Water Cycle Flashcards
Where is an example destruction of a rainforests impacting the water cycle ?
The Amazon rainforest
What percentage of the Amazon rainforest has been lost ?
Over 20% of the forest has been destroyed
What are the impacts of the deforestation of the Amazon on the water cycle ?
75% EVT would reduce to 25%
Increased Run-off = Flooding & Mudslides
Less infiltration = No recharging aquifers
Overland flow = Soil erosion
Where is an example of Drought impacted by both physical and human aspects ?
The Sahel region of Africa
What is the climate of the Sahel ?
Drought sensitive with annual rainfall concentrated within the summer. Varying between 100mm and 800mm on southern margins
How have the impacts of droughts been increased ?
Through socio-economic conditions,
E.g Overgrazing, Environmental degradation, deforestation and poverty
Land degradation in arid regions resulting in climate variations and human activities
Where is an example of Flooding
England and Wales 2007
What was the rainfall in the UK floods ?
in July 387mm of rain fell double to average of 186mm
What river was impacted the most by the flooding in the UK ?
River Severn
What happened along river Severn ?
Worcesters river levels were 4.5m above normal
Tewkesbury had homes flooded, power supplies damaged and water supplies cut off
Where is an example of salt water encroachment ?
The Maldives due to rising sea levels and increased storms
Where is an example of Over abstraction ?
The Sonoran desert in Arizona has experienced over-abstraction as water is taken for irrigation and urbanisation
Where is an example of Water contamination ?
Hinkley, California
What contaminated ground water in Hinkley
Pacific Gas and Electric Company dumped about 370 million gallons of chromium-tainted wastewater into ponds
What is an example of large irrigation scheme causing problems ?
The Aral Sea
Where is the Aral Sea ?
The Aral sea is located in the continent of Asia. It is a transboundary lake, with one half in Kazakhstan and the other in Uzbekistan.
Why is the Aral Sea shrinking ?
Soviet government decided that the two rivers that fed the Aral Sea, would be diverted in order to irrigate the desert, in an attempt to grow rice and cotton.
How much has the Aral Sea declined ?
By 2007 the sea has declined to just 10% of its original size.
What are the economical impacts of the Aral Sea shrinking ?
. The fishing community of 60,000 people has collapse
. Salt was blown onto the surrounding area. Camels therefore died because the grass they were consuming was too salty.
What are the social impacts of the Aral Sea shrinking ?
. Drinking water supplies have are low, with the water being contaminated with pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.
. Respiratory illnesses are common in the region now due to dust containing highly toxic chemicals and fertilisers blowing from the dried sea.
. 10% infants die before 1 year old
What are the environmental impacts of the Aral Sea shrinking ?
Only 32 of the 70 mammal species and very few of the 24 fish species remain due to increasing temperatures
What has been done to save the Aral Sea ?
Kazakhstan built a dam between the northern and southern which separates the two water bodies and prevents flow out of the North Aral into the lower-elevation South Aral.
What is a example of a trans boundary water conflict ?
The Nile
How many countries complete for water along the Nile ?
What Dam was built in the 1960 along the Nile ?
Aswan High Dam, Egypt
Why was the Aswan high dam built ?
Increase the amount of hydroelectric power, regulate the flooding of the Nile and increase agricultural production.
What has caused conflict along the Nile ?
dams and barrages built in Sudan and Ethiopia that deprive downstream Egypt of its fair share of Nile water.
What is the dam in Ethiopia called ?
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Gerd)
How will the Gerd dam impact Egypt ?
lose its annual allocation of water from Blue Nile, which could cause electricity shortage and crop failure leading to economic distress in Egypt.
What is the Nile Basin Initiative ?
partnership among the Nile riparian states that “seeks to develop the river in a cooperative manner, share substantial socioeconomic benefits, and promote regional peace and security”.
How many of the countries are in the NBI ?
10 countries along the Nile
What have member of the NBI signed ?
In 2010, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda signed a water treaty stating that all riparians have equal rights to use the Niles water.
What is an example of a transfer project ?
Chinas South-North transfer project
Why is the China south-north transfer project needed ?
South is rich in water resources but the north is not
How will the water be transferred to the North ?
Through three canals which link to four major rivers
How much water will be transferred a year ?
It will transfer a total 44.8 billion cubic metres annually
Impacts of the South-North transfer project ?
Resettlement issues and the worsening of the water project
What is an example of Sustainable water management ?
What does Singapore do to be more sustainable ?
Collect every drop of water: the government has various ways of encouraging citizens to use water prudently.
Re-use water endlessly: Singapore is at the cutting edge of new technologies to re-use grey water
Desalinate more seawater: two desalination plants now meet 25% of the water demand.
How has the domestic water consumption fallen ?
Since 2003, per capita domestic water consumption has fallen from 165 litres per day to 150 litres per day.