Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start? Flashcards
What is dolchstoss?

Many people believed the signing of the armistice was a ‘stab in the back’.
Who was in charge of the Weimar Republic and what was Article 48?
The President was elected by the people. Article 48 gave the President the power to make laws without approval from the Reichstag in times of emergency.
Who appoints the Chancellor?
The President appoints the Chancellor.
Who elected the MPs for the Reichstag?
The German people elected the Reichstag through proportional representation.
What new rights were the German people given by the Weimar Republic?
All men and women over 20 years were given the right to vote. The ‘Bill of Rights’ guaranteed all German citizens freedom of speech + religion, and equality under the law.
What were the territorial terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
- Lost 7 territories➡️Lost 13% of land= 6 million people.
- Lost overseas colonies.
- ‘Polish corridor’ given to Poland.
- Rhineland occupied for 15 years.
- Alsace-Lorraine returned to France.
What were the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
- Army limited to 100,000 soldiers.
- Air force disbanded.
- Navy limited to 15,000 sailors and 6 battleships.
What were the economic terms of Treaty of Versailles?
- Lost 15% of agricultural land.
- Reparations of £6,600 million.
- Lost 10% of industry.
What is diktat?

Many people believed Germany had been forced to sign and accept the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
How was the Treaty of Versailles unfairly harsh?
- Military restrictions➡️Left Germany defenceless.
- Territorial losses➡️Split Germany in two.
- Lost resources➡️Harder to pay reparations.
When was the Sparticist uprising and who led it?
January 1919. Luxembourg and Liebnecht.
What happened during the Sparticist uprising and why did it fail?
- Aim to overthrow government➡️Make Germany communist.
- Sparticists occupied buildings, organised strikes and created workers councils.
- Government used Freikorps as an armed force➡️equipped with modern weaponry➡️Uprising crushed in 7 days.
Who were the Freikorps?
Right wing, anti-communist, ex-army.
When was the Kapp Putsch and who led it?
March 1920. Led by Dr Wolfgang Kapp.
What happened during the Kapp Putsch and why did it fail?
- Aim to overthrow government➡️Set up right wing government.
- 5,000 led into rebellion➡️Army refused to fire on them.
- German workers declared a strike➡️No transport, power or water.
- Kapp ran, was hunted down and imprisoned.
Why did the German Republic need to sign the armistice?
October 1918- Army was weak➡️Starvation and riots.
9th November- Kaiser abdicated. Germany was losing the war.
Why did the French and Belgian invade the Ruhr in January 1923?
Germany had fallen behind in reparation payments. They intended to take what was owed to them in the form of raw materials and goods.
How did the government respond to the invasion of the Ruhr?
The government told the workers to follow a policy of “passive resistance” (strike). The government still paid the workers, which cost them a lot of money.
How did the invasion of the Ruhr cause hyperinflation?

The government couldn’t pay the workers so they printed more money. This made the value ⬇️ and the prices ⬆️.
Who were better off from hyperinflation?
- People in debt➡️Paid off debts easily.
- Big businessmen➡️Bought small businesses, benefitted from exporting goods.
Who lost out because of hyperinflation?
- People with savings➡️Money they’d saved became worthless.
- Pensioners➡️Pensions stayed the same, value went down.
- Workers paid weekly/monthly➡️By the time they received their pay, the money was worthless.
Who was appointed Chancellor in August 1923?

Gustav Stresemann.
How did Stresemann stop hyperinflation?
- Sent the workers back to work.
- Sept 1923 reparation payments resume.
- Nov 1923 new currency (Rentenmark) introduced.
When was the Munich Putsch?
8-9th November 1923.
During Stresemann’s Era, how did the economy improve/fail?
✅Germany given more time to pay reparations.
✅$800 million borrowed from America to boost economy.
✅Introduced the new Rentenmark.
✅Introduced reforms to help people.
❌Depended on American loans.
During Stresemann’s Era, how did the foreign policy improve/fail?
✅Germany joined League of Nations in 1926.
✅Stresemann began working on loosening the terms of the T.O.V.
✅Signed Lorcano Treaty➡️Set out borders between Germany and France.
❌Agreed to the loss of Alsace-Lorraine.
❌Nationalists and Communists attacked the Lorcano Treaty.
During Stresemann’s Era, how did the culture improve/fail?
✅Developments in architecture, art, books, films and cabaret.
✅’Golden Age’ for cinemas.
✅Sexual liberation and independence for women.
✅Free expression of ideas.
✅Night life.
❌Moral decline in some views.
During Stresemann’s Era, how did political opposition improve/fail?
✅Nationalists and Fascists didn’t win many seats.
✅WR became more stable by setting up the Great Coalition.
✅No more attempted uprisings.
✅Less support for the Nazis.
❌Great Coalition collapsed.
❌Nationalists and Fascists still allowed to exist and campaign.
❌30% opposition votes.
❌Nazis became more respectable.