Ethnicity 20 marker Flashcards
Why GCSE differences? (1)
💩Swell - teachers have stereotypes based on black boys = see their behaviour as negative
💩Wright - teachers are overtly racist, teachers paid less attention to asian pupils but had higher expectations from then compared to black pupils
Why GCSE differences? (2)
😻 cassen and kingdom - around 1/2 of all low achieving school leavers are white British males 👀 Strand - white british have the low-socio economic homes = least progress 💡 Gillborn - poverty is largest driver for different performance, suggesting that class is more important
Chinese, A*-A 24%
Black, A* - A 4%
Why, Alevel?
1⃣ Connor et al - rates of stating on in full time educations is higher for ethnic minorities rather than whites
2⃣ Horgerson - explained by the cultural attitudes towards education
3⃣ Howard - ethnic minorities are motivated by higher qualifications so they dont have to work in low skilled work
Crime? Blacks
Black ethnic groups = overrepresented in ever stage of the criminal system > 3% of population ---- 8% arrests ---- 6% cautions ---- 12% prison population
Crimes? Asians and Whites
Slightly overrepresented
5% population
6% prison population
Whites = underrepresented
Less likely to be arrested, cautioned or imprisoned
Why crime???
1⃣ Holdaway - police officers have stereotypical views on the criminality of youths from blacks = higher rates of being stopped and searchedo
2⃣ Skolnick - canteen culture
3⃣ Macphersons Report
GSCE achievement vary between ethnic groups
Chinese - 18% 5 A*-C ; increased in 2007-2008 and 2011-2012 = narrowing the achievement gap Black - 4% below national average ; longterm achievement has narrowed by 3% in 2007/2008 Asian - 4% above national average
mixed - 40%
Black - 30%
Asian - 25%
White - 24%
British crime survey?
Great to fear of crime with ethnic minority groups
Great deal of crime is intra ethnic between ethnic group’s-
90% of crimes victims = white
at least one offender was white
Why Victimisation?
1⃣ Bowling and Philips - ethnic minority is Sophia high rates of victimisation feel over policed and under protected
2⃣ Sampson and Philips - victimisation is ongoing with repeated minor instances which are less likely to be reported