Warning Systems Flashcards
Master warning light
Time critical warning
Flap ovrd switch
GPWS too low flaps and
too low terrain caution
EICAS advisory message GND PROX SYST
If selected for more than 60 sec at speed 250 kts or greater
Ground proximity Gear override
Too low gear caution
Too low terrain caution
Landing config siren
Advisory message GND PROX SyS
If selected for more than 60 sec with speed greater than 290 kts
GND PROX G/S inhibit
Inhibits GS caution below 1000’
Enables GPWS voice callout 500 ra JA604A and after F and BCF
GND PROX light
GPWS caution exists
Enhanced GPWS lookahead caution exists.
PULL UP light
Descent rate severe
Closure rate with landing gear and flaps not on landing config
Enhanced GPWS look ahead warning exists
Terrain display
Dotted green
- 2000 below to 500 above (250)
Dotted amber
- 500 below (250) to 2000 above
Dotted red
- 2000 above
Dotted magenta
- no terrain available
Solid red
- terrain warning active
Solid amber
- terrain caution active
Terrain red
Terrain warning
20-30 sec from projected impact
Terrain amber
Terrain caution
40-60 sec from projected impact
Terrain display automatically
A look ahead alert occurs and
- Terrain Display switch is not selected and
- HSI Mode selector in VOR, APP, MAP or CTR MAP
Predictive windshear symbol displays automatically when
The aircraft is below 1200ft
A PWS alert occurs
WXR display switch not selected by either p
HSI mode in VOR, APP, MAP or CTR MAP
WXR radar display replace terr display if no active warning
System alert messages
Associated with system failures or faults that may require performance of a non normal procedure or affect the way the crew operate the airplane
Four categories
Time critical warning
System alert messages not associated with aircraft system failures but affect the way the crew operate
Configuration Airspeed Altitude Windshear GPWS TCAS Communication FMC messages
Time critical warning
Non normal condition requiring immediate crew awareness and corrective action to maintain safe flight. Master warning light Voice alerts ADI indications Stick shakers
Non normal operational or system condition requiring immediate crew awareness and corrective action
Non normal operational or system condition requiring immediate crew awareness,corrective action may be needed.