WATER-3 preconditions Flashcards
The WELL Water concept covers aspects of the quality, distribution and control of liquid water in a building. It includes features that address the availability and contaminant thresholds of drinking water, as well as features targeting the management of water to avoid damage to building materials and environmental conditions.
Some of the chemicals used for disinfecting drinking water may combine with natural organic matter and generate byproducts sometimes correlated with reproductive disease and cancer such as
trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs)
The WELL Water concept aims to (5)
- increase the rate of adequate hydration in building users,
- reduce health risks due to contaminated water
- reduce health risks due to excessive moisture within buildings
- provide adequate sanitation through better infrastructure design and operations
- awareness and maintenance of water quality.
Feature W01 Precondition
Water Quality Indicators
Verify Water Quality Indicators
- Turbidity is less than or equal to 1.0 NTU, FTU or FNU (nephelometric turbidity, formazin turbidity or formazin nephelometric units, respectively).
- Coliforms are not detected in any 100 ml sample.
WATER- how many and which preconditions?
W01 Water Quality Indicators
W02 Drinking Water Quality
W03 Basic Water Management
WATER- how many and which optimizations?
6 W04 Enhanced Water Quality W05 Drinking Water Quality Management W06 Drinking Water Promotion W07 Moisture Management W08 Hygiene Support W09 β Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse
Typical technologies able to capture contaminants include (3)
activated carbon filters, ion exchange resins and reverse osmosis (RO) systems.
Feature W02 Precondition
parts (2)
Part 1
Meet Chemical Thresholds 11+3
Part 2
Meet Thresholds for Organics and Pesticides
-drinking water quality report or on-site testing
(municipal reports)
Part 1 Chemical Thresholds (3/11)
- provision of water dispensers
2. Arsenic ≤ 0.01 mg/L. Cadmium ≤ 0.003 mg/L. Chromium (total) ≤ 0.05 mg/L. Copper ≤ 2 mg/L. Fluoride ≤ 1.5 mg/L. Lead ≤ 0.01 mg/L. Mercury (total) ≤ 0.006 mg/L. Nickel ≤ 0.07 mg/L. Nitrate ≤ 50 mg/L as Nitrate (11 mg/L as Nitrogen). Nitrite ≤ 3 mg/L as Nitrite (0.9 mg/L as Nitrogen). Total chlorine ≤ 5 mg/L. (11)
- Residual (free) chlorine does not exceed 4 mg/L.
The concentration of total trihalomethanes (TTHM, sum of dibromochloromethane, bromodichloromethane, chloroform and bromoform) is 0.08 mg/L or less.
The concentration of haloacetic acids (HAA5, sum of chloroacetic, dichloroacetic, trichloroacetic, bromoacetic and dibromoacetic acids) is 0.06 mg/L or less.
2 Thresholds for Organics and Pesticides
Option 1: Drinking water quality report by municipality within last year (pesticides 2/8 & contaminants 3/10)
Option 2: On-site testing - unbiased prof/ pest&cont in dispensers
Feature W03 Precondition
Basic Water Management-
parts 2
Part 1
Monitor Chemical and Biological Water Quality
Part 2
Implement Legionella Management Plan
W03 Basic Water Management
Part 1
Monitor Chemical and Biological Water Quality tested (min.) and submitted annually for (5)
1 Turbidity.
2 pH.
3 Residual (free) chlorine.
4 Total coliforms, only if residual chlorine is below detection limits.
5 Any other water parameter found at 80% or above its threshold listed in W02 Part 1, as stated in the Final WELL Report or in subsequent annual sampling.
W03 Basic Water Management
Part 2
Implement Legionella Management Plan
1: Legionella plan development
2: Legionella plan implementation
Feature W04 Enhanced Water Quality
deals with (aim)
part 1
aesthetics and taste concerns.
-provide access to drinking water without unpleasant taste, odor and appearance.
- Meet Thresholds for Drinking Water Taste (1 point)
The water treatment system to address nuisance chemicals (2)
filtration with carbon media and reverse osmosis
Feature W04
Enhanced Water Quality
Meet Thresholds for Drinking Water Taste (1 point)
Aluminum ≤ 0.2 mg/L.
Chloride ≤ 250 mg/L. Copper ≤ 1 mg/L. Manganese ≤ 0.05 mg/L
Iron ≤ 0.3 mg/L.
Silver≤ 0.1 mg/L. Sodium ≤ 270 mg/L. Sulfate ≤ 250 mg/L. Sulfide ≤ 0.05 mg/L. Zinc ≤5 mg/L. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ≤ 500 mg/L. Free Chlorine ≤ 1.25 mg/L.
Verified by Performance Test
W04 Enhanced Water Quality
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are less than
Free Chlorine ≤
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ≤ 500 mg/L.
Free Chlorine ≤ 1.25 mg/L.
Feature W05
Drinking-Water Quality Management
2 parts
Maintain and display a consistent high quality of drinking water.
Part 1
Assess and Maintain Drinking Water Quality (2 points)
Part 2
Promote Drinking Water Transparency (1 point)
Feature W05
Drinking Water Quality Management
Part 1
Assess and Maintain Drinking Water Quality
1: Water quality pre-test - one month before Performance Verification
sampling , before any point-of-entry water treatment system
2: Water quality monitoring
piped water, Water is tested quarterly
turbidity, coliforms, TDS, total and residual chlorine, ph Arsenic. Lead. Copper. Nitrate Benzene.
Feature W05 Drinking Water Quality Management Part 2 Promote Drinking Water Transparency (1 point) (3)
- displayed near sources of drinking water or on website
- Water quality results & compliance with WELL thresholds.
- information about the treatment technologies and most recent date of device maintenance
Feature W06
Drinking Water Promotion (1 part)
readily available and maintained dispensers for drinking water.
Part 1
Ensure Drinking Water Access (1 point)
1: Dispenser availability 30 m/ (airports7terminals 90 m) / directly piped through the building’s water supply/ and made for bottle refill
2: Dispenser maintenance- daily cleaned
Feature W07 Moisture Management
aim (3)
Limit the potential for bacteria and mold growth within buildings from
water infiltration,
and internal leaks.
Feature W08 Hygiene Support
This WELL feature requires projects to
to provide bathrooms that accommodate users with diverse needs and to improve hygiene by offering large sinks, soap containers, hand drying support and reduced touch points.
Moisture can damage the building itself by
creating an environment hospitable to insects and other destructive pests,
corroding metal components and
degrading wood and porous building materials.
Projects can make conditions inhospitable to mold, microbes and pests, reducing the risk to respiratory health through 4
1 Through effective design of the building’s curtain wall,
2 water piping assemblies
3 ventilation systems,
4 by selecting appropriate materials where condensation may occur
Feature W07 Moisture Management
3 parts
Part 1
Design Envelope for Moisture Protection
Part 2
Design Interiors for Moisture Management
Part 3
Implement Mold and Moisture Management Plan
Moisture Management
Part 1
Design Envelope for Moisture Protection (1 point)
aims to minimize moisture intrusion and accumulation through the following (6)
1 For a project where construction occurs after registration,
-verification of site drainage and
-storm water management
during building construction phase.
2 Air tightness testing
to assess water vapor transfer.
3 Adverse vapor pressure differentials
that may cause condensation on interstitially hidden materials.
(Vapour-pressure deficit, or VPD, is the difference (deficit) between the amount of moisture in the air and how much moisture the air can hold when it is saturated)
4 Entryway design
that considers at least three strategies to minimize the ingress or permeation of water into the building.
5 Installation of a continuous drainage plane (e.g., a weather-resistant barrier integrated with flashing systems at penetrations), interior to the exterior cladding.
6 Minimization of capillary suction (wicking) in porous building materials through one of the below capillary break methods:
- free-draining spaces (e.g., between exterior cladding, weather-resistant barriers in wall assemblies).
- Non-porous materials (e.g., closed-cell foams, waterproofing membranes, metal) between porous materials.
Moisture Management
Part 2
Design Interiors for Moisture Management (1 point)
1: Condensation and liquid water management
(protection of moisture-sensitive building materials and selection of moisture-resistant materials or finishes
-address Condensation on cold surfaces )
2: Water leak control in fixtures
(readily accessible single-throw manual or automatic shut-off,
water treatment devices the drain or waste line is plumbed in-place and is equipped with a backflow prevention system
backflow prevention system 2
air gap or a backflow preventer valve.
W07 Moisture Management
Part 3
Implement Mold and Moisture Management Plan (1 point)
1: Operational moisture management
periodic inspection, system or inspection protocol for pipe leaks, system for occupants and tenants to notify
2: Leaks and mold inspections
Results of inspections are submitted annually
Feature W08
Hygiene Support
4 parts
Part 1
Provide Bathroom Accommodations (1 point)
Part 2
Enhance Bathroom Accommodations (1 point)
Part 3
Support Effective Handwashing (1 point)
Part 4
Provide Handwashing Supplies and Signage (1 point)
Feature W08
Hygiene Support
Part 1
Provide Bathroom Accommodations (1 point)
1: Bathroom Accommodations trash receptacles , free o 50% menstrual products, hook 1 per floor accecible 1 table change for infants syringe drop box at no cost signage Floor drains are equipped with a self-primed liquid-seal trap 2: Family bathrooms-e majority of occupants are visitors toilate sink table for children Motion sensor lights. Skid resistant floors. Safety grab bars. hook/bags
Feature W08
Hygiene Support
Part 2
Enhance Bathroom Accommodations (1 point)
hands-free flushing.
Contactless soap dispensers and hand drying.
exit the bathroom hands-free.
Equipped with a programmable line-purge system.
If mixing is used, hot- and cold-water lines are mixed at the point of use.
Feature W08
Hygiene Support
Part 3
Support Effective Handwashing (1 point)
The faucet design prevents the water column from flowing directly into the drain
or a sink drain stopper is installed.
Does not splash outside the sink when the faucet is fully open.
Newly installed sinks meet the following design parameters:
The sink basin is at least 23 cm across in the smallest dimension, measured at the point where the user is expected to place hands during hand washing.
The water column from the faucet spout to the basin is at least 20 cm in length (measured along flow of water, even if at an angle).
The water column is at least 7.5 cm away from any edge of the sink.
W08 Hygiene Support
Part 4
Provide Handwashing Supplies and Signage
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
Fragrance-free liquid hand soap dispensed through one of the following:
Sealed dispensers equipped with disposable soap cartridges.
Dispensers with detachable and closed containers for soap refill.
Soap containers must be washed and disinfected when emptied, before refilling.
One of the following methods for hand drying: Paper towels. Hand dryers equipped with a HEPA filter. Filter replacement and equipment maintenance are carried out per manufacturer’s instructions. This method is not available for healthcare projects. Fabric hand towel rolls with dispensers, with rolls replaced before reaching their end of service. Signage displaying steps for proper hand washing.