9 MIND Flashcards
Mental health is
and is determined by
a state of well-being, in which individuals are able to live to their fullest potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to their community.
- is determined by a range of socioeconomic, biological and environmental factors, such as work conditions, lifestyle and health behaviors.
Mental health and substance use
??% global burden
%? of years lived with disability
13% of the global burden of disease and an estimated 32% of years lived with disability
Alcohol and drug use
3.3 million deaths per year (or 6% of all deaths) and 5% of the global burden of disease
Depression and anxiety disorders are among the leading causes of global burden of disease, ranking first and sixth, respectively.4 Depression alone accounts for
4% of the global burden of disease and is considered to be among the largest causes of disability worldwide.5
it is estimated that ??% of deaths worldwide (approximately eight million people per year) are attributable to mental health conditions.
An estimated ??% of adults will experience a common mental health condition, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse, over a 12-month period, and over ??% of adults will experience a mental health condition during their lifetime.
14.3% of deaths worldwide MHC
18% of adults will experience a common MHC 12 month
30% adults will experience a mental health condition during their lifetime.
The impact of mental health in the workplace is profound, with depression and anxiety alone costing the global economy an estimated ??? due to lost productivity.
$1 trillion
Suicide results in a tragic and preventable death, accounting for more than
800,000 deaths per year worldwide.
Mental and physical health impact each other across some of the most common chronic diseases, 3
HIV, cardiovascular disease and diabetes
chronic stress are associated with increased risk of numerous adverse health consequences, such as
depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and upper respiratory infection.
Depression alone is associated with an increased risk of disease,
including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and asthma.1
Due to the numerous ways in which mental health impacts physical health, people with mental health conditions experience a mortality rate ??
times higher than the general population and
-and a median of ?? years of potential life lost.
2.2 times higher than the general population and a median of 10 years of potential life lost.
How many and which preconditions?
Feature M01 Precondition
Mental Health Promotion
feature M02 Precondition
Nature and Place
How many and which optimizations?
Feature M03 Optimization
Mental Health Services
Feature M04 Optimization
Mental Health Education
Feature M05 Optimization
Stress Management
Feature M06 Optimization
Restorative Opportunities
Feature M07 Optimization
Restorative Spaces
Feature M08 Optimization
Restorative Programming
Feature M09 Optimization
Enhanced Access to Nature
Feature M10 Optimization
Tobacco Cessation
Feature M11 Optimization
Substance Use Services
Feature M03 Optimization
Mental Health Services
To increase awareness of mental health conditions, as well as offer supportive workplace services and accommodations for those living with such conditions.
erified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
Part 1
Offer Mental Health Screening (1 point)
(no cost/in person virtual screening by professional/ interpretation and guidelines/ for min stress, depression, anxiety and substance use)
Part 2
Offer Mental Health Services (1 point)
at no cost or subs./creening inpatient&outpation treatment & medication
Organizational commitment to mental health parity in health service coverag
info on benefits and Confidential benefits consultation -transparent access
Part 3
Offer Workplace Support (1 point)
sick leave/short long pahse return
interpersonal support-adjustment of workload or environment
Feature M01 Precondition
Mental Health Promotion
Promote mental health and well-being through the provision of supportive programs, policies and resources.
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
Part 1
Promote Mental Health and Well-being
Min 2 at no cost:
1 Education or awareness efforts on mental health and well-being, offered quarterly, either in-person or virtually (e.g., webcast on stress management, presentation on mindfulness, email on healthy sleep habits). 2 Trainings or courses related to mental health and well-being, offered annually, either in-person or virtually (e.g., Mental Health First Aid, stress management training).
3 Mindfulness or restorative programming, offered weekly, either in-person or virtually (e.g., ongoing access to guided meditation application, weekly yoga classes).7
4 Policy that establishes healthy working hours, outlining the maximum hours to be worked per 24-hour and seven-day period. 5 Dedicated space for restoration and relaxation, with an accompanying policy permitting breaks during work or school hours.
Annual communication (e.g., email, online module, in-person training)
all RO & onboarding communications
addressing mental health & well-being benefits, resources and programs available
Failure to address mental health in the workplace can contribute to (10)
high turnover, presenteeism and absenteeism, repetitive recruitment and training costs, increased use of drug plans, disability claims, sick leave, employee assistance plans (EAPs) and other costly supports, increased accidents and injuries, and burnout.
feature M02 Precondition
Nature and Place
Support occupant well-being by incorporating the natural environment throughout the project and integrating design that celebrates the project’s unique identity.
Verified by Professional Narrative
Part 1
Provide Connection to Nature
(Natural materials, patterns, shapes, colors, images or sounds, plants/water/nature views)
Part 2
Provide Connection to Place
(design elements: Celebration of culture &place, Integration of art, Human delight.)
Natural elements, such as plants and daylight, have been linked with ..5
The incorporation of plants in the work environment is linked with improved …4
Finally, the presence of water, natural light and nature views can impact …3
health-promoting benefits,
including decreased levels of depression and anxiety, increased attentional capacity, better recovery from job stress and illness, increased pain tolerance and increased psychological well-being.
employee morale, job satisfaction, and objective and subjective measures of productivity and with decreased absenteeism
mood, memory and performance in the workplace.9–11
individuals with depression miss an average of ?? workdays and experience ?? days of reduced productivity in a three-month period,
4.8 workdays and experience 11.5 days of
Feature M04 Optimization
Mental Health Education
Promote mental health awareness and education through the provision of mental health-focused training or education offerings.
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
Part 1
Offer Mental Health Education (1 point)
Trainings on demand 2/yrs on Managing personal mental health and well-being, Common mental health condition, Signs and symptoms of mental health distress
in person or virtually
Part 2
Offer Mental Health Education for Managers (1 point)
Feature M04 Optimization
Mental Health Education
Part 2
Offer Mental Health Education for Managers (1 point)
annual mental health training (in the form of education seminars, workshops or classes) that meets the following requirements:
Addresses at least 3 of the following topics: - Identifying and reducing workplace stress–related issues (e.g., conducting performance reviews, effective communication skills, personnel management, conflict resolution). - Recognizing common mental health conditions or concerns, covering, at a minimum, depression, anxiety, substance use, stress and burnout, and loneliness and social isolation. - Supporting employee mental well-being using strategies to prevent burnout, low motivation, fatigue, poor work-life balance and other work-related stress issues. - Recognizing employee mental health concerns or crises, including increasing awareness of workplace and community resources available to employees.
Provided in-person or virtually (live or recorded), in group or individual settings, and through vendors, on-site staff, health insurance plans, community groups or other qualified programs (e.g., Mental Health First Aid).
Feature M05 Optimization
Stress Management
Identify areas of stress within the workplace and create a plan for stress management.
Verified by Professional Narrative
Part 1
Develop Stress Management Plan (1 point)
through completion of the following:
Assess at least three of the organization- or project-wide metrics below: 6 Frequency of employees working more than 48 hours per seven-day period. Frequency of absenteeism, use of sick days and personal days or leave due to disability or illness. Frequency of employees not using allocated paid time off. Frequency of performance issues. Employee retention and turnover rates. Employee survey responses. Identify opportunities to address employee stress, covering the topics below: Opportunities for organizational change to address employee stress (e.g., adjustments to work environment, shifts in work processes, workload, management or staffing). Opportunities for employee participation in organizational decisions regarding workplace issues that may affect job stress (e.g., work environment, processes, scheduling). Outline a plan for implementation, including: Who is leading the initiative. What is to be completed. Where in the organization it will occur and who will be impacted. When and how it will be implemented. Availability of support from key management or leadership.
Stress is directly linked to ?? of 10 leading causes of death worldwide.
Stress is also a predictor of adverse mental health outcomes, such as 6
When stressed, individuals are less likely to engage in other key health behaviors, including smoking cessation, healthful eating and physical activity.
Employee stress is incredibly common, with recent studies reporting ??% of workers feel stress on the job and ??% report work as their number one stressor.
Stressed employees are more likely to quit, be involved in an accident, experience reduced performance and incur an average of nearly ?? % higher health care expenditures compared to less-stressed peers.
Employees who experience stress are more likely to miss work, resulting in an estimated ?? worker absences per day due to stress.
seven of 10 leading caused of death worldwide.
obesity, high cholesterol, muscle tension and backache, migraines and chronic headaches and poor recovery from illness.
depression, anxiety, substance use, suicide, emotional exhaustion and burnout.3–5
94% of workers feel stress
25% report work as their number one stressor
46% higher health care expenditures
one million worker absences per day due to stress.
Feature M06 Optimization
Restorative Opportunities
Support employee well-being by providing opportunities for recovery and restoration within and outside the workplace.
Part 1
Support Healthy Working Hours (0.5 point)
Part 2
Provide Nap Policy and Space (0.5 point)
30 min/ quiet zone/reclining furniture 1 per 100 pax
Insufficient sleep, in particular, is associated with numerous negative outcomes, such as 3
increased pain and anxiety, impaired performance and productivity and increased errors and risk of accident
Feature M06 Restorative Opportunities
Part 1
Support Healthy Working Hours (0.5 point)
1: Working hours
48h changes/ communication during hours
2: Paid time off
20 days+ plus other+ no communication
3: Student start times 8:30
Feature M07 Optimization
Restorative Spaces
Support access to spaces that promote restoration and relief from mental fatigue or stress.
1: Restorative space
7 m² plus 0.1 m² per regular occupant/max 186 m
lighting/termoacustic comfort/ nature/ seatings/visual privacy/ calming colors, textures and forms.
signage, education materials explaining purpose
2: Workday breaks-
paid breaks away from the workstation for all employees
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
M07 Restorative Spaces
Support access to spaces that promote restoration and relief from mental fatigue or stress.
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
Provide Restorative Programming
min 2 EE no cost or subsidized 50%:
Mindfulness training course (e.g., eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction course (MBSR)) offered live, either in-person or virtually, by a qualified mindfulness instructor at least 2 a year, that meets the following: Defines mindfulness and its component parts. Covers relevant research on mindfulness. Teaches both formal practices (e.g., mindfulness meditation, yoga postures) and informal practices (e.g., mindful eating, mindful listening) that can be applied during the workday. Mindfulness programming (e.g., guided meditation, yoga) offered live, either in-person or virtually, at least once a week in a designated quiet zone. Digital mindfulness offerings (e.g., guided meditation application). Employees have unlimited access to at least one digital offering and access to at least one designated quiet zone.
Feature M09 Optimization
Enhanced Access to Nature
Support access to nature beyond M02: Access to Nature and Beauty, by further incorporating nature through interior design, exterior design and access to nearby nature.
Part 1
Provide Nature Access Indoors (2 points)
75% of all workstations and seating view of plants/water nature views
within 10 m
Part 2
Provide Nature Access Outdoors (2 points)
1: Outdoor nature& access
outdoor least 5% of the project interior area / 70% includes nature plants canopies
green space or blue space is within a 200 m walk distance/ min 0.5 hectare.
presence of signage or maps
Feature M10 Tobacco Cessation
Reduce the use of tobacco through interventions that support tobacco cessation and prevent the sale and advertisement of tobacco products.
Part 1
Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources (1 point)
1: Incentive program/reward & 2: Individual cessation resources- lines/counseling/medications
Part 2
Limit Tobacco Availability (1 point)
Sale of tobacco product is prohibited, not marketed and not promoted
mind / Feature M11 Optimization
Substance Use Services
Increase availability and access to substance abuse and addiction support services, resources and care and prevent the development of substance abuse and addiction among occupants.
Part 1
Offer Substance Use Education (0.5 point)
clearly communicated Substance use policy
SU education-annual trainings
Management of personal substance use, peer’s support
Part 2
Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services
screening/councseling/inpatiant&outpatiant treatment
benefits/confidential benefits/o mental health parity
each $1 invested in screening and brief counseling interventions saves approximately ??$ in health care costs.
$4 in health care costs.