Water (W04-W09) Flashcards
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Aluminum
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Chloride
250 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Copper
1 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Manganese
0.05 mg/l
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Iron
0.3 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Silver
0.1 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Sodium
270 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Sulfate
250 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Sulfide
0.05 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Zinc
5 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Total Dissolved Solids
500 mg/L
Drinking water taste must meet threshold for - Free Chlorine
1.25 mg/L
Drinking water quality pre tests once a month -
Turbidity Coliforms pH Total dissolved solids Chlorine Arsenic Lead Copper Nitrate Benzene
Drinking water quality pre tests once a month are taken from where?
Water dispenser closest to the pipe
Drinking water on highest floor (more than two floors)
One additional drinking dispenser every 10 floors (more than 12 floors)
Water quality monitoring is done by -
Turbidity pH TDS Chlorine Coliforms Lead Copper
Piped water to drinking dispenser
Water is tested quarterly
Turbidity - 1.0 pH - 6.5-9 TDS - 500 mg/L Chlorine - 5 mg/L Coliforms - not in a 100 ml sample Lead - 10 Copper - 2 mg/L
To ensure drinking water access there must be -
One drinking water dispenser within 100ft walking distance of floor area
Water supplied is direct from pipes in buildings water supply/storage tanks
All new dispensers are designed for water bottle filling
All touch points are cleaned daily
Moisture management is minimized through -
Verification of site drainage during construction
Air tightness testing for water vapor transfer
Entryway design seeking to minimized water penetration in 3 ways
Installation of continuous drainage plane
Minimization of porous building materials - free draining spaces/non porous materials
Designs to minimize moisture -
Protection of moisture sensitive materials that could be exposed to liquid
Condensation on cold surfaces
All hard piped fixtures have single throw shut off or automatic shut off
Waste line fixed in place with a backflow preventor
Aspects of a mold and moisture plan -
Inspection of source of water drainage, discoloration, and mold
A system that inspects water pipe leaks
A system for occupants to notify management of mold or water damage
All bathrooms meet the following requirements -
Provide trash area in stalls
Provide sanitary products at no cost of half price
Hook, shelf, or storage area
Bathroom accommodations include -
One accessible stall per floor
One bathroom with a changing table
One syringe drop box at no cost
Single use bathrooms have use signage and one single use bathroom is per floor
Floor drains have self-primed liquid-seal trap
For project where most occupants are visitors -
Children's toilet facilities including sinks Changing table for infants Motion sensor lights Skid resistant floors Safety grab bars One designated location for bags
Handwashing support elements include?
Fragrance free hand soap is in sealed dispensers with disposable cartridges and refillable cartridges
Paper towels
Hand dryers with a HEPA filter Fabric hand towel rolls with dispensers
Signage of how to properly wash hands
Enhanced handwashing support elements include?
Toilets with hands free flushing
Contactless soap dispensers
Exit path from bathroom handsfree
Faucets are sensor activated, line purge system, hot and cold water are mixed at point of use