Water & Light Flashcards
what is toxic to fish that small water features accumulate more of?
carbon dioxide
what factors should be looked into when designing residential water features?
desired sound levels, local regulations, access to power
which flexible pond liner has the longest life span on the prairies?
why would you choose to install a floating heater in a water feature?
to help fish overwinter, by allowing CO2 to be released
what can you finish the edge of a water feature with?
pebbles, indigenous rock, complementary plant material
how many direct hours of direct sunlight do hardy water lilies require?
5 -6 hours
one of the steps in balancing the ecosystem in water features is?
add oxygenating plants to the pond
which pond liner is susceptible to punctures and deterioration from UV rays
to help keep water features in balance, what % of the surface should be covered?
50 - 75%
how any days should chlorinated water sit before adding in fish and plants?
2 days
if a single lamp fails during a low voltage system test, what should be done first?
test the failed lamp
typical function of a bollard fixture?
lighting walkways or driveways
which type of lighting highlights the texture of a fence?
accent lighting
what is a GFI - ground fault indicator
Provide protection against electrical shock. Shut off power if a bare wire touches a ground object. Monitors the flow of electrical current in the circuit
when laying out a lighting system, where should the transformer be located?
in the centre of the design
how do you reduce voltage drop in a lighting install?
change from a 12 - 2 cable to a 10 - 2 cable
how do you go about installing the low voltage cable for a light system?
Start at the transformer and work out to the last fixture. Lay cable on soil surface. Bury the cable 10 - 15cm
some standard maintenance actions for low voltage system would be?
remove dust, run adjacent plant material, spray silicone lubricant in light sockets
what stage should maintenance for a low voltage light system begin?
at the design phase
T/F water is the most versatile and adaptable element you can introduce to a landscape?
T/F water features must be constructed in full sun and receive 6 hours direct sunlight?
T/F all features must have a large open body of water as part of design and construction?
T/F water feature can be designed either formal or informal?
T/F water features not need to match the scale of the property, existing landscape and buildings?
T/F in some municipalities a permit may be required to install water features?
T/F in some cases, small water features are ideal because they require less maintenance than large ones?
T/F protecting property is a major reason for installing night lighting?
T/F night scape lighting should look as natural as possible?
T/F lighting looks best when the source is hidden?
T/F downlighting is used to focus on a specific plant or area in the landscape?
T/F contour lighting is a form of downlighting mainly used for safety?
T/F shadow lighting is similar to silhouette lighting except the light source is placed behind the object?
T/F perspective lighting is often used to make a garden space seem smaller than it is?
T/F preformed or molded liners are manufactured from polyethylene or fibreglass?
T/F concrete is an ideal choice for pond construction on the prairies?
T/F a bubbling rock install is a fast and easy feature to install?
T/F some water pumps can be left in the water without harming the pump?
true, newer pumps can be frozen
how would you describe a puddled earth pond?
built on clay subsoil sites, good for large scale installs, requires steady water
what pond liner can be welded into a variety of shapes?
butyl rubber
a valuable characteristic of EPDM?
remains flexible at extremely cold temps
when choosing a pump what should you look for?
a pump that can move a minimum of 2 times the volume of water/hour
lifespan pf an LED bulb?
50k hours
lifespan of a halogen bulb?
3k hours
lifespan of incandescent bulb?
1200 hours
incandescent bulbs converts most of the energy it produces into heat, what % is that?
a GFI will shut off power in the event of a short in?
1/40th of a second
voltage drop formula
watts x length of cable / cable size constant
how wide and deep should marginal shelves be?
30cm x 30cm
hole for a preformed pond should be how much wider than the pond itself?
the walls of a water feature should have an angle of?
30 degrees
the ratio of height to length for a water feature is?
1 : 3
how do you tune a waterfall?
add smoother rocks, modify angle of water or add an echo chamber
what soil is needed for bog plants to survive?
1 : 1 mix of loam and organic matter
formula for volume?
length x width x depth
constant to convert to imperial gallons?
constant to convert to US gallons?
Y/N the cable for low voltage lighting needs to be protected in conduit?
Y/N wire connectors must be CSA approved for outdoor use?
Y/N 30 - 45cm of wire should be coiled and left at each fixture and transformer?
Y/N do transformers need to be connected to a socket with a GFI?
what % of water needs to be replaced at one time?
what’s the typical amount of evaporation from a feature?
3 - 5cm
how long do water lily blooms last?
3 days
why do you add native water to a pond as part of the balancing process?
to inoculate the pond with natural beneficial bacteria and other aquatic life
Y/N does lighting cable need to be replaced every 3 - 5 years?
what lighting systems are resistant to road salt damage?
bronze, copper and cast aluminium