War and Peace Flashcards
Historical origins
Emperor Constantines edict led to toleration of Christianity before it became the offical state religion of the Roman Empire
There was conflict between romes imperial ambition anf christianities message of peace and love
Just war theory reconciles this conflict by giving religious legitimacy to warfare
Jus ad bellum- reasons to go to war
Just cause
Declared by competent authority
Just intention
Comparison of justice on both sides
Last resort
Likelihood of sucess- result in better state of affairs
Proportionality-damage must be proportionate to good expected
Jus in bello- Conduct in war
Reasonable proportion between the injustice being fought and suffering inflicted by war
Proportionality executed to threat
Warfare must be discriminate- intentions of killing is prohibited
Jus in bello- Conduct in war
Reasonable proportion between the injustice being fought and suffering inflicted by war
Proportionality executed to threat
Warfare must be discriminate- intentions of killing is prohibited
Jus post bellum- conduct after war
avoid revenge
reconstruction of defeated states
create peace treaties
agree terms (conditions) to end Example treaty of versailles signer after WW1 failed to avoid revenge so has high repercussions
4 criticisms of just war theory
The theory is unrealistic and pointless because nations decide to fight wars on the basis of realism and stength
Terrorists are often uninterested in ethical and moral roles -which would out other nations at a disadvantage
Carries no guarantee it will be appropriately applief
Who has a just cause and eho is a competent authority is subjective
John Nash’s game theory
In the Prisoner’s Dilemma game, two prisoners can either cooperate (stay quiet) or betray (talk). The best outcome for both is to cooperate. But the Nash Equilibrium happens when both betray each other, because neither prisoner can do better by changing their decision, even though it’s not the best outcome for both.
In long term relations between world powers game theory shows that shared interest lies in cooperation over conflict
4 types of pacifism
Absolute pacifism- the belief that its never right to take part in war because nothing can justify the killing of human beings
Relative pacifism- war is wrong but there may be circumstances when war is the lesser of two evils
Selective/nuclear pacifism- opposition to wars involving weapons of mass destruction
Active pacifism- actively engaging in political activities and campaigns to promote peace
War on terror
Global war on terrorism
Attack between Afghanistan and Middle East
Ousted the Taliban regime that harbored al-Qaeda
3000 Americans killed
Declared by American president George W Bush
The Fawlands War
10 week undeclared war between Argentina and UK over 2 British independent territories
Uk superior in both airforce and navy so won in 74 days
Treaty of Versallies didnt succeed
Absolute pacifist
Taught that he would rather die himself than inflict violence onto another
Fasted to death (Santara) to get Britain out of India
CND (campaign for nuclear disarment)
Selective pacifist
Protested for Britain to get rid of Trident and join global majority of countries that dont want nuclear weapons
Martin Luther King
Active pacifist
Montgomery bus boycotts
Greater- inner spiritual journey to becoming a better muslim
Lesser- outer physical struggle to defend Islam
Pacifism Critcism- doesnt serve principle of utility
War resolves conflicts in a way pacifism never could. For example, in WW2 it was more effective to go to war than attempt to make peace
Criticism- unrealistic and war is effective
There always has and will be wars they are an inevitability
Just war theory accepts
Criticism- pacifists get overtaken
any nation unwilling to fight would be overtaken by their neighbors willingness to fight
Criticisms- strong nations have responsibility
Protect weaker nations from unjust aggression, pacifism undermines this
Example, in NATO stronger countries such as the US and UK provide support to weaker countries such as Lithuania against aggression from Russia
Thomas Aquinas’ principle of Double Effects
An act can be moral even if there are immoral unintended effects of the acts, if the intended effects are moral
E.G. a state seeks to kill evil terrorists but they still kill innocent civilians in the process
John Mearshermer’s Offensive Realism: RASU
Rational states compete for power e.g. USA and China
Anarchy exists in the global system e.g. Putin invaded Ukraine violating international law
Survival is the number one priority e.g. nuclear weapons
Uncertainty about other states actions exist - need to have aggressive defensive foreign policy