Prehistoric ➡️3,500,000 BC-c.43AD Flashcards
What was the general health of people in prehistoric times like?
- Low life expectancy (approx. 35yrs)➡️Women didn’t live as long (probably due to childbirth).
- Arthritis due to physical activity.
- Rickets due to low iron (poor diet).
- 2% broken bones➡️Some showed signs of healing.
What natural treatments were used in prehistoric times?
- Broken bones put in clay or splints.
- Wounds covered in mud or animal skin.
- Chickweed (a medicinal plant).
What supernatural treatments were used in the prehistoric times?
- Chants and charms.
- Trepanning to release evil spirits.
- Crystal massages, pointing sticks.

Who provided medical care in prehistoric times?
- Shamen➡️Serious illnesses and superstitious treatments.
- Women➡️Everyday issues and rational treatments.
What evidence is used to come to conclusions about prehistoric times?
Archeological- Cave paintings, skeletons, tools, Isbister Tomb of Eagles (Orkney).
Anthropological- Inuits, Native Americans, Australian aborigines➡️Chants, crystals, buried excrement.

What are the problems with evidence for prehistoric times?
- No written records➡️Many conclusions are only informed guesses.
- Evidence is rare and incomplete/damaged.
- Cannot be sure Anthropological evidence is accurate to Prehistoric.
What ideas did people in the Prehistoric times have about the causes of illness?
Superstitious explanations➡️Trepanning suggests belief in evil spirits.
Describe the Prehistoric way of life.
- Nomadic➡️No settled life means no problem with waste disposal.
- Hunter/Gatherers.
- Simple tools and weaponry➡️E.g: stone and flint.
- Beliefs based on magic and spirits.
What and where is/was the Isbister Tomb?
Tomb of Eagles discovered at Isbister, Orkney in 1958.
Tomb dated from 3000BC➡️16,000+ bones discovered➡️342 individual skeletons.