Comfort Concept Flashcards
The sound pressure limits of the octave band spectra ranging from 63 Hz to 8000 Hz.
Noise criteria (NC)
Specificano ovvero i livelli massimi di rumore che possono essere presenti in ogni banda di ottava

Total # of days of work missed due to Musculoskeletal disorders - back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel etc.
380,600 days makes up 1/3 of total days absent
An independent, non-governmental international organization that develops consensus-based, market-relevant standards for worldwide use.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
The pressure variation associated with sound waves, usually measured in decibels (dB). Also known as acoustic pressure.
Sound Pressure Level
A laboratory method for determining sound transmission through a wall.
Sound transmission class (STC)
The average value that determines the absorptive properties of materials.
Noise reduction coefficient (NRC)
the higher the better it can absorb sound
Leading source of dissatisfaction with office conditions?
acoustic problems
How many people worldwide have Lower back pain?
31 mln of Americans (7% of population)
Thermal comfort - only ___% of buildings met occupant satisfaction
F72 - Accessible Design (Accessibility and Usability)
All projects have to comply with ___or_____?
ADA (American Disability Act) Standards for Accessible Design
ISO 21542:2011, Building Construction - Accessibility of Built environment
F73 - Ergonomics Visual and Physical (Visual ergonomics, Desk Height Flexibility, Sit Flexibility)
p1 - Monitor must be adjustable for___ and____(2)
p2 - Requires that at least ___% of workstations have the ability to alternate between sitting and standing positions.
p3 - Chair height and seat depth are adjustable and compliant with ____.
p1 - height and distance from the user
p2 - 30%
p3 - HFES 100 or BIFMA G1
Benefetis on Musculoskeletal and nervous systems
F74 - Exterior Noise Intrusion (Sound Pressure Levels)
With empty spaces and within 1 hour of normal business hours, exterior noise intrusion does not exceed ___dBA
50 dBA → empty space → 1 hour normal business
75 - Internally Generated Noise (Acoustic Planning, Mechanical Equipment Sound Levels)
p1- Acoustic Plan identifies ___ and ___.
p2- Max noise from HVAC in spaces: Teleconference rooms___ Conference Rooms___ Enclosed Offices___ Open Offices ____
loud and quiet zones and noisy equipment
- Teleconference rooms < 20 NC (Noise Criteria)
- Conference Rooms < 30 NC
- Enclosed Offices < 35 NC
- Open Offices and lobby < 40 NC
F76 - Thermal Comfort (Ventilated Thermal, Natural Thermal Adaptation)
p1 - Mechanically ventilated projects must meet criteria under ____.
p2 - Naturally conditioned projects must meet criteria under ____.
ASHRAE 55-2013 Section 5.3 Standard Comfort Zone
ASHRAE 55-2013 Section 5.4 Adaptive Comfort Model
What is Homeothermy?
Homeothermy is the balancing of heat gains and losses to maintain the bodys core temperature within a narrow range between 97-100
F77 - Olfactory Comfort
Health risk odors?
- headaches
- eye and nasal discomfort
- nausea
- physical and psychological discomfort
- decrease productivity and lower occupan well-being
F77 - Olfactory Comfort (Source Separation)
p1- All restrooms and pantries, janitorial closets, kitchens, cafeterias, use these 5 methods to keep odors from migrating:
- negative pressurization
- self-closing doors
- vestibules
- hallways (corridoi)
- other intermediate rooms
F78 - Reverberation time
RT60 is ___. What is it for conference rooms and open office spaces?
the time it takes for sound level to decrease 60 dB
- 6 sec conference rooms
- 5 sec open office spaces
F79 - Sound Masking (Use, Limits)
p1 - p2 - Speakers emit low-level background noise (White noise) and it is measured at ____dBA in open workspaces and ___ dBA in enclosed offices
45-48 dBA in open office workspaces
40-42 dBA in enclosed offices
It improves Immune and nervous systems
F80 - Sound Reducing Surfaces (Ceilings, Vertical Surface)
p1- Ceilings has____NRC in open workspaces and ___ NRC in conference and teleconference rooms
p2- Vertical Surface has____NRC in open/partitioned workspaces and ___ NRC in enclosed offices, conference and teleconference
- Open workspace > 0,9 NRC for all ..
- Conference > 0,8 NRC for 50% …
…excluding lights, skylights, diffusers, and grilles
Vertical Surface
- Open > 0.8 NRC on 25% with height of the partion > 1,2 m
- Enclosed > 0.8 NRC on 25% surfaces
NRC = Noise Reduction Coefficient (proprietà assorbenti di un materiale o panello)
F81 - Sound Barriers (Wall Constr. Specification, Doorway, Wall Constr. Methodology)
p1 - Wall specs ___ STC for:
- Enclosed office with masking
- Enclosed office with no masking
- Conference room
p2 - Three possible strategies to reduce noise through doorways (3)
p3 - Three possible construction metodologies to reduce noise through walls (3)
- > 40 STC with
- > 45 STC without
- > 53 STC conference
- Gaskets (guarnizioni)
- Sweeps (spazza porte)
- Nonhollow cores (contropannelli)
- sealing acoustically at the top and bottom (sigillamento acustico)
- sealing all penetrations
- staggering board seams (sfalsare cuciture)
STC - Sound Transmission Class is a laboratory method for determining the sound transmissione through wall
F82 - Individual Thermal Comfort (Free address, Personal Thermal Comfort Devices)
For projects over ___ m2 :
p1- A - Provide a thermal gradient of at least___ across work spaces and between floor and rooms with more than___.
p1- B - ___% free address for occupants performing task with similar workstations
p2- Employees have access to fans and heaters when there are more than ___ workstations in the same heating/cooling (HVAC) zone.
> 200 m2
at least 3°C with more than 10 occupants
50% free address
thermal gradient = variazioni di temperatura
free address = choose their own work space in the office
F83 - Radiant Thermal (Lobbies, Office and Occupied spaces)
Hydronic and Electric Radiant system, what are the 4 benefits?
p1 - p2 - What standard? Hydronic and Electric Radiant systems, which 2 spaces are covered?
- saved floor space
- lower dust transportation
- higher winter humidity
- mean radiant temperature can be kept lower compared to convective heating (temperatura media radiante può essere mantenuta più bassa rispetto al convettivo)
ASHRAE 55-2013
- Lobbies/Common areas (elevators, stairs….) 100%
- Offices / Spaces regurarly occupied > 50%
Disability Adjusted Life for muscoloskeletal disorders
ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 specifies 6 factors for thermal comfort__?
- Metabolic rate (calore attività metabolica)
- Clothing insulation
- Air speed
- Air temperature
- Radiant temperature (surfaces temperatures)
- Humidity
Graphical representations of the properties of air at various thermal comfort condition
Psychrometric charts
Exposure to traffic noise have a higher risk for (3)_____, and exposure to road traffic and aircraft noises have a higher risk for (1) ___.
- Diabetes
- Strokes (ictus)
- Heart attacks
- Hypertension
Health risk for interior noise (3)?
- Distractions
- Decreased sense of privacy
- Lower productivity