Gender Inequality Flashcards
What does Goldberg say?
Male hormones push men to dominance and female hormones push women to nurturing instincts
What does Geer say?
Society is misogyistic;
🎨Sexism links in with the argument that suggests the biological differences between males and females can be justify unequal treatment
What is sexual discrimination
When a person of one gender is favoured in terms of opportunity over another gender
Eg. Saudi Arabia - women are not allowed to drive
eg. FGM
What is misogyny?
Fear and hatred that some males have for women
What does Liberal Feminist Gavron say?
Women are trapped by tradition within the family, they should have more choice with regards to marriage and family
Eg. Parsons Roles
What does Liberal Feminist Oakley say?
Housewife role has been responsible for the subordination of women in the workforce female professionals at three times less likely to be married then male
What do Liberal feminist say
gender role socialisation = sexual division of labour
optimistic about the future
main aim for liberal feminists is to create equal but unities in education and work —- through legislation changes
Eg. Equal pay act, get rid of sexist views of women in books
What does Liberal Feminist Somerville say?
Women’s positions have improved; better access to divorce job opportunities control choosing between cohabitation and marriage
women still have yet to achieve full equality EG through the media and sport
Evaluation of Liberal Feminist
❌radical feminist LF is based on male norms EG value of individualistic and the importance of paid work
== simply encourage women to be like men not promote equality
Malala Yuseh
Example of female oppression, taliban stopped girls from going to school ==== controll
What does Marxist Feminist Benston say?
Women's domestic role is important in maintaining the capitalist society e.g. housewife give emotional support for her partner to enable him to return refreshed into work 😨 false class consciousness as men trickt to be dominate
What do Marxist Feminist say?
Women are the reserve army for labour
provide cheap labour in terms of economic roles
What does Marxist Feminist Ansley say?
Women are the takers of shit as they take the frustration that men build up in their exploitive jobs = capitalism causes the subordination of women
💙 Hochschild; triple shift
❌ Lach; family can be a haven in a heartless world
What does Marxist Feminist Barrett say?
Domination of men in the family is an echo of domination in capitalism
over workers for example men are dominated by bosses to regain their power they will dominate women
Evaluation of Marxist Feminist
❌ ignores patriarchal exploitation as it implies if capitalism does it disappeared so would oppression of women
❌ Women are now part of a permanent work force
What is sexism?
The idea that men were superior and different from women was so deep in society that most people never thought to question it
—- women’s inferiority has been seen as the natural order of things
What does Firestone Radical Feminist say?
Women do not know what it is to be female because femininity is described by men
patriarchy dominates the society!!
What does Geer Radical Feminist say?
Looked at develop female culture whilst being free from male influences
💡 traditional family is an institution of oppression to socialise theirs children in to gender roles
💡 subordinate women as it forces them to conform to feminine stereotypes
Matrifocal houses occur as an alternative!!
Evaluation of Radical Feminists
❌ ignores black feminism and class suggest that all women experiences are the same when they are not
Explain the triple system - Walby
Private and public patriarchy exists = women are disappointed in both spheres. 3 systems of oppression occurs;
1⃣ subordination, family/media/education = unequal relations between genders
2⃣ oppression, men discriminate women on stereotypes eg. Not taking seriously in the work place
3⃣ exploitation, men exploit women’s labour especially at home where they are under rewarded
Who puts forward the preference theory?
What does the preference theory say
Feminists have misled us, women are not victims they make rational choices — there is better labour market opportunities for women
What 3 different types of women do the preference theory put forwars
- Adaptive, work with family not prioritising either
- Work-centred, career focus, fitting family around it
- Home-centred, only will work if there is a storage of money
Who puts forward the critique of Feminism WITH NEW FEMINISM
What does Walter say?
Long way before equality is achieved - feminism needs to look at political solutions rather than personal;; gradual political change = gender equality
EG. So women gain more power so their opportunities improve - Denmark 40% of companies boards must be women
What dos Murdock functionalist say about gender inequality
Biological differences causes sexual division in labour
Men have greater physical strength and women are more caring = segregation of toles
What dos Parsons functionalist say about gender inequality
Women have the expressive role - socialising young
Men have the instrumental role
=== different role helps function society effectively
What does Marxist Engels say?
Men enjoy power over wen because they earnt a wage outside of the home
What does Marx and Engels say?
Capitalism will reduce inequality as there will be a demand in women’s labour