October Revolution Flashcards
When did Lenin return to Petrograd in October?
7 October `
What did Kerensky do that triggered the October revolution directly?
9 October; orders transfer of the Petrograd garrison to the northern front. This was to rid the capital of troublesome troops and lead the bolsheviks into a poorly planned uprising. Soldiers of the garrison opposed the move, bolsheviks accuse the government of plotting to abandon government and close the soviets.
When did the Military Revolutionary Committee form? Who were the members? What was the effect?
Milvrevcom forms on 16 October. Five members, Trotsky, two Bolsheviks, two left SRs. Soviet gains substantial authority over Petrograd soldiers.
What happened on 21 October?
MRC declares itself the ruling authority of the garrison.
What did Alexander Kerensky do on 23 October?
Bridges linking Petrograd militant working class districts with the rest of the city to be raised. Troops shut down Bolshevik papers Workers Road and Soldier. Unsuccesful attempts made to arrest leading Bolsheviks and Milvrevcom. This despite Milrevcom’s declaration of defence of the Petrograd Soviet.
How did Trotsky respond to Alexander Kerensky from 23-24 October?
Red Guards and Milrevcom soldiers take over blockade checkpoints imposed by Kerensky. Bolshevik presses recaptured and activated. Seize control of strategic buildings, offices, railway stations, post and telegraph, state bank, telephone exchange, electricity station. Provisional Government troops did not put up a fight.
What did the Central Committee decide in the early hours of 25 October ?
Lenin returned and Committee gave their formal approval for the armed seizure of power.
What did Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko say on 25 October after the CC planned to take power?
“To work! Our leader is with us! Full speed ahead!”
How was the storming of the Winter Palace delayed?
Re-enforcments of sailors from Kronstadt naval base were three hours late, cannons did not initially work, lack of a red lantern, Aurora, the ship to signal the attack, was late.
How was the Winter Palace defended on 25 October?
140 volunteers of the Womens’ Death Battalion, forty disabled soldiers, bicycle unit, young trainee officers, small detachment of Cossacks. Many soldiers were getting tired and got dinner.
Who infiltrated the Winter Palace?
Red Guards, Sailors, Milrevcom soldiers.
When was the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets?
25 October 1917, night time.
What occurred on 10 October 1917?
Lenin calls for a meeting of Bolshevik Central Committee to discuss insurrection.
How did opinions differ at the 10 October Bolshevik meeting? What was the outcome?
Lenin said “History will not forgive us if we do not take power now.”; did not want a coalition socialist government to be formed which would marginalise Bolsheviks. Kamenev and Zinoviev felt the party should wait until elections for Constituent Assembly on 12 November. Trotsky favoured waiting until 25 October. Trotsky wins.
What did Martov propose at the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets?
Soviet parties form socialist coalition; backed by members of different parties. Denounced the actions of Bolsheviks and staged a walkout in protest against he events unfolding. Asked if a compromise could be made.
What did Trotsky say to Martov’s position?
“We hardened the revolutionary energy of the Petersburg workers and soldiers… the masses followed our banner and our insurrection was victorious. And now we are told: Renounce your victory, make concessions, compromise.”
Who remained after Martov led people out of the Congress?
Left SRs and Bolsheviks
What was the statement read out in the Congress after news of the storming of the Winter Palace came?
“Supported by an overwhelming majority of the workers, soldiers…the congress hereby resolves to take governmental power into its own hands.”
Hoe did Antonov-Ovseenko deal with ministers of the Provincial Government?
Put in the Peter and Paul fortress.
What was announced on 27 October 1917?
Lenin announces the formation of Soviet Government.
Who were the Sovnarkom?
Formed on 27 October. Council of People’s Commissars; all commissars were Bolsheviks.
Name four commissars of of Sovnarkom?
Alexandra Kollontai (commissar of social welfare). Josef Stalin (commissar of nationalities.) Trotsky (commissar of foreign affair). Lenin is chairman.
What was voted in on 27 October?
Soviet Central Executive Committee (CEC).
Who composed the CEC?
29 Left SRs, six Menshevik Internationalists, 62 Bolsheviks.
How did Lenin appease claims that the Bolsheviks had too much power?
Claimed Sovnarkom would rule until the Constituent Assembly convened in early 1918 and proposed November elections to go ahead.