Water Concept Flashcards
How much water should women and men drink?
W - 2.7 L
Men - 3.7 L
How many deaths annually attributed to unsafe water?
2 million
The quality of surface water in the U.S. is protected by which of the following legislation?
Clean Water Act
Two metals linked to developmental delays and deficits in learning abilities in children?
Lead and mercury
F30 - Fundamental Water Quality - What are the two major indicators for the presence of other contaminants? What are their limits?
Sample water:
Turbidity (<1.0 NTU)
Total Coliforms (0)
N.B. coliforms is a microorganism that includes bacteria. High coliforms = pathogens in the water
F31 - Inorganic Water Cotaminants
p1 Dissolved Metals (6 & Filter)
- Copper
- Arsenic
- Lead
- Mercury 0.002 mg/L
- Antimony
- Nickel
2 filtration systems:
- RO filter (Reverse-Osmosis) = membtrana 50-80% acqua sprecata
- KDF filter (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion filter) contain granules of a copper-zync
F32 - Organic Pollutants
8 Water Contaminants + 1 Filter and 3 Health Impacts
- Styrene, Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Vinyl (0.002 mg/L)
- Toluene, Xylenes, TCE
- PCBs (0.0005 mg/L.)
(1) Activated carbon filter (GAC)
(3) Health impacts:
- cancer
- immune deficiencies
- nervous system damage
F33 - Agricultural contaminants - water must meet limits for what 4 chemicals (p1) and 1 fertilizer (p2)?
Drinking water limits:
p1 - Pesticides and herbicides GAS 2,4 :
- Glyphosate -
- Atrazine
- Simazine
- 2,4-D
p2 - Fertilizer: Nitrates < 50 mg/L
N.B. use Activated Carbon filter (GAC)
F33 - Agricultural contaminants: what % of streams surface and groundwater contaminated in the ’90s
- ALL streams in ag/urban/mixed use areas;
- 30-60% of groundwater
F34 - Public Water Additives (Disinfectans, Disinfectants By-Products, Fluoride)
p1 - Disinfectans
Wich are the two disinfectants to control and destroy harmful microorganisms?
- chlorine (< 0,6 mg/L)
- chloramine (< 4 mg/L)
“Activated Carbon Filter” (GAC) to limits the excessive level
F34 - Public Water Additives (Disinfectans, Disinfectants By-Products, Fluoride)
p2 - Disinfectant By-Products
Which are the two DBPs?
- Trihalomethanes (THM) < 0,08 mg/ L
- Halocetic acids (HAAs) < 0,06 mg/ L
(cancer & kidney damage)
“Activated Carbon Filter” (GAC) to limits the excessive level
F34 - Public Water Additives (Disinfectans, Disinfectants By-Products, Fluoride)
p3 - Fluoride
What are the limits for flouride?
Fluoride < 4.0 mg/L (dental fluorosis)
“RO” (Reverse osmosis) or “Distillation” are the two remediations
F34 - Public Water Additives (Disinfectans, Disinfectants By-Products, Fluoride)
Excessive exposure of chlorine/chloramine and fluoride in water can cause adverse effects. Which ones?
aesthetic mottling of the teeth, stomach discomfort, eye/skin irritation, and cancer
F35 - Periodic Drinking Water Quality Testing
p1 - Requires to document and report which substances (4)? how often is testing done and reports submitted?
p2 - What are the three requirements for the written policy t?
(Quarterly Testing, Data Record Keeping)
Copper (1,0 mg/L)
Arsenic (0,01 mg/L)
Lead (0,01 mg/L)
Mercury (0,002 mg/L)
tested quarterly reports submitted annually, kept for 3 years
- How to enforce water quality monitoring and record-keeping strategies
- Records be kept for 3 years
- Plan for taking action if dissolved metals levels exceed the limits of Feature 31
F36 - Water Treatment (Organic chemical removal, Sediment Filter, Microbial Elimination. Water Quality Maintenance, Legionella Control)
p1-2-3-5 What are the 4 types of contaminants and removal technique for each?
p4- Water Quality Maintenance documentation and sumbission?
organic compounds → activated carbon
sediments → filter suspended solids
microbial → UVGI or NSF filter
Legionella → hazard analysis (a professional narrative that addresses the control of Legionella)
p4- annually to IWBI, kept for three years
F37 - Drinking Water Promotion (Water taste properties, Water access, Water dispencer maintance)
p1- what affect taste of water? (8)
MASSICZ e Total Dissolved Solids
Manganese (< 0,05 mg/L)
Aluminum (< 0,2 mg/L)
Sodium (< 270 mg/L)
Sulfate (< 250 mg/L)
Iron (< 0,3 mg/L)
Chloride (< 250 mg/L)
Zinc (< 5 mg/L)
Total Dissolved Solids < 500 mg/L
F37 - Drinking water Promotion (Water taste properties, Water access, Water dispencer maintance)
p2 - Where should water dispensers be located?
p3 - How often are water dispenser parts cleaned?
30 m (100 ft) of all parts of regularly occupied space
daily → mouthpieces, protective guards, basins (bocchini, protezioni, bacinelle)
quarterly → outlet screens and aerators (schermi e aeratori di uscita)
F37 - Drinking Water Promotion documentation (4)
Performance test
Letter of Assurance - Architect
Operations Schedule
Spot Check
A microorganism, including bacteria such as E. coli, naturally found in soil, vegetation, and in the intestinal tract of mammals.
Kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF)
Water filter for inorganic contaminants that contains flakes or granules of a copper-and-zinc alloy.
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
Herbicide that is likely to run off into ground and surface water sources
Reverse-osmosis (RO) filtration system
Water filtration system that uses a semipermeable membrane to filter water
A bacterium that is found in freshwater and can cause a serious form of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration system
An example of activated carbon filter, highly effective with organic contaminants, uses oxygen-treated carbon to chemically bond with the organic contaminants in water.
Microbial cyst
A microorganism in its dormant state that is resistant to typical disinfection methods.
Inorganic contaminant
An element or compound that may be found in a water supply, occurring from natural sources such as the geology of a location, resulting from human activities such as mining and industry, or leaching into a water supply through outdated or malfunctioning water supply infrastructure.
Organic contaminant
A human-made compound or chemical containing carbon atoms that has leached into ground and surface water from industrial activities, such as the production of plastics.
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)
A sterilization method that uses UV light to break down microorganisms by destroying their DNA.
A popular herbicide that is used to control weeds.
A nonselective herbicide that is used in many pesticide form
kidney and reproductive problems
drift, residues on food crops, and runoff into drinking water sources
Water that is used for cooling towers, boilers, and industrial processes.
Process water
A highly irritating, greenish-yellow gaseous halogen that can be introduced into a water supply as a gas, sodium hypochlorite solution, or calcium hypochlorite solid.
An infectious biological agent such as a bacterium, virus, or fungus that is capable of causing disease in its host.
A pesticide that is among the most widely used pesticides in
endocrine disruptor and cardiovascular
List techniques used to maintain water quality (3)
carbon filters
sediment filters
UV sanitation
The rate at which inorganic metals leach into drinking water is affected by: (3)
Disinfectant by-product (DBP)
A compound that forms when chlroine and chloramine react with organic materials in a water supply
An infectious biological agent such as bacterium, virus or fungus
Number of Preconditions and Optimizations
30-34 (P) 35-37 (O)