interaction with outsides “social closures”
Example of status?
Indias Caste System
- untouchables, at the bottom of society
Give an example of where class and status is not the case
The nouveaux riches “newly riches”, excluding from the previllaged status due to taste, manners and dress
What does stacey’s study show?
There are status groupes within social groups eg Working class; Respectable Ordinary Rough
What is party?
Within each class there a social divisions based on status //
Any organisation that helps members pursue their common interests
— influences policy
What does Runciman say about class position
its is the roles somebody does 💡 occupations are more important in assigning a class position 💡 career prospect is also important 💡 economic power is important