Introduced Plants Flashcards
LAMIACEAE family traits?
opposite attachment, in whorls and fragrant
which is know for medicinal use?
echinacea purpurea - purple coneflower
which ASTERACEAE is known to attract butterflies?
eutrochium purpureum
which ASTERACEAE are hybrids?
leucanthemum x superbum
Y/N can poppies and coneflowers be used as winter interest?
Y/N will trollius species bloom in the early summer in part shade?
Y/N is papaver orientale foliage low growing, smooth and fine textured?
Y/N is trollius species - globeflower a good choice for a shady garden design that needs a tidy round plant to contrast broad textured plants?
Y/N in spring, do paeonia lactiflora leaves come up purple/red?
which ASTERACEAE resembles a noxious weed?
leucanthemum x superbum - Shasta daisy
a perennial bed with a complementary colour scheme of blues and golds, you require a LAMIACEAE that adds a vertical accent, blooms in summer thru fall?
salvia sylvestris - woodland sage
For a perennial bed with an analogous colour scheme of oranges, reds, and pink, what ASTERACEAE that would be suitable for the back of the bed is?
eutrochium purpureum - Joe pye weed
Y/N perovskia atriplicifolia belongs in the back of a bed?
Y/N does scabiosa have flowers that rise above the foliage on a raceme or whorls?
which EUPHORBIACEAE would be used in a sunny perennial bed with a splash of yellow?
euphorbia polychroma
which LAMIACEAE grows in full sun but can get aggressive and out compete other plants?
stachys byzantina
which CRASSULACEAE has a cultivar that looks like its covered in cobwebs?
sempervivum tectorum
which LAMIACEAE can be used for tumbling down and over rock walls?
creeping thyme
if primula were used as ground cover, what would the downside be?
the loose colony form allows for large weeds to infiltrate
maintenance consideration with sempervivum tectorum?
prune out inflorescence with shears
what to keep dianthus plumarius from looking messy and unattractive what would you do?
shear post blooming
what CARYOPHYLLACEAE has showy pink flowers?
soapwort - saponaria species
plants a good choice with kids, dogs and customers that don’t want a fussy plants?
hemerocallis species - daylilies
stachys byzantina - lambs ears
thymus species - mother, woolly, creeping thyme
Y/N will euphorbia polychroma provide provide fall colour?
how to tell a daylily from an iris?
daylily vase shaped strong central midrib
Y/N are daylilies monocots?
when does snow in summer bloom?
early summer
best place to plant sempervivum tectorum?
front of the bed in full sun
grassy textured plant in almost every colour?
hemerocallis cvs - daylily
one of the earliest blooming perennials?
primula - primrose
for textural contrast because its foliage is small and fragrant?
thymus species
which family of plants can start growing in a dry site with shallow soil?
papaver species are hard to transplant, why?
because of its taproot
what part of the papaver species is used for winter interest?
seed pods
Y/N does Veronica spicata need to be cut back after it finishes blooming?
yes, it will be messy once it falls open
which family has similar inflorescence to ASTERACEAE?
which tree has a golden colour to its wood making it valuable for coppicing?
salix alba var vitellina - golden willow
low growing understory shrub?
russian cypress - microbiota decussata
evergreen with a round form from CUPRESSACEAE and PINACEAE?
thuja occidentalis ‘woodwardii’
pinus mugo ‘snowmound’
which family has been used medicinally because of the ASA found in the buds?
which PINACEAE has orange flaking bark?
Pinus sylvestris - scots pine
why do fraxinus species tend to fall out of favour with landscapers?
due to the several insects that target the species
which OLEACEAE can be limbed up, has an oval form and high headed?
fraxinus pennsylvanica
which tree has small yellow flowers that attracts bees that turn into a seed in a cymose with large dry bracts?
tilia species - linden
when any PINACEAE tree is forming, its important to maintain its form and prune to maintain what?
excurrent form and apical dominance
what do PINACEAE and CUPRESSACEAE have in common?
they are both evergreens
which fraxinus species has red fall colour?
fraxinus americana ‘nobility’ - white ash
which PINACEAE grows well in moist boggy soils?
pinus aristata - bristlecone pine
which SAPINDACEAE is known for messy twiggy growth due to its opposite attachment?
acer tataricum - tatarian maple
which genera belong to the CUPRESSACEAE family?
thuja, microbiota, juniperus
excellent tree species used for shade due to its vase shape?
ulmus species - elms
why do you only prune elms in the winter?
to prevent the spread of dutch elm disease
what SAPINDACEAE has a nut like edible looking fruit but its actually poisonous?
aesculus glabra - Ohio buckeye
what does candle mean in regards to PINACEAE species?
expanding terminal buds
the JUGLANDACEAE has a fruit that contains a black oil that has been used for dyes?
juglans cinerea - butternut
which CUPRESSACEAE is used as a vertical accent?
thuja occidentalis - cedar/arborvitae
what is alberta provincial tree?
pinus contorta - lodgepole pine
what is a long lived tree good for future generation?
Quercus macrocarpa - bur oak
pinus aristata - bristlecone pine
pinus ponderosa - ponderosa pine
what tree is known for dropping its leaves early?
aesculus glabra - Ohio buckeye
which ones are best suited for a large park?
Quercus macrocarpa, pinus ponderosa
For a small site where a medium sized tree is needed that provides spring interest with white flowers and provides winter interest in the form of a dried capsules. What would you select
syringa reticulata
latin names for elders?
sambucus species, sambucus nigra, sambucus racemosa
which families are opposite leaf attachment?
wayfaring tree latin name?
viburnum lantana
tropical/oriental garden substitute for a Japanese maple?
sambucus species
nannyberry latin name?
viburnum lentago
difference between the v. lantana and the v. lentago buds?
lantana buds are hairy, lento buds are smooth
which shrubs are used for their bright foliage?
Berbers species, physocarpus, sambucus
what family has funnel formed flowers?
which lilac variety has red fall colour?
syringa pubescenspatula ‘miss kim’
what foliage does cotoneaster acutifolia have?
which family of shrubs are nitrogen fixing?
FABACEAE, caragana shrub
what shrub family has irregular flowers?
what shrubs are described as tough as nails?
caragana arborescens, caragana pygmaea
substitute for boxwoods in Alberta?
berberis thunbergii
which ADOXACEAE is ideal for naturalizing because its native to Canada?
viburnum lentago - nannyberry
which ROSACEAE would work in an oriental garden?
prunus triloba ‘multiplex’ - double flowering plum
what ROSACEAE would you use for its foliage and colour contrast?
physocarpus - ninebark
weigela Florida family?
euonymus alatus common name
winged burning bush
euonymus nanus common name?
turkestan burning bush
euonymus species family name?
caragana species family?
honeysuckle latin name and family?
lonicera species CAPRIFOLIACEAE