War Communism Flashcards
When was trade with other countries stopped by blockade?
Mid 1918 to 1921.
What exacerbated Russia’s economic problems during the Civil War?
Loss of breadbasket Ukraine, shortage of materials, lack of consumer goods. Red Army precedence in goods.
When was War Communism introduced?
Summer of 1918
What were the elements of War Communism?
Centralised economic measures were introduced; aimed to secure food for the cities, halt economic breakdown, focus industrial production on supplying the Red Army.
Why were warnings issued in January and April 1918 against the expropriation of industries without the approval of Vesenkha? How was this responded to?
More and more factories begged Sovnarkom to take control of their industries.
This was largely ignored.
When was the Decree on Nationalisation?
What was its significance? What did it entail?
28 June 1918. Leap into War Communism.
State to take full ownership of all metallurgical, textile, electrical, mining, cement and tanning industries.
When was the Nationalisation of all factories that employ more than 10 workers and more than 5 if machinery used?
29 November 1920
How was Workers control compromised by War Communism?
Workesr were sent to factories where they were most needed, and those who disobeyed were threatened with the loss of rations.
Longer hours were introduced.
Absenteeism punished through assignments to more difficult duties and deduction in rations.
Strikers threatened with execution.
Voluntary work on weekends encouraged.
Trotsky called for battalions of the Red Army to be mobilised into ‘labour armies’ and used to build roads, cut trees etc.
Who were another source of labour during the Civil War? What did Trotsky say to such a group of people?
Bankers, priests, factory owners, boyars, former tsarist officials and aristocrats were forced into work gangs to clear streets.
“Our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and fathers all had to clean up the shit and filth of you grandfathers and fathers. Now you are going to do the same thing for us.”
When was all private trade declared illegal?
21 November 1918
How was the program of nationalisation and abolition of money carried out?
Government prints money until it becomes useless.
Food Commissariat was the only organisation allowed to supply consumer items, allowed to confiscate stocks held by private traders.
What was the effect of the attempt to abolish money, subsequent collapse of the rouble?
Black market economy, bartering becomes common, ‘bagmen’ travelled from country to towns to sell food and gain substantial profit.
From 1918-19 what percentage of city dwellers bread was being supplied from illegal traders?
What free services did the state introduce to replace wages?
Postal service, public transport, medical treatment, food rations supplied by government free of charge.
What was introduced in July 1918? What did Lenin say of this?
Class based food rationing system was introduced wherein workers, soldiers and members of the Communist party received more food than the upper classes. “He who does not work, neither shall he eat.”
What was Lenin convinced was the cause of food shortages? What was introduced in order to stop this? when?
Kulaks hoarding surplus grain.
11 June 1918 Committees of the Poor (kombedy) were formed where surplus grain was to be uncovered and confiscated by the committees who would hand it over to Soviet officials, and poor peasants could keep a percentage of what they offered.
Why were the kombedy a failure?
Extra grain was received however peasants did not split up.
o Middle peasants who Lenin wanted to win over were targeted, confiscated grain was shared out amongst poor peasants.
o Peasants had a very communal vibe and were reluctant to turn on each other.
When were Committees of the Poor abolished?
December 1918
Lenin: “We were forced to resort
to War Communism by war and ruin.”
How did Figes analyse War Communism?
Product of growing divide in economic relations between the countryside and towns; unreliability of provincial soviet authorities in coordinating grain distribution set in train greater centralisation.
What were political changes that occurred as a result of the Civil War?
Government becomes increasingly reliant on authoritarianism.
Influx of military personnel into armies, more compliant, different values.
Why was Sovnarkom not as subordinate to the CEC as it may have been?
Yakov Sverdlov was chairman of the CEC and secretary of the Bolshevik Central Committee. He was adept at manipulating votes in the Soviet Congress.
When were Mensheviks and SRs expelled from the Soviet Congress?
14 June 1918
When were Left SRs barred from government?
9 July 1918
How many of the 480 decrees sanctioned in the first year of the Soviet regime were passed on to the CEC?
When did Sverdlov die?
March 1919
How was Party apparatus restricted after the death of Sverdlov?
Secreatriat (administrative), Politburo (Committee of five leading Communists, initially included Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky and two others), who were given authority to make decisions when urgency overruled a meeting of the Central Committee. Met daily,
Orbguro (made decision on personnel and delegated tasks to officials, organising body.)