Warfighter Exam Review Flashcards
What principle of the LOW allows destruction or seizure of an enemy’s property only when it is within the necessities of war?
The principle of military necessity.
What principle of the LOW prohibits armed forces from abusing LOW in order to gain an advantage over their adversaries?
What is the definition of combatants?
Combatants are military personnel lawfully engaging in hostilities, in an armed conflict, on behalf of a party to the conflict.
Who receives a non-POW status for their participation in hostilities?
Unprivileged belligerents
Who cannot compel nationals of the enemy state to take part in hostilities against their own country?
What is the definition of military objectives?
Military objectives are defined as objects, which by their nature, location, purpose or use, make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage
What are some examples of defended places?
Defended places are a fort or fortified place; a place occupied by a combatant force or through which a force is passing; and a city or town surrounded by defensive positions under circumstances where the city or town is indivisible from the defensive positions.
When may you attack works and installations containing dangerous forces?
You may attack works and installations containing dangerous forces only if they are providing significant and direct support to military operations, and an attack is the only feasible way to terminate the support.
What does cultural property include besides buildings dedicated to religion?
Cultural property also includes art and historic monuments.
When can you lawfully engage a hospital?
As an act of self-defense when you are receiving fire from a hospital.
What are two examples of ruses available to you to use on the battlefield?
The two examples of ruses are land warfare and use of enemy property
When can you use a reprisal?
For the sole purpose of enforcing future compliance with LOW when the enemy is in violation of LOW
What must you provide to all POWs?
Adequate food, facilities, and medical aid.
Who has the onus to communicate their intent to surrender?
The person or force surrendering
Who has the primary responsibility for investigating a suspected, alleged, or possible war crime?
The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) has the primary responsibility for investigating a suspected, alleged, or possible war crime
What two items are available to a commander in the prosecution of the LOW violations or a war crime?
A commander will use articles in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or general courts-martial proceedings to prosecute.
What is the definition of ROE?
ROE are directives issued by competent military authority that delineate the circumstances and limitations under which United States forces will initiate and/or continue combat engagement with other forces encountered
What are three primary sets of considerations that drive ROE?
policy, legal, and operational.
Whom does the commander use in helping with drafting, disseminating, interpreting, and training of ROE?
JAGC personnel
What can the implementation of ROE help you minimize on the battlefield?
Collateral damage
What constitutes a hostile act?
A hostile act is an attack or use of force against U.S. forces, and in certain circumstances, U.S. nationals and other designated persons and property, as well as force used directly to preclude or impede the mission and/or duties of U.S. forces.
What constitutes a hostile intent?
Hostile intent is the threat of imminent use of force against U.S. forces and other designated persons and property.
What constitutes a hostile force?
A hostile force is any group that the National Command Authority (NCA) designates as declared hostile.
Who is responsible for designating a force hostile?
The National Command Authority (NCA)