Water Soluble Vitamins Flashcards
Tetrahydrofolic acid is the active form of what vitamin?
folic acid (folate)
What vitamin transfers one carbon fragment in synthesis of amino acids, purines, and thymine?
folic acid (folate)
What vitamin deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia and neural tube defects?
folic acid (folate)
High levels of B12 can mask what deficiency?
folic acid (folate)
What is the most common nutritional anemia?
microcytic anemia
What is lack of iron?
microcytic anemia
What is MCV?
mean corpuscular volume, used to determine nutritional anemias
What is protein-calorie malnutrition?
normocytic anemia
What is deficiency in vitamin B12/folate?
macrocytic anemia
What is the MCV for microcytic, normocytic, and macrocytic anemias?
microcytic: <80
normocytic: 80-100
macrocytic: >100
What is the normal MCV for adults?
80-100 um^3
Macrocytic anemias are often called _____.
What are the most common neural tube defects?
spina bifida and ancephaly
True or False? ALL women of childbearing age should concume 0.4mg/day of folic acid (but no more than 1 mg/day).
_____ supplementation before conception and during the first trimester eliminate spina bififa and ancephaly.
folic acid
How many pregnancies are affected by neural tube defects in US per year?
Methylcobalamin/deoxyadenosylcobalamin are the active forms of what vitamin?
vitamin B12
What vitamin functions as acofactot for conversion of homocysteine to methionine and methylalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA?
vitamin B12
What vitamin deficiency leads to pernicious (megaloblastic) anemia, dementia, spinal degeneration?
vitamin B12
What is the autoimmune destruction of parietal cells that synthesize intrinsic factor?
pernicious anemia
True or False? Pernicious anemia usually arises from insufficient consumption of B12.
False. Pernicious anemia usually arises from insufficient intestinal absorption
B12 deficiency can be masked by ______.
folic acid
What vitamin functions as an antioxidant and cofactor for hydroxylation reactions in procollagen?
vitmain C
What vitamin deficiency causes scurvy (sore, spongy gums, loose teeth and poor wound healing)?
vitamin C
Pyridoxal phosphate is the active form of what vitamin?
vitamin B6
What vitamin functions as a cofactor for enzymes (i.e. amino acid production)?
vitamin B6
What vitamin deficiency causes glossitis and neropathy (though rare)?
vitmain B6
Which vitmain causes neurologic symptoms at intakes greater than 2g/day?
vitmain B6
What vitamin is involved in transamination and deamination of amino acid metabolism?
vitamin B6
Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) is the active form of what vitamin?
vitamin B1
What 2 reactions use thiamine pyrophosphate as a coenzyme?
A. transketolase
B. pyruvate dehydrogenase and alpha-ketogluturate dehydrogenase
Beriberi and wernicke korsakoff syndrome are deficiencies of what vitamin?
vitamin B1
What has infantile symptoms of tachycardia, vomiting, convulsions, and death, and is often found in areas where polished rice is the major dietary component?
What is primarily seen in chronic alcoholics and include the following symptoms: apathy, loss of memory, and rhythmical eye movements?
wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
NAD+ and NADPH are active forms of what vitamin?
What vitamin aids in electron transfer?
Pellagra is caused by what vitamin deficiency?
High doses of what vitamin are used to treat hyperlipidemia?
FAD and FMN are the active forms of what vitamin?
vitamin B2
What vitamin accepts 2 H+ atoms and assists in oxidation and reduction reactions?
vitamin B2
What vitamin deficiency causes dermatitis, cheilosis, and glossitis (though rare)?
vitamin B2
Covalently bound carboxylase is the active form of what vitamin?
What vitamin participates in carboxylation reactions?
_____ results from a defect in the ability to remove biotin from carboxylases during their degradation.
multiple carboxylase deficiency
Part of coenzyme A is the active forms of what vitamin?
pantothenic acid
What vitamin functions as an acyl carrier?
pantothenic acid