10 COMMUNITY Flashcards
The WELL Community concept aims to support access to essential healthcare, build a culture of health that accommodates diverse population needs and establish an inclusive, engaged occupant community.
How many and which preconditions
P C01 Health and Well-Being Promotion
P C02 Integrative Design
P C03 Emergency Preparedness
P C04 Occupant Survey
P C01 Health and Well-Being Promotion
Promote a deeper occupant understanding of the WELL features pursued by the project and of how building design, operations and policies impact health and well-being.
Part 1
Provide WELL Feature Guide
1: WELL feature guide &
2: Communications (quarterly)
By supporting awareness of health and wellness programs and policies,
projects can promote health literacy and encourage engagement with health resources, leading to both individual benefits
(e.g. increased participation in healthy behaviours and use of health services) and also employer benefits,
providing an estimated ?? return on investment.
4:1 return on investment.
P C02 Integrative Design
Facilitate a collaborative project process and support adherence to collective well-being and sustainability goals.
2 parts
Part 1 Facilitate Stakeholder Charrette
1: Stakeholder charrette & 2. orientation
+early discussion of all on health and well-being goals & Environmental and sustainability goals
+tours of all -how project adheres to WELL
Part 2
Promote Health-Oriented Mission
health-oriented mission, organizational objectives, discussed and available, ten concepts
P C03 Emergency Preparedness
Enable organizations, families and individuals to prepare and respond to diverse emergency situations.
Part 1 Develop Emergency Preparedness Plan
- risk assessment (assets, hazards, vulnerable groups)
- emergency management plan for min Natural, Fire, Health, Technological, Human-caused
- annual (at minimum) inventory and maintenance of building emergency response resources, list of specialized personnel, the plan is reviewed and updated
- education and training for RO- annual Communications & practice drills
Natural disasters kill around ?? people and
affect close to ?? people worldwide every year,
with both an immediate and long-term impact on human lives and built spaces.
The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates about ??% of small businesses permanently close following a disaster due to the lack of a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan with proper mitigation strategies.
kill around 90,000 people
affect close to 60 million people worldwide
40-60% of small businesses permanently close following a disaster
P C04 Occupant Survey
Evaluate the experience and self-reported health and well-being of building users through occupant surveys.
Part 1 Select Project Survey
Option 1: Third-party survey
Option 2: Custom survey Option
Option 3: Small employee population 10 pax
Part 2 Administer Survey and Report Results
1: Survey administration - RO annually, analysis qualified survey professional.
- time, date, no. of part, socio-demog., location, type, a certification achieved
how many optimizations?
C06 Health Services and Benefits
C07 Enhanced Health and Well-Being Promotion
C08 New Parent Support
C09 New Mother Support
C10 Family Support
C11 Civic Engagement
C12 Diversity and Inclusion
C13 Accessibility and Universal Design
C14 Emergency Resources
C05 Enhanced Occupant Survey
Build on minimum occupant survey requirements with enhanced and customized questions to comprehensively evaluate and respond to the experience and self-reported health and well-being of building users.
4 parts
Part 1 Utilize Enhanced Survey
1: Enhanced survey administration (co4+ap.2)
2: Result analysis and reporting
Part 2 Utilize Pre- and Post-Occupancy Survey
1: Pre-occupancy survey administration
2: Result analysis and reporting
Part 3 Implement Action Plan
Part 4 Facilitate Interviews, Focus Groups and/or Observation
C06 Health Services and Benefits
Support the overall health and well-being of individuals and their families by offering comprehensive health benefits, policies and services.
4 parts
Part 1 Promote Health Benefits
health benefits plan for ro F or S
Part 2 Offer On-Demand Health Services
F or S, on-site, in-person within 400 m of the project boundary
Part 3 Offer Sick Leave
10 days of sick leave are paid at min 50%
12 weeks of sick leave (may be unpaid)
Part 4 Support Community Immunity
C07 Enhanced Health and Well-Being Promotion
Cultivate a culture that prioritizes and promotes the health and well-being of all individuals.
Part 1 Promote Culture of Health
Health promotion strategies&coordinations
Monthly digital communications or quarterly education sessions
Part 2 Establish Health Promotion Leader
C08 New Parent Support
Provide support for new parents to properly care for themselves and their children.
Part 1 Offer New Parent Leave
Parental leave & support policies
40 weeks of parental leave- 1st 3 years non-cons.
Paid parental leave (min 75%) primary/non
12 w/2
18 w/3 w
30 w/ 4 w
C09 New Mother Support
Provide spaces and policies that encourage and support breastfeeding.
Part 1 Offer Workplace Breastfeeding Support
pumping support and travelling accommodations (o/24/48)
Part 2 Design Lactation Room
2,1 mq
C10 Family Support
Support working parents and caregivers so that they are able to properly care for members of their family.
Part 1 Offer Childcare Support
subsidies of at least 50%
Part 2 Offer Family Leave
12 weeks of leave, paid at min 75
Part 3 Offer Bereavement Support 20 days (5 paid, 3 d 75%)
C11 Civic Engagement
Encourage individuals to become actively involved in and connected to the surrounding community through volunteerism, public spaces and community programming.
Part 1 Promote Community Engagement
+2 days paid time off for volunteer activities +provide volunteer opportunities
+contribute annually to a registered charity
+one community engagement program
Part 2 Provide Community Space
public space 186 m2
or Community event space min 10 pax weekly available
Feature C12 Optimization
Diversity and Inclusion
Promote an equitable culture through the implementation and disclosure of diversity and inclusion policies and initiatives.
Part 1
Promote Diversity and Inclusion
third party program (approved third-party certification)
or custom
(3/4/5) Gender (assigned, identity and/or expression). Sexual orientation. Race/Ethnicity. Age. Socioeconomic background. Level of ability. Other metric(s) as identified by the project or organization.
\+comprehensive diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination policy \+comprehensive wage equity policy \+support diverse population groups \+annual trainings& reports \+one dedicated executive-level employee
C13 Accessibility and Universal Design
Provide buildings that are accessible, comfortable and usable for people of all backgrounds and abilities
Part 1
Integrate Universal Design (3 points)/6
Physical access Developmental and intellectual health: Wayfinding Operations Technology Safety
Feature C14 Optimization
Emergency Resources
Provide resources, personnel and training to help organizations, families and individuals respond to diverse emergency situations.
Part 1 Promote Emergency Resources (2 points) 1: Emergency resources (info, notification system, 1st aid kit, AED, epinephrine auto-injectors, rides 50%) 2: Emergency training and personnel
Part 2
Provide Opioid Response Kit and Training (2 points)
Naloxone rescue kits