- The input to a basic stall warning system are:
a Angle of attack
- Where in the aircraft does JAR require the FDR to be fitted:
a At the back
- An FDR fitted to an aircraft of over 5700kgs after Apr 98 must record for:
b 25 hours
- Where is TCAS displayed?
- On its own screen
- On the EFIS
- Weather Radar
- On VSI
a. All 4
- The principle that TCAS uses is:
d. Transponders in the aircraft
- When an intruder aircraft has no Altitude Reporting facility, i.e. Mode equipped with ‘A’ transponder only, TCAS can only give:
c. TA only
What does a FDR record when combined with a CVR?
- Cockpit voice
- Radio
- Public addresses from the cockpit
- Cabin voice
a. 1, 2 & 3
- A GPWS system requires:
c Aural signals which may be supplemented by visual signals
- The Altitude Alert system alerts the pilot:
d When deviating from the selected altitude
- The Altitude Alert system:
a. May alert by visual signals when approaching the selected altitude
- TCAS II obtains information from:
Pressure encoding from mode S transponder Radio altimeter
Aircraft specific configurations
Inertial reference unit (IRU)
c. 1, 2, & 3
- What does a CVR record?
d. Radio conversations
- A stall warning system fitted to a large aircraft will always include:
b Various inputs including landing gear micro switch, a warning module and an aural warning
- GPWS is active between what heights:
50ft and 2450 ft
- What is the correct response to a TCAS RA?
Smoothly and immediately follow the climb or descent commands
- What symbol is used to represent a RA on a TCAS PPI?
c. Red square
- Which of the following is a preventative RA?
a. Monitor vertical speed
- What input is there to TCAS 2?
d Mode ‘S’ transponder which co-ordinates avoidance manoeuvres
- An aircraft registered after the 1 April 1998 requires a CVR which:
a. Records the last 2 hours of flight
- What are the JAR OPS requirements for the CVR to start and stop recording?
a. From the time when the aircraft is first able to move under its own power until it is no longer able to do so.
- An altitude alerting system must at least be capable of alerting the crew on:
- Approaching selected altitude.
- Excessive deviation from selected altitude.
- Excessive vertical speed.
- Excessive terrain closure.
- Abnormal gear/flap combination.
a. 1&2.
- An aircraft that weights more than 5,700 kg and was registered after 1 April 1998, the FDR and CVR must record respectively:
b. 25 hr. and 2 hr.
- “Other traffic” which is assessed as not being a threat will be indicated by a TCAS system as:
c. A hollow cyan diamond.
- Which of the following are modes of the GPWS?
- Excessive sink rate.
- Altitude loss after T/O or go-around.
- Excessive Glideslope deviation.
- High climb rate.
- Flaps in incorrect position.
- High altitude descent.
- Stall.
b. 1, 2, 3, & 5
- What corrective action is given by TCAS?
b. Climb or descend.
- The Flight Data Recorder actually starts running:
b. Before the a/c starts moving under its own power
- GPWS may indicate (list):
- Excessive sink rate after T/O.
- Excessive descent rate.
- Excessive closure with terrain.
- Ground proximity not in the landing configuration.
- Excessive glide-slope deviation.
- Altitude call-outs.
- Bank Angle alerting.
All 7
- TCAS 2 when fitted with mode C transponder may give:
TA and RA in vertical plane.
- According to JAR OPS when must the CVR on a 50 seat turbo prop a/c begin recording?
From before the a/c is capable of moving under its own power to after the a/c is no longer capable of moving under its own power.
- What is the GPWS Mode 3 audible alert?
DON’T SINK, DON’T SINK continuously.
- CVR components consist of:
- Microphone
- Crash/Fire resistant construction
- Independent battery
- A Flight data recorder
a. 1& 2
32 If an aircraft GPWS detects an excessive rate of descent with gear and flaps up, the alert and warning will be:
33 The requirement to carry a GPWS concerns aircraft which are, depending on their age, weight and passenger capacity:
1. Turbo prop. 2. Piston. 3. Jet.
b. 1, 3