(T) Supply Procedures Flashcards
What is “CSDP”?
Command Supply Discipline Program - addresses
supervisory or managerial responsibilities within the supply system
The CSDP is the program of whom?
The commander
What is the CSDP?
A compilation of existing regulatory requirements brought together for visibility purposes. It is
directed at standardizing supply discipline throughout the Army. Also, the CSDP is meant to simplify command, supervisory, and managerial responsibilities.
How will supervisors and commanders utilize the CSDP?
- Become familiar with requirements
- Use as a guide in performance of their duties
- Report requirements to higher that cannot be completed
What is the purpose of the CSDP?
Establish supply discipline as regulatory guidance
The CSDP is a four-fold program that addresses what?
(1) Responsibilities of commanders and supervisors to instill supply discipline in their operations.
(2) Guidance for evaluating supply discipline.
(3) Feedback through command and technical channels for improving supply policy.
(4) Follow-up to ensure supply discipline is maintained.
What is the PHRH?
Primary Hand Receipt Holder
Who is the PHRH?
The Property Book Officer
How often is PHRH inventory reviewed?
Cyclically (annual, biannual, etc) as directed by PBO
What is the PBO?
Property Book Officer
When might the commander conduct a command-directed inventory?
- Evidence of forced or unlawful entry
- Discovery of unattended equipment or storage
- Alleged misappropriation of equipment
After a field exercise, an OCIE inventory must be conduced within how many days?
15 days (30 days for reserves)
What is “OCIE”?
Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment
How much Prescribed Load List material must be on hand at all times
Minimum 15 days
What happens to a soldiers’ OCIE during periods of absence (authorized or unauthorized)?
Immediate physical count on notification of status
All newly assigned or departing soldiers will have OCIE physically counted in what time frame?
Within 5 days of arrival or departure
Who cannot conduct a weapons/serial # inventory?
The unit armorer
What form is commonly called a “hand receipt”?
DA 2062
What is the hand receipt used for?
To issue property book or other durable items
What manual covers supply procedures?
DA PAM 710-2
What form is used to request equipment issue or turn-in?
DA 3161
What form is used to record issued OCIE?
DA 3645
As supply personnel, when you gain a new soldier, what must you do?
Acquire copy of OCIE record and assignment orders
What forms are used to conduct PMCS?
DA 5988-E
DA 2404