MIND- 2 preconditions Flashcards
The WELL Mind concept promotes mental health through policy, program and design strategies that seek to address the diverse factors that influence cognitive and emotional well-being.
Mind concept- how many and which preconditions
Feature M01
Mental Health Promotion Precondition
Feature M02
Nature and Place Precondition
Mental health and substance use conditions are a widespread global health concern and they collectively account for ?? % of the global burden of disease and an estimated 32% of years lived with disability.
Alcohol and drug use contribute significantly to the global burden of premature death and disability, with alcohol alone accounting for
3.3 million deaths per year (or 6% of all deaths) and 5% of the global burden of disease.
Mind concept- how many and which optimizations
Feature M03
Mental Health Services
Feature M04
Mental Health Education
Feature M05
Stress Management
Feature M06
Restorative Opportunities
Feature M07
Restorative Spaces
Feature M08
Restorative Programming
Feature M09
Enhanced Access to Nature Optimization
Feature M10 Optimization
Tobacco Cessation
Feature M11 Optimization
Substance Use Services
Feature M11 Optimization
Substance Use Services
Increase availability and access to substance abuse and addiction support services, resources and care and prevent the development of substance abuse and addiction among occupants.
2 parts
Part 1
Offer Substance Use Education (1 point)
substance use policy&education
Part 2
Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services (0.5 point)
For All Spaces /well core direct staff
2 millennial goals for mind concept
10 reduced inequalities
3 good health and well being
Feature M10 Optimization
Tobacco Cessation
Reduce the use of tobacco through interventions that support tobacco cessation and prevent the sale and advertisement of tobacco products.
2 parts
Part 1
Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources (1 point)
For All Spaces -incentive programms&individual cessation resources
Part 2
Limit Tobacco Availability (1 point)
For Retail Spaces
Tobacco is responsible for an estimated ?? million deaths per year globally among direct users,
and serves as the cause of death for up to half of its users.
In addition to those deaths caused by direct use, an estimated ??? annual deaths can be attributed to non-user exposure to second-hand smoke.
estimated six million deaths
890,000 annual deaths
Feature M09 Optimization
Enhanced Access to Nature
Support access to nature beyond M02: Access to Nature and Beauty, by further incorporating nature through interior design, exterior design and access to nearby nature.
2 parts
Provide Nature Access Indoors (2 points) & ourdoors
For All Spaces
design/workplaces 75% sight nature view and plants&water, conferences 10 m from plants
Note: Water features that may produce water aerosols (e.g., decorative fountains) cannot be installed in hospitals, healthcare settings or senior living facilities.15
outdoor nature&nature access
signage to - 0,5 ha , 200 m green/water, 70% of outdoor green ( min 5% of indoor area)
mind / Feature M08 Optimization
Restorative Programming
Support access to programs that promote restoration and relief from mental fatigue or stress.
Part 1
Provide Restorative Programming (0.5 point)
For All Spaces
At least two of the following are offered to all eligible employees at no cost or subsidized by at least 50%:
Mindfulness training course (e.g., eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction course (MBSR)) offered live, either in-person or virtually, by a qualified mindfulness instructor at least twice a year, that meets the following: Defines mindfulness and its component parts. Covers relevant research on mindfulness. Teaches both formal practices (e.g., mindfulness meditation, yoga postures) and informal practices (e.g., mindful eating, mindful listening) that can be applied during the workday. Mindfulness programming (e.g., guided meditation, yoga) offered live, either in-person or virtually, at least once a week in a designated quiet zone. Digital mindfulness offerings (e.g., guided meditation application). Employees have unlimited access to at least one digital offering and access to at least one designated quiet zone.
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule
Certification note:
Refer to feature S01 Sound Mapping, Part 1: Label Acoustical Zones for all designated quiet zones.
WELL Core Guidance:
To earn this optimization, the requirements should be met for direct staff.