Waste Management Flashcards
Need for Waste Management:
- Dumping of waste spoils the landscape of the area
2. Dumping of waste causes dieseases like Diarrhoea, Malaria, Plague etc.
General term used to describe any material that is discarded because it has serves its purpose and is no longer useful
Sources of Waste:
- Domestic
- Industrial
- Agricultural
- Commercial
- Construction
- Mining
- E-qaste
- Toxic and Non-Toxic Waste
Segregation of waste:
Dividng the waste into different categories like dry and wet or biodegradable and non-biodegradable
Dry waste:
Waste that doesnt decay and is non-biodegrafable
Ex: Timber, Saw Dust, Home and office furniture, Household Junks
Wet waste:
Waste that is organic in nature and is biodegradable.
Kitchen waste -> Vegetables and fruit feels, Stale food
Need for segregation:
or why is Segeregation keyy to effective waste management?
- Reduction in volume of waste that reaches landfills
- Air and water pollution is considerably reduced
- It becomes easier to apply diffeent processes of disposal like somposing, recycling and incineration
Waste can be segregated as
- Biodegradable
2. Non-Biodegradable
Biodegradable wasttes:
It can be decomposed or broken down by licing micro-organisms
Includes: Organic Waste ex: Kitchen waste, Vegetable, Fruits, Flowers leaves from garden, Paper
Non-Biodegradable wastes include:
- Recyclable waste: Plastic, paper, glass
- Toxic waste: Medcine, Pesticides
- Soiled: Hospital waste -> Soiled with blood and other body fluids
Dumping can be:
Open dumping
Sanitary Landfills
Open Dumping:
Waste materials are dumped in open low lands far away from city.
Cheapest and no planning
Disadvantages of Open Dumping:
- Spoil the sight of the area, Give out foul odour
- Breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies, insects etc —> Carriers of disease
- Burning of wastes -> Air pollution
- Rainwater -> Carries harmful wastes to nearby streams, ponds or lakes, Pollutes ground water
Sanitary Landfills:
The waste is packed and dumped daily at the site
Covered with earth to prevent insects or rodents from enterting into landfills
Then subject to bacterial decomposition
Gases in sanitary landfills:
Physical, Chemical and Biological reactions -> CO2, CH4, H2S –> Generate power
General advantage of Sanitary landfills:
Way of disposing refuse on land without creating nuisances or hazards to public health or safety.
Minimal Envioronemntal damage
Advantages of Sanitary Landfill:
- Free from air pollution from burining
- Mostly free from fire hazards
- Health problems reduced -> Breeding –> Covered wastes
What method of disposing in sanitary landfills:
Biological method of disposing of waste
5 Phases of Sanitary landfills:
- Aerobic bacteria depletes O2 and Temp increases
- Anaerobic conditions -> Evolution of H2 and CO2
- Established population of bacteria -> Methanogenic (Methane from organic matter activity)
- Stabilization of Methanogenic
- Depletes organic matter, returning to aerobic
Aerobic method of decomposing solid wastes.
Undergo decomp. that bacteria bacteria and other micro-organisms break them down and produce a safe clean, soil like material called COMPOST
Advantages of Composting:
- Enhances soil nutrients and waster retention of soils
- Suppreses plant diseaases
- Rejuventates poor soils by adding humus
- Checks soil erosion and silting of embankements