Egyptian➡️c.3000BC- c.1000BC Flashcards
What did the Egyptians believe caused illness?
- Irrational➡️gods, e.g: Sekhmet and Bes.
- Rational➡️ Channel Theory.
What natural treatments did the Ancient Egyptians use?
- Herbal remedies e.g: honey, ochre.
- Vomiting to clear blocked ‘channels’.

What supernatural treatments did the Ancient Egyptians use?
- Prayer.
- Charms.
- Cats.

Who provided medical care in Ancient Egypt?
- Master Physicians➡️Specialised doctors only available to wealthy.
- Priest-Magician➡️Irrational treatments.
- Women.
What changes are to be found between prehistoric and Egyptian times and why?
- Written records.
- Doctors➡️Wealth and social hierarchy.
- Rational ideas➡️Observation.
- Improved knowledge of anatomy➡️Mummification.
- Better personal hygiene➡️Religious beliefs.
What continuations are to be found between prehistoric and Egyptian times and why?
- Causes still believed to be supernatural➡️No understanding of microorganisms.
- No public health system➡️Still a small civilisation, no need.
- Limited anatomical knowledge➡️Unable to carry out surgery due to pain, blood loss and infection.
How/Why did wealth in Ancient Egypt affect medicine?

Farming by the River Nile was so successful that landowners in Egypt became rich➡️This meant they were able to employ specialist doctors to look after them.
How/Why did farming in Ancient Egypt affect medicine?

The land by the River Nile was very fertile, so the Egyptians adopted farming instead of hunter/gathering➡️Less time and effort was focused on obtaining food➡️More time to observe their surroundings more carefully and form new theories➡️Egyptian doctors observed the River Nile and formed the Channel Theory based on irrigation.
How/Why did writing in Ancient Egypt affect medicine?

Egyptians developed papyrus and heiroglyphics➡️Easier to write on papyrus, writing more convenient➡️Treatments and remedies written and passed down, and doctors could learn from other people’s mistakes.
How/Why did religion in Ancient Egypt affect medicine?

Egyptians believed in numerous gods and goddesses➡️Ceremonies and rituals to please gods➡️Mummification (to prepare for afterlife) improved Egyptian knowledge of anatomy.

Explain the Channel Theory.
The Ancient Egyptians believed the body had channels which carried blood and air to keep the body healthy➡️When the channels were blocked, the person would become ill.
Name an Ancient Egyptian medical papyrus.
Papyrus Ebers, written c. 1500BC.
To what degree were the Ancient Egyptians able to carry out surgery?
They were good at practical first aid (broken bones, bandaging, stitching up wounds) however did not venture inside the body.
To what degree did the Ancient Egyptians use public health?
- They stressed the importance of cleanliness (used baths and toilets and took care of appearance➡️e.g: eye make-up), however this was mainly for religious reasons.
- No real public health system.
- Used mosquito nets however most likely to stop them biting, not to prevent malaria.