- Where are the flight director modes displayed?
- The autopilot is in heading select mode, and the aircraft is flying on a heading of 270°. If you change heading to 360°, the flight director command bars will:
b. roll command bar moves to right and centres when AFDS angle of bank to intercept has been achieved
- What are the basic functions of an autopilot?
- Maintain pitch attitude
- Maintain wings level
- Altitude hold
- Heading hold
- Speed hold
b. 1 & 2
- At 50 feet agl during an autoland, what happens to the glideslope signal?
b is disconnected
- What is the wavelength of an ILS signal?
c. Metric
- A Yaw damper indicator will indicate to the pilot:
a yaw damper movement of rudder position
- The Autothrottle is set to climb at a constant mach number. If the temperature does not change, what happens to the CAS?
b Decreases
- Autothrottle engaged mode can be checked by the pilot, using:
a primary flight display
- The interception of the localiser beam by the autopilot is:
c a mode using an interception verses radio deviation law
- Engagement of the autopilot is not possible when:
- electrical supply is faulty
- the turn control knob is not set to centre off 3. there is a synchronisation fault
- there is a fault in the attitude reference unit
a 1, 2, 3, & 4
- On which instrument are the flight director bars normally present?
b. ADI
- What happens at 50ft whilst carrying out an autolanding?
d. glideslope disconnects and aircraft continues descent
- If you have selected a heading of 180° and are flying aircraft on heading of 160° to intercept the correct course, the ADI vertical bar be central when?
d. will only be central when flying correct attitude to intercept desired heading
- If the autopilot is selected to VOR mode, what happens if the aircraft flies over the cone of confusion?
a. Temporarily follows current heading until exiting the cone of confusion
- The autopilot disconnects (or the autoland is completed) at:
d. roll out
- The control law in a fly-by-wire system is a relationship between:
a. how the pilot’s control demands are translated into control surface movements.
- What are the autopilot minimum requirements in order to fly single pilot operations in IFR conditions or at night?
a Two axis autopilot with altitude hold and heading hold.
- When flying level in the cruise the …………….. holds height and the …………… holds the speed:
d Autopilot, Auto-throttle
- At what height during a semi-automatic landing is the autopilot disengaged:
c Decision height
At the missed approach point the TOGA switch on the throttles is depressed. Which of the following statements are correct:
- Autopilot selects max. power
- GA power selected
- Aircraft automatically cleans up
- Autopilot fly’s the GA manoeuvre
- Pilot manually fly’s manoeuvre
2& 4
If a Go-Around is initiated from an auto-approach:
- the autothrottle selects thrustas soon as the TOGA switch is pressed 2. the auotpilot carries out the climb
- the autopilot retracts flap and landing gear to reduce drag
- the pilot performs the climb
- the pilot retracts the flap and landing gear to reduce drag
1, 2 & 5
An auto-land system which can continue to automatically land the aircraft after a single failure is called:
d. Fail active
Where can the pilot look to see the autothrottle mode?
a. PFD
Where can the pilot look to see the thrust limit mode?
d. Primary EICAS
- The autopilot is engaged with no modes selected. What is the autopilot providing:
c. Auto-stability with auto-trim
- When is an Autoland procedure complete?
b. At the beginning of the ground roll
- During a CAT2 approach, what is providing the height information?
b. Radio Altimeter
- Autoland Flare is initiated at:
c. 50 ft
- An autopilot capable of altitude hold and heading hold is a minimum requirement for:
b. Single pilot operation under IFR and at night.
- During a fully automatic landing the autopilot:
b. and the auto-throttle control the approach at least until the roll-out.
- A landing is considered to be Automatic when:
1 autopilot flies the ILS to Decision Height, and then disengages
2 autothrottle maintains speed until Decision Height, and then disengages
3 autothrottle disengages thrust at 50ft
4 autopilot flies the ILS until the flare
5 the flare is automatic
c. 4& 5
In an autopilot system, modes for stabilising the a/c include which of the following: 1 Yaw damper. 2 Pitch attitude holding. 3 VOR axis holding. 4 ASI & Mach hold. 5 Horizontal wing holding. 6 Altitude holding.
b. 1, 2 & 5
In an autopilot system, a/c flight path modes include which of the following: 1 Pitch attitude holding. 2 Horizontal wing holding. 3 VOR axis holding. 4 Inertial heading holding. 5 ASI & Mach hold. 6 Yaw damper.
d. 3, 4 & 5
Auto-throttle can hold which of the following: 1 Speed. 2 Mach No. 3 Altitude. 4 N1/EPR. 5 VOR capture. 6 Vertical profile.
b. 1, 2 & 4
An autopilot system whereby if one A/P fails cannot carry out an auto-land is called fail_ _ _ _:
a. passive.
In a yaw damper:
d. rudder is moved in proportion to rate of angular velocity.
“LOC ARMED” lights up on the annunciator, this means:
b. localiser armed and awaiting capture.
What is the most basic function of an autopilot?
c. wing leveller
What does the autopilot pitch / rotate around?
a. centre of gravity
During a semi-automatic landing:
a. the A/P is disengaged at DH having followed the ILS.
If only a single A/P is used to climb, cruise and approach; following a failure:
d. it is fail safe and will disconnect.
In heading select the autopilot delivers roll commands to the controls to bank the aircraft:
1 proportional to TAS, but not beyond a specified maximum.
2 Set bank of 27 degrees.
3 Set bank of 15 degrees.
4 Proportional to the deviation from the selected heading.
d. 4&1
- Regarding autopilot and auto-throttle:
1 A/P holds IAS/MACH when climbing in LVL CHG and A/T controls thrust. 2 A/P holds altitude in cruise with ALT HOLD, A/T controls IAS/Mach.
3 A/P holds pitch in descent in V/S mode, A/T controls thrust.
4 A/P holds alt in climb mode, A/T controls IAS/Mach in speed.
a. 1 &2
- Auto-trim is fitted to an autopilot:
b. To prevent snatching on disengaging A/P.
- Auto throttle can hold:
- speed
- flight path 3. altitude
- Mach
- EPR / N1 6. attitude
1, 4, 5
- What is the purpose of the synchronisation in an autopilot:
- Prevents snatch on disengagement.
- Pevents snatch on engagement.
- Cancels rudder control inputs.
- May not allow the autopilot to engage if unserviceable.
2& 4
- When operating with the autopilot in ALT hold mode what happens if the Captain’s barometric altimeter pressure setting is increased?
b. Nothing
- TO/GA is engaged:
c. by the pilot pressing a button on or near the throttles
- On crossing the cone of confusion of a VOR when in VOR mode of the autopilot what will happen to the roll channel:
d. Temporarily switches to heading mode
- The function of autotrim is:
b. to relieve forces on the autopilot servomotor prior to hand over
- The Mach Trim system:
a compensates for the rearward movement of the CP due to shockwave formation
- The Flight Director horizontal and vertical bars are up and left of aircraft symbol on the ADI, these indications are directing the pilot to:
a. Increase pitch angle, turn left
- What does FADEC do?
- engine limitation protection
- automatic engine starting sequence
- manual engine starting sequence
- power management
d 1, 2, 3 & 4
- What does the Mach trim system use to prevent ‘Mach Tuck’?
a elevator
The autosynchronisation system does which of the following? 1. prevents snatching on engagement 2 prevents snatching on disengagement 3 cancels rudder input 4 works in climb, cruise and descent
When turning into a desired radial, FD bars indicate:
d correct attitude to intercept radial
If a pilot was to carry out a roll maneuver, on release of CWS what does the AP do?
b Maintain attitude only