Movement (V03-V011) Flashcards
At least one staircase is open to all occupants servicing all floors is is designed by including at least two of the following on each floor -
- Music
- Artwork
- Lighting levels of at least 215 lux
- Windows or skylights
- Natural design elements
- Gamification
At least one staircase is supported by -
Point of decision signage near the main building entrance or the reception desk, elevator or escalator, at the base of the stairs and re entry points
Wayfinding signs to the stairs if not visible from signage locations
Visual stairs are promoted through -
Located physically or visibly before the elevators/escalators as measure from the main point of re entry to the building
Cycling infrastructure is provided through (Option 1) -
Located in an area (zip or postal code) with a minimum bike score of 50
The project is located within 650ft walking distance of a cycling network that connects riders to 10 use types within 3 mi distance of the project boundary
Cycling infrastructure is provided through (Option 2) -
Short term bike parking is located within 100 ft walking of a building entrance and can accommodate 2.5% of peak visitors
Long term bike parking is available within the project boundary to meet 5% of regular occupants & 30% for dwelling units
The project provides basic bike maintenance tools (long term bike parking) or quarterly bike maintainance services
Showers with changing facilities are available with 650ft of the project boundary: 0-100, 101-999, 1,000 - 4,999, 5,000+ occupants
- One
- One plus 1 for every 100 above 100
- 8 plus 1 for every 500 above 1,000
- 16 plus 1 for every 1,000 above 5,000
At least 5 lockers available for every shower (co located in shower facilities)
At least one of the building entrance opens to a pedestrian walkway meeting one of the following requirements -
Located in an area with a walk score of 70
Located on a street with restricted vehicular traffic
Within a .25 mile walk 90% of the street has sidewalks on both sides
Within a .25 mile walk 90% of the street has sidewalks on both sides and two of the following to meet option 1 for pedestrian friendly streets -
At least 8 use types re present within .25 miles of the project boundary
There is a speed limit of 25mph or less and buffer protections along sidewalks
Street segments intersect one another at least every 260-330 ft
All exterior building walls integrate the following design elements on the street level façade -
- Windows or glazing that provide transparency
- Murals or artistic art installations
- Overhangs
- Biophilic design
- Mixed building textures, colors, or design elements
What following requirements must be met to have a site with access to mass transit -
The project is located in an area with a minimum transit score of 70
Project is located with 650ft walking distance of a bus network that provides at least 72 weekday trips and 30 weekend trips
Project is located within .25 miles walking distance of an existing bus rapid transit stops, rail stations, or ferry stations
No cost physical activity opportunities are available and meet the following requirements -
Programming is appropriate for the population
Offered in person within a 650ft walking distance
Delivered by a physical activity professional
Physical activity opportunities are not withheld as a punishment for students
Physical activity programming is offered at the following frequencies -
At least one 30 min event a week or 60 min event a week (students) 1 (.5)
> 150 min per week or > 60 min a day (students) 2 (1)
Active workstations are available to those who work at stationary work stations and are presented in quantities described include -
Manual or electric adjustable desks
Solutions that allow for the work surface and devices to be lowered or raised
Treadmill desk
Bicycle desk
50% - 1 (.5)
90% - 2 (1)
A dedicated fitness area is located within the project boundary and is sized to one of the following requirements -
The space includes two types of exercise equipment that can allow for 5% of occupants to be using at one time
The space includes two types of exercise equipment and at least 270ft plus 1ft per occupant (max 10,000ft)
The project provides occupants with a fitness facility within 650ft at no cost
At least one of the following outdoor physical activity spaces is with a .25 mi walking distance -
- Green Space
- Blue space (Water/Swimming)
- Recreational field
- Fitness zone with all-weather fitness equipment
- Play space for children (If building has child occupants)
Project offers two of the following physical activity programs (Option 1) -
Rewards for physical activity engagement
Subsidy towards physical activity costs (including business travel)
Reductions in healthcare premiums based on physical activity
Flex hours to engage with physical activity
Paid time off for physical activity 4 days a year
Project offers two of the following physical activity programs (Option 2) -
Project monitors the utilization of incentives and verifies them at 50% use (Employees have utilized at least one over the year)
Annual improvement utilization of at least 10 points
Project offers two of the following physical activity programs (Option 3: Students) -
- A program that reduces daily time spent TV watching, computer/smartphone use, and gaming
- A program that aims to produce physical activity through teaching strategies to incorporate activity in the lesson, physical education, and recess or physical activity breaks
The project provides devices (fitness trackers) that meet the following requirements -
Available at no cost or subsidized by 50%
Allows users to monitor their own metrics over time
Measure at least two physical activity metrics
Measure at least one additional health behavior
Ergonomics support is achieved through (Option 1) -
Project engages with a certified ergonomist
The project has at least one employee who is a certified ergonomist which is defined in their job description and performance expectations
Ergonomics programming is achieved through (Option 2) -
Consultation with key stakeholders who are involved in the successful design and implementation of the ergonomics program
Incorporation of ergonomics into the projects mission document
Task analysis to identify job roles and tasks preformed by occupants
Individual ergonomic assessments (Onboarding, equipment changes, or a change in health status)
Strategies for employee engagement (at minimum annual)
Ergonomic improvements are achieved through -
Project describes how Part 1 design decisions within V02 & V07
Display commitment to addressing individual ergonomic needs (assessments)